Going home

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Reid's POV: Soon after Aaron left the room to and get the doctor and to tell the team that I was all right the only thing I could do was smile. I had a crush on Hotch and only realized it shortly after I was kidnapped by Tobias Hankel. When I was asked to kill one of my friends I knew I had to say Hotch and mess up my facts because I knew he would remember that. It was only after I was saved that I knew that I like him but he was with Haley at the time so I knew that it was nothing more than a fantasy. But now he told me he loved me and that he was the one that saved my life. I would have only thought he was doing his job until he told me that he loved me. I'm just glad that I don't have to feel so weird around him anymore

Dr: Dr. Reid


Dr: Would you like me to get your team

Yes please

Dr: Of course Dr.

After getting the team

JJ: Spence oh my god you had me scared to death

Sorry I worried you guy's so much

Derek:Pretty boy what matters is that your alive

I know

Dave: Kid I don't want to be the one to ask this but we can't keep avoiding the obvious question. Why did you do it


Hotch:Dave I don't think this is the time......

No Hotch it's fine. I would have to tell you eventually

Hotch:Are you sure

Yes I'm sure


The reason I did what I did is because my mother's schizophrenia and dementia has gotten so bad that she has forgotten where she is, who her doctors are, and (voice starts to go quite) who I am

Everyone just went quite for a moment

Penelope:Reid I I I'm so sorry

It's alright Garcia. It's not like there's anything I can do about it and I knew this day would come but I didn't think it would happen so soon. Now come here before you start crying. All of you come here before Garcia, and JJ start crying. If you guys start crying I will to and we don't need that

They all surround Reid's bed and give him a group hug and Hotch leans close to Reid's ear and whispers so that only he can hear

Hotch:I love you

Reid just smiles and blushes slightly while hugging as many of the team members as his arms will allow

A week later

Hotch's POV: Reid are you ready to go home

Spencer: Yes please. I can't stand being here for another minute

Alright let get you home then

Spencer: Yay I can go home to an actual bed and to my books

Is all you do is work, drink coffee, and read books


In Hotch's car

Reid.....Reid (Glances over to look at Reid and notices that he's asleep) looks like I'll have to carry him into his apartment

At Reid's apartment

Spencer:*Yawns* Where are we

We're at your apartment


Do you need help getting into your apartment


Alright let's get you to your room

In Reid's room

Alright where do you want your bag

Spencer:Just set it on the kitchen counter


For the first time Hotch takes a look around at see how messy Reid's apartment is

Hey Spencer

Spencer:Ya what's up

Are you going to be alright here by yourself

Spencer:I don't know but I don't want to be a bother

You won't be plus I still have to get Jack and if you want we can surprise him by you being there if you don't feel like staying here alone

Spencer:That would be nice

Alright do you want me to get your bag for you then

Spencer:No it's not a problem I can get my bag myself


After picking up Jack

Spencer:Hey Jack

Jack: Spencer your ok

Spencer:Ya I am buddy

Jack:What are you doing here

Spencer:Well I came with your dad to come and surprise you upon picking you


Hey Jack what do you think about Spencer having a sleepover at our


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