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Hotch's POV:After we picked up Jack from Jessica he looked over and was startled to see someone else in the back seat with him. He didn't ask though because he knew we had a reason for why she was in the car. We start to have a small conversation before we here her speak and it startled all of us as she said  *If you wanted to keep a person asleep don't be so loud. Also since I was placed in the car I have been awake I just don't like talking to people and it's not you guys I've always been like this. Also kid nice to meet you. You must be the son of Mr. Hotchner. Enjoy the gift your dad gives you, I got it from my brother but you can have it. Also where are we?* We all sit in silence as we go over everything she said and that she was awake the entire time.

After some small talk and getting to Reid's apartment complex

I get to Spencer's apartment so that he can be home for a few hours and so Rozi has more books to read. But as luck has it when they get out of my car my phone goes off along with Spencer's. We have a text from Garcia saying ~Guys get back to the office we have a break on where our unsub is at.~ I know it's to late for Jessica to take Jack again, Rozi has no place to go and I can't just not help with the case. She then speaks up and says *If you need to go I can stay on my own. Not like I haven't done that in the past. Also if you need someone to watch Jack is it? Anyway if you need someone to watch him I can do so. I used to watch my siblings in the past so watching him can't be to hard.* I look back at my phone and then back at Jack and he nods. He grabs his stuff and gets out of the car and Spencer takes them into his apartment. When he returns he has two books, and a note. He gets in the car and takes my phone from my hand and enters a new number into it and then puts my phone in my pocket. As I drove the car back to the office I have one hand on the wheel and the other holding Spencer's hand.

At the office

Reid's POV:When we arrive at the office I practically jump out of the car. Aaron grabs my arm as I start quickly making my to to the elevator. I look at him and he knows that I just want to get the case over with but he pulls me in for a hug and then we walk hand in hand to the elevator. When we're almost at our floor we stop holding hands and I step away from Aaron so it doesn't seem to odd. When the elevator opens I walk out and run to the conference room. Everyone is already there since they never left the office. I sit down as Aaron walks into the conference room and asks Garcia to start. She says *So our baddie of the day has made her way back to Wichita Kansas. Now before you ask how that's possible. She took a lot of back roads.* I shut my eyes and start to mutter and curse under my breath. I know the others are looking at me but I couldn't care less right now. I don't snap out of what I was doing until I feel a firm hand on my shoulder. I turn to see that it's Aaron and he's looking at me sternly but also with concern. I turn to away from him and wave my hand to have them continue.

After the rest of the explanation

I go to leave with the others but then Aaron said *Hold on. Reid, Emily stay for a bit we need to talk.* I walk back in and Emily walks in after me and shuts the door. Aaron sits on the table, Emily in her chair, and I sit in my chair. Aaron looked at Emily while asking *For the love of god. Emily don't spread roomers or say anything about your suspicions.* She laughs and says to Aaron while trying not to fall out of her chair * Aaron if you were just my boss I would but since your also my big brother I get to poke fun at you and you are just way to obvious.* I still don't know why I have to stay here but she dose have a point to what she said. They continue arguing for a good 5 minutes and then Emily leaves the conference room and shutting the door behind her. Aaron gets up off the table and grabs my hand so that I'm now standing with him. He holds his other hand out waiting for me to place the Dilaudid in his hand. I reluctantly give it to him. And then we grab our bags and head to the jet.

On the jet

Hotch's POV:*Garcia how exactly did you get this information.* I ask once where in the air. *So the note that Reid gave me after he got it from Rozi in Strauss's office. It had a number on it so I repeatedly called the number until he picked up and told me that she had arrived a 10:45.* Garcia told us. *Wait what note Garcia* I ask as I look at Spencer who is sitting away from Dave on the couch. He mumbles something and then says it again louder when he realized that we didn't hear him. *She gave me the note after she blew up at Strauss.* I nod and let everyone sleep before we land. When the rest of the team is asleep I walk over to Spencer who is fidgeting with his sleeves. *Spencer?* I say as I try and get his attention. He looks up at me and scoots over so I have a place to sit. I sit down and place an arm around him. In turn he places his head on my shoulder. *Talk to me what's wrong?* I ask after a few moments of silence. *Have the urge to cut again Aaron. I don't know what to do.* He says with sadness in his voice. *That right there is the words of someone who wants help. Not someone who is throwing in the towel.* I say. We talk for a few more minutes and then he falls asleep. I know I should wake him up so that I can move away as to not cause suspicion in the team, but he's been to tired recently and fighting sleep that I leave him be and find myself falling a few moments after him.

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