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Warning: May include sex, nudity, smoking, and language within this chapter.

Samuel turned over onto his back, a small groan escaping from his lips while he could hear the sound of birds chirping as his headache only increased further. He sat up, scrunching his face in confusion as he looked around at the large room that hadn't been part of the hotel he was staying at. He slowly stood up from the bed, walking around the massive room before making his way over to the opened window, where snow was sticking to the ground outside and the pool was frozen solid.

He felt the black velvet curtains as he looked out onto the massive yard filled with various trees that had their leaves fallen on the dead grass. The yard had been surrounded by the building, which gave off the sense that this was some twisted Beauty and the Beast fantasy, because it looked as if he was inside of a castle.

Samuel let out a sigh, frustrated that he couldn't remember what had happened last night or how he ended up in this room. He carefully released his grip on the curtain, for they seemed too soft to be true and feared they might give him some sort of strange cut from whatever fabric had sown the threads together. He walked over to the iron double doors of the bedroom, pulling on the handle only to find out that he was locked inside the room.

The sound of his small fists banging echoed throughout the room as they collided with the door in an effortless attempt to gain the attention of someone to let him out. A sigh escaped his mouth as he pressed his forehead against the door, coming to the realization that nobody was going to come to the door.

. . .

The rest of the day passed slowly as if Samuel had been staring at an invisible clock. Periodically, he wandered around the room and banged on the door whenever he was near. The full moon was now shining through the slit of the curtains that had been pulled together after he decided to close the window when it was getting too cold. It was the only light in the room besides two small lights near the doors.

His ears perked up as he heard the small rattling of keys coming from the doors, with the sound of footsteps coming and leaving. He stood from the bed and slowly tiptoed over to the doors, placing his ear against the freezing iron to listen for the slightest of conversation about what was happening.

When he didn't hear anything and decided it was safe enough, he opened the door slowly and peaked his head out before stepping out into the dimly lit hallway. He walked down a long set of white marble stairs and seemingly endless halls before walking into a brightly lit room with a roaring fire.

"Oh, fuck me," he muttered as a specific painting caught his eye, making him freeze where he stood.

It was a painting of himself and since he was close enough, he could see the artist's signature.

"Massimo," he muttered before hearing footsteps behind him.

"Are you lost, baby boy?" Massimo asked as Samuel slowly turned to face him.

"You. . ." Samuel trailed off, his vision becoming blurring and failing him, while his heart raced rapidly, feeling as if it could leap from his chest at any moment.

Massimo let out a small sigh, catching the small body of Samuel's as he fainted.

./.Five Minutes Later./.

Samuel slowly opened his eyes, watching Massimo approaching him cautiously with a piece of ice between two fingers he had gotten out of a glass of liquor.

"Suck on it," Massimo said lowly, placing the ice cube into Samuel's slightly parted lips.

Samuel's breath hitched as Massimo's finger's brushed against his lips, his dark eyes taking in the natural shade of pink from the boy that sat in front of him.

Finding Samuel: 365 Days (BxB)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon