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It has been a few days since I've seen Calum, we text almost everyday and we've decided that tomorrow he's gonna take me out.

Today's Thursday and I'm currently in class. The Major that I'm taking requires a lot of math and robotics so that's what I'm doing.

Since we're already on finals the teacher assigned us to do a small robotic machine, that's already coded and ready to use for whatever reason we choose it would be used as, under one condition, it has to sense either music or color, so as the ambitious fucker that I am, I decided to use a little bit of both of the conditions.

I'm building a robot that detects color and depending on what color it is, it will play an instrument sound so if you have two colored lines together it will play both instruments, if you just have one, it will only play one and so on and so on.

It's very ambitious, but I know I can make it work, plus we still have one and a half weeks to turn it in so I'm not worried just yet.

The teacher let's us work however we want in class, you just gotta turn in your assignment on time so currently I'm working on my code and listening to music in my computer.

This is my second class of the day and it lasts two and a half hours and I've already been sitting here for two, so I'm starting to get hungry, I might text Mari to see what's she's up to for lunch or maybe Max? Ohhh I'm having an extreme Oreo McFlurry craving right now, but I don't wanna eat Macdonald's, ohh decisions decisions.

I pushed my hunger to the side for a second so I could concentrate and finish my project for the day when I saw at the top of my computer a message notification from Calum

Calom Thomas💛
do you wanna grab lunch with me today?
or is being smart taking your time this fine Thursday?

are u sure you wanna see me today AND tomorrow? I tend to annoy people

yeah, so I've seen

*triggered* stfu Thomas

hahahaha issa joke
and yeah I'm sure
does that mean you're available?

where are you taking me?

where do you want to go?

I don't know, surprise me
I get out of class in 15
can u come get me? Hshshs👉👈

yeah obviously dumb butt
send me the address and I'll meet u there in 20

ur the dumb butt
but yeah
*college address*
there u go dumb butt :P
see ya in 20

alright queen dumb butt
see ya in a bit

istg... -_-

I laughed at Calums texts and got to work again so I can finish up this part of my project.

Paramore was playing on my headphones when the teacher dismissed us and I packed my things extra quickly

mari muhfuchn lopexxx✨😌🔥
Ello rat face
Calum invited me fue lunch heheheeheh
Imma go
Obviously shshsh
I'll see you at home
Don't get run over❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

ur the rat face
and oooooouu
good luck
call me if you need anything :33333

love ya hoe😙

love ya🤍

I grabbed my bag after texting Mari and said goodbye to my teacher.

I walked to the place I told Calum to pick me up and saw him on his phone so I, as the very annoying fuck that I am, decided to scare him. I walked very discretely to the drivers side of his car and hid behind the car that was beside it. I grabbed my phone and pressed record cause this is gonna be hilarious for the future and got ready.

I crouched so he wouldn't see me and ran next to him "Boo" I said while I popped in his view frame. "AHHHHH, I DONT KNOW WHO I AM" he screamed as he jumped a bit. I started cracking up "what did you just said?" I said in between laughs, he looked at me with a very annoyed face and red cheeks from embarrassment "what the fuck Sarah".

I walked to the passenger side of his car still laughing and opened the door. When I got in he gave me a slap on the back of the head and I started cracking up again "oh that was hilarious and I have it on videoooo" I said as I shook my phone on my hand "you show that to anyone and I personally will carry you to a bridge and drop you from it" I got serious for a second before I started laughing again and finally he joined in.

"Oh god my stomach hurts" I said in between laughs as he started the car "shut up, or I will leave you here to starve" he said with a chuckle, "nooo, I promise I'll stop" "you better" he said.

There was a slight pause as he got out of the parking lot "so how was school?" He asked me "well it wasn't bad, but I just want to be over with it, I'm starting finals and ughh, but till now, I have most of my projects in good schedule" I turned to look at him and he took a quick glance on my direction and smiled before looking at the street again. "You? What'd you do this Thursday morning?" "Well I woke up, I worked out, I had breakfast with my friend Roy, went to Luke's house with Ashton and Michael to discuss some things of our new album and then I was like "it's lunch time let me ask Sarah to see if she's not in class", and here we are" "ohhh very productive morning Mr Thomas" "I know right? I'm proud of myself".

We drove around for a bit more time and then I remembered I didn't knew where we we're going. "so where are you taking me Calum?" "Well you said to surprise you so, I can't really tell" "what for real? Ughh, not fair" I said like a child and he just chuckled at my reaction.

After a few more minutes we got to a Mexican place that was pretty small and looked very good, I don't know if that makes sense but in my head it does. "Come on". I grabbed my bag and got out of the car, Calum stretched his hand for me to take it and I did.

We walked hand in hand inside and a very nice girl around my age took us to a table. "I'll be back in a minute to take your orders" "thank you" I said to her with a short smile.

"How did you know about this place?" I asked "well a few years back, a friend brought me here and it was so good, I couldn't take it out of my head, I bring here people that I think would appreciate good food" I blushed slightly "oh why thanks you" I said to him.

We made small talk and then we ordered. It was very nice lunch, we talked about his new album and my finals a lot and he told me that tomorrow we were gonna have a lot of fun.

After lunch he dropped me off at my house since I didn't have anymore classes today and we said our goodbyes "I'll come get you tomorrow at 5, so be ready" "yes, text me anyway" "of course" I leaned in to give him a quick peck and grabbed my bag. I got out of the car and waved him bye "I'll see you tomorrow" "see you tomorrow dumb butt" "you're the dumb butt" I said as he started driving away.

ONE NIGHT STAND˚‧☆ // Calum hood Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz