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I opened the door to mine and Mari's apartment to see her on the couch, still on her pj's and with a cup on her hands. She was watching re runs of How I Met Your Mother, which is our favorite show ever.

She turned her head my way to greet me. "Well hello there my lovely friend who is wearing different clothes that the ones she was wearing yesterday" I cracked a laugh at her comment and answered "Well hello there my also lovely friend whom I have to tell so much tea to" "You hoe come right here and tell me now" she said with an excited squeal at the end and motioning me to come sit next to her on the couch.

"... and then he took me to breakfast to The Pantry and brought me here" I finished telling her everything that happened yesterday not missing a detail cause I know she won't accept that. "Holy fuck Sar, that's so fucking amazing. And you're wearing his clothes and everything.... you did give him your number this time didn't you?" She said while looking at me curious. "Yeah obviously Mar, I'm not THAT stupid" I said while emphasizing on that.

We laughed till we heard a knock at the door and then a really tanned Max came through the door "Ya know, usually when someone knocks on another persons door, they wait till the person opens" Mari said while looking at Max. "I missed you too Mar, glad to see you didn't change while I was gone" he said and dropped his backpack on the floor. I stood up to hug him hello while I heard Mari said behind me "You weren't gone long enough for that to happen" she also stood up from the couch to hug Max but after we pulled away from our hug he asked "Sar, why do you smell like a male?".

I blushed and stuttered "Um... yeah so we need to catch you up on the gossip" he looked at me wide eyed and then hugged Mari. "You're gonna be blown away Maxer" said Mari while we walked back to the couch and started to explain everything that had happened the time he was gone.

After some hours of talking, Sarah explaining to Max what'd happened with Calum the passed day and Max explaining about his short holiday to the two girls they decided they should go see a movie.

"Alright so there's Tenet at 5?" I asked them. We were still deciding on what and at what I've to see the movie "sounds good to me, gives us time to shower and get fresh" said Mari "sounds good to me too" "alrighty then let's get ready" I said

I went into my bathroom and got the shower started. As I was taking my pants off I heard a "ping" sound from my phone

"Hey it's Calum :)"

I smiled down at my phone and answered

Missing me already are we?

Well what can I say?
I said I was gonna text so here I am

Well I'm glad you are texting :)

I left my phone on the sink and pressed play in one of my random playlists

I finished stripping from my clothing and decided to fold Calum's shirt instead of throwing it on the floor, maybe I can wear it a bit more? I don't know but right now it's time to shower.

I took a very relaxing shower and on the way I found some hidden "love bites" if you wanna call it like that, and I must say when I mean hidden he really knows where to put them, anywaaayyys I got out and just wore some gray sweats and a slightly lighter gray hoodie. We were just going to the movies so it didn't really matter what I wore.

 We were just going to the movies so it didn't really matter what I wore

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I walked into the living room to see Max on his phone.

"Ready?" He asked "yupp, is Mari not?" I said as I checked my watch "nahh you know how long she takes to shower" "MAAARRR!!! LETS GO, WE HAVE TO BE THERE IN 20!" After a few seconds of silence she came out of her room also wearing sweats and a hoodie "alright no need to yell I'm here" Me and Max chuckled at her and her sudden grumpiness.

We got out of the department and into Max's car.

We got to the cinema on time and bought a shitload of snacks. Popcorn, twizzlers, M&M's, some hot dogs and very large sodas, it was just great.

The movie was very Christopher Nolan and we all came out of it confused but pleased, it was strange but one thing was definitive, we were so full from the calories that we'd just ingested so we voted on going back to the house and that Max would sleep over.

There wasn't much more to today, we got to the house hung out for the rest of the day and at around 11 we went to bed. Before I went to bed I checked my phone since I hadn't done it much today and saw I had a notification from Calum

Goodnight Sarah :)))

Nighty Thomas :)))

After that text answer I drifted off very quickly and the last thing I remember was thinking of las nights events with Calum and how happe he had made me today in the morning.

Hellooo! I hope y'all are doing fine and are taking care of yourselves <3 and that you're liking this also HOW ON EARTH IS HE A REAL PERSON???? LIKE LOOK AT HIM HE'S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL IT AMAZES ME but chileee ANYWAYSSSS I honestly miss so much going to the movies is freaking dumb lmaooo but oh well what can we do

Don't forget to vote, comment if you'd like and share :) I have another Calum fic that already has the first 4 chapters posted and it would mean a lot to me of u read it 👉👈 hehehe it's gonna be good and also this ones gonna start getting that boyfriend material Calum that we all want, love and adore so stick around ;)

Much love

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