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"WHERE IN GODS NAME ARE YOU??!?!" Mari screamed at me through the phone.

"Okay first I need you to chill the fuck out" I just got a huff in return "and second I DONT KNOW BRO I NEED YOU TO GET ME AN UBER OR SOMETHING" and I was telling the truth about this.

I had no fucking clue where the fuck I was, it looked like one of those fancy neighborhoods in L.A.

After I got out the house I low key sprinted really fast a few blocks just in case ya know?.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I FUCKING MEAN BY THAT HUH? I DONT KNOW" "Jesus fuck, send me your location and I'll come get your stupid ass" "thank youuuu" "yeah yeah, Max stayed the night so he's also coming and you're gonna buy us breakfast" "alright alright, just hurry up cause I low key, high key look like a hobo" he chuckled "yeah yeah send me your location then" "kk can you bring me some sweats and a hoodie please???" "Yes now hurry up bye" "byee" I sent her my location and I decided to sit on a bench that was nearby to wait.

After around 15 minutes I saw Max's car pull over in front of me.

"Yayyy my saviorsss" I said while I opened the back door "you fucking bitch I was worried about your ass" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'll explain everything but first let's get this breakfast I'm supposed to pay for" "yes please I'm starving" said Max, we chuckled a bit "oh and there are the clothes you asked for hoe" "thank you so much babe" I blew Mari a kiss, I don't know what I'll do without her by my side.

We decided we wanted to go to ihop for some pancakes so that's where we are right now.

After ordering a shit load of food the questioning started.

"Okay before you bombard me with your questions let me tell you the story first alright?" Both of them nodded, we were sitting at a booth and they were facing me.

"Okay so the guy from yesterday, black curly hair, yeah we did a lot of ungodly things yesterday" they seemed shocked but not that much "mhmm and what else?" Asked Mari "well his name was Calum, I think" "you think?" "Yes Max I was fucking hammered yesterday I don't remember everything, okay as I was saying, we talked and danced and drank and then we decided to go back to his house" "yeah thanks for telling us by the way" said a slightly annoyed/angry Mari "I'm sorry I really am, but man he was WHOOO you know?" We laughed at my stupid joke "did you get his number at least" "nah, you don't get the numbers of your one nights, or do you?" "I don't know, normally I don't but it seems as if you liked him a lot" "I mean yeah, of what I can remember he was fucking insane man, but he was just that a one night stand" they nodded at my statement but I don't think they were convinced with my words, I didn't think i was convinced but oh well.

Our food arrived and let me tell you it looks so beautifully good.

"Oh and another thing, when I left in the morning I stumbled with his roommate? I think it was his roommate yeah. Also fucking good looking let me tell ya" we chuckled a bit "what was his name?" "Ashton" Mari seemed a little surprised about it but since she didn't said anything about it, I decided to drop it.

After breakfast we headed back to our apartment.

"Hey wanna stay and watch some movies?" I asked Max "I want to but I have some homework due to tomorrow for Mr. Blues class so I think I'll pass" "k then we'll see you tomorrow then" "yes, love ya see ya tomorrow girls" we said our goodbyes to Max and then me and Mari decided to have movie day just us girls.

We've already watched the three Back to the future movies when we decided to have a break.

We went into our assigned rooms as I tried to remember more from last night.


As soon as he opened the door we started making out and I should say, he was hella good at it.

I took off my boots and threw them somewhere around the house. He did the same with his jacket.

We got to his room and started taking our clothes off "Man you're so beautiful" he said, I giggled a bit "you aren't too bad yourself mister Calum" he did this offended face "not too bad? Oh you wanna be like that miss Sarah" he carried me to his bed and laid me down, at this point I was only wearing my crop top and my underwear.

I started laughing as he took off my crop top.

"Hehehe you're tickling me" "you're ticklish?" "Yeah a lot, but don't even try it cause I know tae kwon do bitch" I said as I made one of this weird arm poses. He laughed and said "well let's see, I also know how to destroy things and I think you're gonna be one of them" "oh myyy" we laughed as he started kiss down my neck and taking off my underwear.

Man I had such a good time last night, and I think he did too, wonder what he thought when he woke up.

What Sarah didn't know was that Calum also had a great time last night and was really bummed cause he forgot to ask for the amazing girl's number.

He was wishing they would meet again.

Oh and believe me they were...

Hope you liked that :)) I know I did lmaoo

ONE NIGHT STAND˚‧☆ // Calum hood Where stories live. Discover now