The wedding

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The day of the wedding

Reid's POV:The day before went by like nothing. Garcia went to go pick up Amon and his friend from the airport. We decided to just have them go to my apartment because I haven't moved out of it technically and I still pay for the place. Aaron and I stayed home and talk with JJ and Morgan for a while. JJ brought the boys over to play with Jack for a while and Rossi, Emily, and Rozi went to finish last minute preparations. Today though has me extremely nervous. JJ, Emily, Garcia, and agent Gina are the bridesmaids and they're trying to calm me down but it's not working. *Guys what if I mess up or say something he doesn't like or what if......?* I say and get cut off by Gina *Spencer calm down. He's stuck by you this long and he hasn't left. You don't have anything to be scared of. Busied if it makes you feel better I was talking with Anderson and he says Aaron is also terrified for messing up.* She says to me with a soft smile. Emily fixes my tie and says *Calm down you're going to do great.* JJ hugs me and so dose Garcia. Jack pops his head in and says *Ladies it's time to head out there.* He leaves and the girls leave me alone. I'm waiting for Rossi since he is the one who is coming to get me since we didn't think about inviting my father and making things awkward. I call Morgan but he doesn't answer me. I put my phone on silent and Rossi comes walking in the room and places a hand on my shoulder. *You ready kid?* He asks and I shake my head and say *No I'm terrified.* Rossi pulls me to the door and gives me quick hug before we walk out and get ready for the wedding to start. I give Rossi a side glance and he whisperers *Calm down.* I look out at everyone who showed up. As I look around a bit I see a man who looks like Aaron but with blue eyes. He is sitting near the back with a guy with white hair. This guy next to him has an eyepatch on one eye and his other eye is gray. I see them looking at me and they give me a thumbs up and mouth *Breath.* I nod and take in a deep breath. I look forward for the first time since walking out. I see Aaron standing there and his stature shows that he's also very nervous and trying desperately to hide it. The music starts and Rossi leads me up there. When I get there Rossi pats my back and then goes to stand behind Morgan. I take my place next to Aaron. The ceremony goes on and it goes well. After the vows Aaron has tears in the corner of his eyes and so do I. When we get to the end of it all and get ready to exchange rings I decide to do a little magic trick. I quickly do the trick and place the ring on his finger as to not take up to much more of everyone's time. I hear Emily whisper *Just get in with it already.* The guy gets the hint and speeds up his speech and according to Emily finally gets to saying *I now pronounce you Husband and Husband.* Aaron pulls me close to him and kisses me deeply. I smile into the kiss and the tears that were just hanging in my eyes finally fell. The kiss ends and I'm smiling from ear to ear. I hug him and I can hear clapping around us. We leave and head to the building where the reception is being held. When we get there I glance over at JJ and Garcia to signal them to go get Emily, Amon, and his friend. *Aaron come with me. JJ, and Garcia are getting Emily and two other people that I would like you two to meet.* I say to him and he nods. I walk over to where they are and everyone is just kinda talking to each other. When we get over there Emily is looking at both of them and Garcia an JJ walk away to go inform Rossi and Morgan. *Hello Amon. Nice to finally meet you in person.* I say and Amon says *Nice to meet you as well Spencer. This Ken. Ken Kaneki.* *Love who are these people?* Aaron asks and Amon looks a bit hurt. I notice Kaneki hug him for a second and then Emily says *Why did you call us both here Spencer? I'm happy to meet your friends but I'm confused why you called only us here.* I sigh and look at them a bit disappointed before saying *Can you both really not recognize who Amon is?* They both look at each other and shack their heads. I take a quick look at Amon and see that he's on the verge of crying while he says *It makes sense that they wouldn't recognize their father since I never reached out or even tried to after I divorced from their mother.* I feel Aaron arm that was around me drop and I turn to see Emily staring at him. *D...Dad I...I'm.......* Aaron gets that much out before he pulls Amon in for a hug. He removes one arm and holds out a hand and pulls Emily into the hug. At that moment Rossi, Morgan, Garcia, and JJ come walking over to see the family hugging. I look at Kaneki and see small smile appear on his face. Aaron's pulls away from the hug and looks at me with tears streaming down his face. *How did you find him? He asks me and look over at Garcia. He gets it and looks at her and JJ. *You guys knew about this? I I don't know what to say other than thank you.* *Boss man there was nothing I would rather do for you and Emily if it means I get to see you smile sir.* Garcia says and Emily finally stops hugging her father and says *You never cease to amaze me PG.* Garcia smiles and JJ grabbed tissue out of one of her dress sleeves and hands it to Emily to wipe off of her makeup that's running down her face a bit. I wipe the tears off of Aaron's face as the others talk with Amon and Kaneki. *Surprise hun.* I say and kiss him. From behind Aaron I hear Gina say *Are you two just going to make out the whole time or are we getting this party started?* Anderson walks up and flicks Gina in the shoulder. *Gina stop it. It's their wedding day. But no in all honesty if your going to keep this up then get a room.* Anderson says and I just roll my eyes at them.

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