The news

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Jack's POV:I'm sitting in class and the teacher is teaching us about the digits of pie. I don't pay much attention to what she's saying because Spencer has already told me about all of this and Rozi and my dad found a song that runs though the first 100 digits of pie. Fun to listen to and I didn't mind the fun way of learning. I get broken from my thoughts as my phone goes off. I must have forgot to turn off my ringer after talking to my dad. My teacher comes walking over to me and crosses her arms. The others in my class are surprised to see that I have a phone minus the few that know my dad works with the FBI. As I pull out my phone I see check the caller ID to see that Rozi is calling me even though she's in school at the moment. I look up at my teacher and silently beg for her to let me answer. She nods but walks to the door and holds it open for me. I get up and walk out of the classroom before answering the phone my teacher looks down at it and puts it on speaker.

R:Jack are you there

J:Ya I'm here


J:So why are you calling? Shouldn't you be in class

R:I know your teacher is there so when I say that I need you to get your things and get down to the high school I'm not asking

J:I don't know if I can do that even though my teacher is right next to me unless you tell me what's going on

R:Forget it I'm coming to you

J:Just tell me what's going on

R:No because telling you over the phone is a dick move

My teacher decides now is the right time to say something
T:I will not let Jack leave until you tell me what is going on and for all I know you are a random person that Jack doesn't actually know

R:Oh for the love of god. Jack knows who I am because I live with him and his father along with my adopted father

This getting my teacher to stop what was about to come out of her mouth

J:Look why can't you just tell me

R:Because if I do then I will be the worst older sibling you have ever had

J:One your the only older sibling I've ever had and two what do you mean

R:Look down the hallway I'm almost there

I hang up the phone just as Rozi comes to us in the hallway. My teacher steps back as she comes up and hugs me. I hug her back and look at her in the face as I pull away from the hug. She takes a step away from me but refuses to look at me. She instead looks at my teacher and pulls her away from me.

Rozi's POV:I pull His teacher away from him as I decide to tell his teacher what I was told only a few minutes before calling Jack. When we get a good distance away from him I decided to just get straight to the point. *You have to let him come with me. We have to get to over to the FBI headquarters quickly so that we can see if there are any survivors and if his dad and my adoptive father are ok. When they were coming back from there most recent case something went wrong and the jet crashed. All members of the team were on the jet and they're like family. So please let him leave. I'll sign him out if I have to. Even get Section Chief Cruz to come if I have just so you'll let him leave but please this is down to a matter of family.* I say and she looks up to see Jack Walking to us now. *Fine he can go. I'll call the office and tell them that he's going with you. Just get his things from my classroom and get going. God knows how much that boy needs his father since his mom died.* She say and I nod before running into Jack's class to get his things and go. I scared a few kids when I ran through the door. Some of the kids recognized me as being the one that picks Jack up every day so when they saw me in the building for once they all became uneasy. I grab the last of Jack's stuff and run out of the classroom and handing it to Jack before waving to his teacher and running with him down to the office. When we get there they already know and I sign him out before deciding to put him on my back and run all the way to my car. When we get there Jack gets in up front and I quickly pull out of the parking lot as we get our seatbelts on. I slow down once we get on the road and look at Jack. I turn my attention back to the road and decide to tell him why I pulled him out of school. *Jack the reason I pulled you out of school is because the jet that your dad.....* I say and get interrupted *Our dad.* He says. *Right sorry anyway your dad and my soon to be other dad along with your soon to be other father and my now current dad along with the rest of the team got in a crashed as the jet went down while on the way home. We have to meet up with Cruz and get in his car since he can legally pass through red lights to get us there quicker. Anyway we need to go so we know if they're alive.* We get to a red light and I turn to look at Jack to see that he's got tears slowly running down his face. I pull one of my hands off of the wheel and put it around him and turn back to the road as I continue driving with my right arm around Jack as he holds onto my hand as if he lets go I might disappear. *I'm sorry Jack. This is why I didn't want to tell you while I was on the phone with you.* I feel him nod and his grip tighten on my hand. We get to the FBI headquarters and I get out of the car and walk over to Jack as he sits there looking out at the building. I sigh and open his door for him and help him out of the car. He stumbles a bit and I decided to pick him up and carry him in. When we get inside everyone looks at him and I. Anderson calls Cruz to get down to where we are before walking us over to us and directing us to Cruses's car. When we get to his car I see Cruz already standing there with the back door open so I can put Jack down. I set Jack in the back and give him my jacket so he has something to cling onto while processing what I told him. I sigh as I lean back in the seat and Cruz looks over at me as he backs out of the parking garage. *Hey you ok kid?* He asks and I nod my head. *Ya but you should really be asking Jack since he has two members of biological family out there with unknown conditions.* I say and he nods while driving out of the parking garage and out onto the parking lot. A few minutes pass and turn back to see Jack asleep with my jacket over him while laying on his backpack. I look back at the road and I see Cruz glance over at me. *Look if you have something you want to say then say it because Jack is asleep so he won't be an issue when it comes down to him hearing you.* I say and he nods before saying *You know they might be dead right? And if that's the case what are you going to do with yourself? Jack can go to his aunt but where would you go?* I look out the window before responding. *I'm going to be heading off to college soon so I don't have to worry about that to much.* With that we're back to silence.

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