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"Hey, I'm Calum"

"Sarah, nice to meet you"

~the next morning~

I started waking up and I instantly felt my head pounding. I envied Mari she never had headaches when she was hungover. But me? I'd get the worst headaches, plus I apparently forgot to take my contacts out yesterday, wanna know why I know this? My eyes are DRY AS HELL. I started to rub them so they'd focus my surroundings.

The sun was really bright and it was hitting me in the face, so it was probably not that late in the morning.

That's when it hit me, my window doesn't look like that.... and I don't have white sheets.

I started to shuffle a bit and my body was SO sore but wait that wasn't all, I was completely naked under these sheets.

I started to freak out a bit and also started to get flashes from yesterday, that's when I turned around and saw him.

He was laying on his stomach with his head facing the other side so all I could see were his messy curls and a few scratches on him back, that I guessed were from yesterday. I also could see his back rise and fall at a steady pace and hear small snores coming out of his mouth.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"That's what y'all did yesterday" my inside voice said to me. BAD TIMING INSIDE SARAH.

Where are my things? Should I leave? Should I wake him up? I was asking myself so many questions bout what I should do.

I shuffled a bit more to take the covers off my body so I could at least search for my underwear or my phone.

I saw most of my clothes and my purse on the floor. I decided that I was gonna leave so I put on my clothes in the most silent way possible.

The only thing missing were my shoes, I was cursing in my head cause I saw him move a bit and I though he was waking up thankfully he wasn't, Jesus you're a savior lol.

I searched for my phone in my purse. When I found it I turned it on just to see a million text from Mari and Max, I ignored them, I had to get out of this house first. The time read 9:24, damn that's early, for me at least.

I quietly looked for my boots in his room just to see that they weren't here so I assumed they were outside so I grabbed my shit and as I was about to leave I saw some post its and a pen so I thought I'd leave him a note

"I had fun yesterday, I'll see you around"

I stuck it to his door and left his room.

When I started looking for my shoes I saw that his house was pretty big and clean, "I don't think he lives here alone" I thought to myself.

I found one of my boots but I was still missing the other one.

I kept looking as fast as I could so I could leave, it was getting late and I didn't wanted him waking up. I was still having a bit of a hard time remembering yesterday's happenings.


We were drinking and laughing and dancing.

I was having a lot of fun and also getting kinda horny.

A slower song started playing so I decided to slightly start grinding on him.

"I know what you're trying to do" he said "oh really?" "Yeah, and let me tell you" he made a pause and got closer to my ear "it's working" he gave me a slight kiss on the jaw and let me tell you something, A FOUNTAIN. A LITERAL FUCKING FOUNTAIN JUST HAPPENED BETWEEN MY LEGS.

I just slightly moaned and he chuckled.

As I was remembering I spaced off a bit.

"Ahem" I turned around to see a male. Tall, dark hair, slight beard, pajama pants and white t-shirt.

"I think you're looking for this" he said while handing me my boot "oh my, umm thank you so much.." I signaled him to tell me his name "Ashton" he answered "thank you Ashton". We stayed in a short awkward silence when I said "well I better get going" he nodded. I started walking to the door when he asked me "what's your name?" "Sarah" I smiled "nice to meet you Sarah" I chuckled a little "same goes to you Ashton" I made a puse "I'll see you around" i said and walked out the door before he could say anything else.

Let me know if there are any grammar mistakes :)

ONE NIGHT STAND˚‧☆ // Calum hood Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora