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Today was Wednesday, I loved Wednesday's, why you ask? Well today it was my short day, if you could call it like that, my last period ends at 12:30 which is really great and also it was with my favorite teacher, Mrs. Albert or as we call her Mrs. Albee.

She was amazing and really cool. She usually gives us the funnest projects and also Mari is in this class with me.

"Okay class, since last week you turned in your projects, to which I'm giving you your grades at the end of the class, today we're doing a bit of improvisation. Good for the mind and the soul"

Mari and I loved improvisation. We always do weird improvs back at the apartment. Sometimes they're plays or songs or even both at the same time, we had a lot of fun while doing it.

"Get in pairs and let's get started" said Mrs. Albee.

The class went by pretty fast, cause you know the fun classes always end faster than the boring ones.

Mrs. Albee was handing our project grades at the door.

"Maria here's yours" she handed her hers and then turned to me "Oh and Sarah, I was really impressed by yours, great job" she gave me a slight pat on the shoulder and gave me my grade "oh fuck yeah A+, you?" I said "I swear you're such a nerd on the inside and I got a B+" I just chuckled at her comment "I just like being great" "oh yeah, you're a total nerd, nobody normal says that" we laughed as we got out of the Mrs. Albee's classroom.

Honestly since I was little I've always been very competitive. In elementary I usted to tell my mom that the second place was the first loser just so you get an idea of how intense I could get. My grandma usted to call me Monica, if you've seen friends you know what I mean by that, but yeah I liked being good at what ever I was doing in that moment.

When we got out of the building I asked Mari "Wanna go get lunch?" "always bitch" "chipotle?" "Heck yeah" we laughed and walked there, it wasn't far away from the faculty.

After getting our food we sat in a table nearby to munch (munch iykyk hshsh) on our food.

"I have something to ask you" said Mari, I just looked at her weird and told her "go ahead" "so you remember your one night?" In my mind I was like HOW COULD I FORGET THAT DELICIOUS PIECE OF MAN? But I just answered with a simple "yeah obviously, why?" "Well remember you told us you ran into his roommate on your way out?" I just nodded "how did he looked like?" "Ummm.." I had a bit of a hard time remembering his exact face but I told her what I remembered "Tall, dark hair, kinda buff, slight beard. Why are you asking me this?" She had a biting a, I don't know, trying to remember face? "Well I think I know that guy" I'm sure I had complete confusion written on my face "what? H-h-how?" I stuttered a bit. "You said his name was Ashton right?" "Yeah" "well, do you remember my friend Kay? The one with the pink hair and the septum?" "Yes, what about her?" "well she got a boyfriend and I think his name was Ashton and looked just like the description you just told me" wait WHAT?.

"Are you sure this is the same Ashton we're talking about and not another buff Ashton with dark hair and slight beard?" "Man I don't know, here let me show you a picture" she tapped some stuff on her phone before showing me a pic of the guy that found my boot and Mari's friend Kay. They were wearing these black overalls but that doesn't matter. It way him just with slight reddish hair.

"Oh shit" "I'm taking that as a yes" "Oh man, yes that's him, that's the roommate" wait, does this mean there was a slight chance I could see him again?.

"Well fuck dude" I chuckled "you know what this means?" "That you're friends with the girl that's dating the roommate of the guy I fucked?" She laughed "no stupid, well yeah kinda but no. This means you could see him again. And I know what you're about to say, I don't like him like that, he was just a one night, bla bla bla, bitch you should have seen the face you made when you were talking about that dude, I'm sure deep inside you, you wished you'd given him your number or something" and she wasn't wrong but I wasn't gonna admit that "oh shut up, of course not" "mhmm yeah keep telling yourself that. Kay's 27 birthday is coming up and she invited me, you're coming with" I looked at her with a surprised face and tried to contain my laugh "you're kidding?" "Nope, not one bit. Oh and I'm also not taking no for an answer babe" I just sighed and said "if this ends up badly it's gonna be your fault" we laughed and kept eating out lunch.

Hshshs TEA
Hope you liked thiiisss :)))
Drama is coming

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