Is something wrong?

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3 Years later

Reid's POV:It's been 3 years since Aaron and I have started dating but recently he has been more distant from me. I don't think I've done anything wrong but something is obviously bugging him. I would normally say that it was because of a new big and important case but JJ knows nothing about it. I'll wait for the rest of the team to get here since they found out about us a year after telling Jack and to see if they know anything about why he is being to strange.

When the rest of the team got in

*Hey Emily.* I say as she sets her bag down on her desk. *What's up Reid? Hey are you alright?* She asks when she sits down and looks at me. *I'm fine but do you why Aaron has been so distant?* I ask. *I haven't noticed anything different about him or him being distant. I you like I can talk to him.* I nod and except her offer. I stand up to go get coffee and I immediately start to feel dizzy. I catch myself on Emily's desk before falling flat on my face. I mumble *Guess I can't ignore the headache anymore.* Emily stands up and helps me stand up right so I don't almost fall again. Just the Aaron walks out of his office and immediately runs down the steps and over to where Emily and I are. While he dose that Morgan looks up from his paperwork and starts at me with concern. He knows how bad my headaches can get and he knows that this is one of the ones that gets worse with almost every movement. JJ, Garcia, and Rossi look over from their place by the coffee pot. When Aaron gets to me he takes me from Emily and helps me sit back down again.

Hotch's POV:I help Spencer sit back down again and notice that he looks ill. I take my hand and place it on his forehead. *Oh my god Spencer your burning up.* I say and remove my hand quickly. *I'm going to take you home so you can rest.* He nods and asks *What about Jack?* *We can pick him up on the way home but you need some rest.* I say. I then help him stand up before deciding to pick him up and carry him to the car. *Aaron put me down!* Is all he gets to say before I grab his bag and give him a kiss on his nose. *How about no.* I say as we make our way to the elevator. Once inside the elevator I let him stand but now he's clinging on me for support. When we get to the parking garage I help him walk to the car since he doesn't want me to carry him. We get to the car and I help him get in without falling backwards and then I get in and start up the car. *Aaron.* Spencer say while trying to not fall asleep. *Yes Spencer.* I say. *Aaron are you mad or upset with me or something? You've been distant lately, and I'm worried. Is their something I should know?* He asks and I can hear that sadness in his voice. I sigh and say *I just don't know how you'll feel about it.* We get to Jessica's and he looks at me and asks. *What do you mean?* *We will talk about it later. I'm going to get Jack.* I say while getting out of the car.

After getting Jack and Spencer dropped off that Aaron's house.

I silently curse at myself for becoming so distant and giving Spencer the wrong message. I know why I did it as well but now I think I've just fucked everything up.

Reid's POV:I help Jack get to his room so he can go back to sleep. But when he lays back down he doesn't want me to leave until he falls asleep. *I'll be right back Jack but I need lock the front door.* I say while putting a blanket over him. *Ok but promise you'll come back.* Jack asks with tiredness creeping into his voice. *I promise I'll come back.* I say. I walk out of Jack's room and walk to the living room and lock up the front door before returning to Jack's room. He looks at me with. Tired smile and then hands me a book. I take the book from him as I sit his bed with my back against the head board.

2 minutes later

I finish the book and see that Jack has fallen asleep, so I slowly get out of his bedroom and keeping his bedroom door open just a crack. I walk into the kitchen and grab an Advil to get rid of my headache. I then walk to the couch to take a nap there so I can get to Jack if he needs me.

Hotch's POV:I walk back into the building and make my way into my office to find my sister Emily waiting for me. *Emily?* I say while setting my coat on the back of my chair. *Aaron what's going on with you and Spencer?* Emily says while shutting my door. *Em did he ask you to talk to me?* I say. *Aaron don't avoid the question.* She say. I sigh and then tell her *Em the only reason I've been so distant from his because....* I pause for a moment. *Em I want to propose but I don't know if he's ready or not.* We stay their in silence for a while and I expect her to yell at me becoming distant over this and making him worry, but instead she walks over to me and gives me a hug before saying *Aaron the next time you get the chance take it and ask him.* I return her hug and thank her before she leaves to get back to work. I decide to get my work done before calling Spencer to check up on Him and Jack. He answers and asks *Aaron? Is everything alright? Are you ok?* I smile to myself at the fact that he cares for my safety while he's still sick before saying. *Love I'm fine and everything is fine I just wanted to check up on you and Jack.* *Jack is still asleep and I just got up from my own nap. And before you ask, no you did not wake me up by calling.* Spencer says with tiredness still lingering in his voice. *Ok but don't stay up for to long. An when I get home I'm going to make dinner.* I say and then we talk for 7-8 more minutes before he hangs up to take another nap. I decided to finish up my paperwork and then leave. Just then my phone goes off and dread that it's a case, but it turns out I stayed longer then I intended so I forgot to get Rozi from school so she was running here. I finish my paperwork and then head downstairs to let her in.

1st floor

She's standing outside and I open the door for her as she rushes in past me. I get ready to shut the door and three other kids come running in after her. Two of them fall and roll through the door and the other walks in and kicks them both in their ribs. *You are both very stupid. Now get the fuck up.* Said the guy who kicked the two on the floor. *Jake you a bitch. You didn't need to kick us.* Girl 1 said. *Now my ribs and head hurt.* Girl 2 said. *Ok hold on who are all of you?* I ask. The two girls on the floor stand up and then walk over to where the boy named Jake is standing.

After explaining

*So wait your names are Hannah, Keeley, and Jake?* I ask as they all walk with me to the elevator. *Yes sir.* Jake said. *My god Jake since when do you act so respectful* Hannah said. Rozi sighs and we get on the elevator.

Back on the BAU floor

*Aaron can I use the conference room to help them study?* Rozi asks while the others get pestered with questions by the kids that Rozi has brought with her to help them study. *I don't see why not but I want your help with something.* I say and she nods.

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