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It was Sunday and me and Mari were super bored plus it was like 96° sooo I had the marvelous idea of going to the mall, plus we needed some groceries and I wanted to buy new underwear.

We got ready and called Max to see if he wanted to come, and he did so he came to pick us up.

"Hey pretty boy" said Mari stepping into Max's car on the copilot obviously, she never let me go on the front but oh well. "Hello ladies" "Mind if I put some music" Mari asked Max "go ahead there's the AUX" "yayy" and no more than 3 seconds later 1D started playing on the car speakers. "Ohhhh yeah son" I said while bopping my head to Best song ever.

The rest of the car ride to the mall was filled with laughter and 1D as our soundtrack.

Once we were on the Mall we decided to first go to Victoria Secret/Pink they count as the same thing so, we went there first and there was a lot of awkwardness between Max and us cause y'know we were buying thongs and bras and shit. After about 20 minutes of picking stuff me and Mari payed our stuff and told each other we would show what we got back at the apartment.

After that we went to Urban cause basic betches, but for real tho I had to buy an outfit for this thing Mari is making me go next Saturday day so, I picked some stuff, Mari picked some stuff and we went to try it on.

Max was gonna be de judge of our outfits so he sat on one of those like sofa/chair thing.

"Okay I have my first outfit on, what about you Sar?" "Yeah me too" we opened our curtains to the dressing rooms and showed Max our outfits. Mari was wearing some cute red pants but the shirt wasn't that good. "I like the pants" I said "yeah me too but the shirt is trash" said Max "MAX!" I said while trying to hold in my laugh "what you can't tell me I'm wrong" I just laughed and then Mari said "k then yess the pants, no the shirt" we both nodded.

I was wearing a skirt that was black and had little white flowers all over it, it had a kinda velvety texture to it and I also grabbed a white button up that seemed really cute on the hanger. "I like this" said Mari "yeah I think I do too, what do you think Max" "I mean it makes you look thicker that's for sure" we laughed at his comment "asshole, but you got a point." I made a quick pause "Okay next outfits" we went into the dressing rooms again to change and keep doing this again and again.

At the end we ended getting 2 outfits each, in case we didn't liked one in the heat of the moment we'd have a backup, I know it sounds stupid but it can happen.

The last store we went to was Target, my favorite place ever.

We bought some things we ran out of, like cereal and eggs and we also bought more junk to watch some movies at the apartment later today.

I was listening to 1D while writing this hehe
Let me know if there are any grammar mistakes :)

ONE NIGHT STAND˚‧☆ // Calum hood حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن