Home again and the aproval

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Reid's POV:I woke up some time during the flight home due to a nightmare and felt Aaron's grip around me tighten as he woke up and looked at me concerned. He then pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back while we sat there. He eventually stopped and grabbed my chin to make me look at him *Spencer talk to me. Are you alright?* he asks. *I just keep replying the events of what happened over and over.* I say and he nods. He lets go of my chin and pulls me in for a hug again. A few minutes go by and I start to lean into him as I get tired again. Before I slip back into sleep I give Aaron a kiss on the cheek and while I snuggle back up to him for the rest of the flight. He pulls me closer and then falls asleep again before I do.

1 hour left on the flight

Rossi's POV:I wake up to find a grinning Emily and then I look to see what she is grinning at. I stare in complete shock as I see Aaron with Reid in his arms while they both slept. But I can see why she's grinning. I've had my own suspicions of these two for a while now but I never said anything. I knew that only Emily and I had knowledge of Aaron being gay. As for Spencer though it was a complete shock. And they both looked so calm for once. When Emily finally stopped grinning at the two of them she looked at me and said *Rossi please do go telling the others.* I nod but ask *I will but why don't you want the rest of the team to know? I could understand them not wanting the team to know but why you?* She sighs before explaining that she and Aaron are siblings and that they haven't even said anything about it to Jack. I nod and then nudge Reid with my foot while Emily jabs Aaron in the forehead. Aaron grumbles as he wakes up and looks at me in absolute horror. I brush it off and say *Aaron you guys are fine* He nods and the wakes Spencer up.

Hotch's POV:As I wake Spencer up I see that it's only the four of us that are awake. Before he moves to sit up I explain to him that Dave isn't going to tell the others and he relaxes again. A phone then goes off over by the couch and Rozi sits up and answers her phone. She then walks over to us and hands me her phone. I put it up to my ear and hear Jack's voice on the other end. I talk to him for a bit and then place him on speaker when everyone wakes up. We all talk with Jack for a while and I notice that Spencer has gotten up to go get coffee. He comes back with his coffee and mine and I give him a small smile. He then makes his way back over to Rozi to make sure she's doing alright and then comes and sits back down next to me.

At the office

Reid's POV:We walk into the office again and Garcia an Jack wait by the elevator for us. Aaron walks out of the elevator and Jack runs up to him and gives him a tight hug, Morgan walks over to Garcia, Emily walks over to Jack and Aaron, Rossi walks to his office, JJ walks to her office, Rozi winces and then walks over to Garcia to collect the rest of her money. And Garcia starts to complain about how bad she looks while Morgan explains what she did. I walk over to Emily, Aaron, and Jack. I walk up and Aaron smiles at me. We then walk up to his office and he has Emily and Rossi come to his office as well. When we get in his office Aaron looks at me and I nod. We had decided to ask Jack's opinion on us. Emily is family to Aaron and Jack, and Rossi is here because he already kind of knows. *Jack* Aaron says as he pulls me closer to him. He sighs and I place a hand on his shoulder. I receive a smile before I decide to continue the conversation. *Jack I ..... we were wondering what your opinion would be if your dad and I were to be together.*  I say and look away while finishing the sentence. Jack smiles brightly at us and hugs us both. *If it means my dad is happy then I'm ok with it.* he says while looking up at us. I smile at him and return his hug.

Hotch's POV:I look at Spencer and Jack hugging and I smile again like I did when I saw them hugging at the table only a few weeks ago. I then turn my attention to Emily and Rossi who smile and nod before exiting my office. We sit there and talk for bit before we hear Rossi and Morgan yell *ANDERSON CALL THE AMBULANCE!* We rush out of my office and I hid Jack behind me so that he doesn't see the sight in front of us. JJ and Emily are kneeling next to Rozi while Garcia gets a bucket for her. Morgan and Rossi are keeping everyone back. Spencer runs to her and takes the bucket from Garcia. Anderson is on the phone and waiting for an ambulance. I stare is about horror as see the small, frail, and pale girl that only a few hours ago got us out of hostage situation that could have gotten a lot worse. She then was able to take down an arsonist who knew how to use guns and was good at hand to hand combat. That alone was impressive but her sneaking ability was also very impressive and yet her she is refusing help again as she coughs and spits up blood. Jack must have leaned around me while I watch and didn't do anything to help because he clung to me and started crying at the sight. That pulled me back into reality and my fatherly instincts kick in as I pick Jack up and hold him close to me. I get him to calm down a bit and then make my way to Strauss's office with Jack still crying into my jacket. She looks at me and demands to know what is going on out in the bullpen area. I stand in her doorway with Jack and set him down. I don't give Strauss a choice in the matter as I run back to the others and see that she is refusing the help of the paramedics. She then tries to stand and she blacks out so they see that as their chance to get her out of there. Rossi goes with them and make my way to Spencer who is trying his hardest not to burst into tears in front of everyone. JJ steps away from him and Emily lets me take him from the hug that she is holding on him. I grab him and pull him in for a tight hug while softly whispering in his ear. He calms down a bit and returns my hug. We stay like this for a while and then he pulls away from me to wipe his eyes. When he stops wiping his eyes he steps back towards Morgan and Garcia. I turn around to see why he did that and I see that it's because Strauss is coming down the hall and practically dragging my son behind her while she comes down the hall. I start to feel rage build up as I see my son try and escape her grasp. Suddenly Spencer walks over to Strauss and takes Jack from her. He picks Jack up and carries him over to me and stands a lot closer to me. Strauss practice glares at us and then she looks at the rest of the team with the same expression I get defensive and walk up to right as she gets ready to demand what's going on. *If you have a problem with what has just happened you can talk to me but I don't appreciate you dragging my son out of your office. And you then when you refused to let him go as he tried to pull away from you. On top of that your judging my team for no reason. So I suggest you go to your office or go home. Because we don't need that in this work environment.* I say and the whole room goes silent. Strauss storms out of the building and goes home. I sigh and then turn around and walk back to Spencer and Jack. I then take Jack from Spencer and hold them both close.

A few hours later

Reid's POV:We're all sitting in the conference room not speaking while we wait for a call from Rossi. I hold Aaron's hand under the table and Jack starts to fall asleep on his lap. Emily walks over to us and says in a whisper *I can take Jack if you like?* Aaron nods and then Emily takes Jack and lays him on the couch. She then grabs the blanket that's laying on the back of the couch and places it on him. A few more minutes of silence pass and then my phone goes off cause me and everyone but Jack to jump. I quickly answer my phone and put him on speaker. *Rossi how is she?* I ask with my worry slipping into my voice. *She fine. This apparently happened before it just hurt worse this time because of the broken ribs.* Rossi says but he sounds distant like he's hiding something from us. *Dave what aren't you telling us?* Aaron said while asking the question we all want the answer to. He sighs and then says *She's currently to weak to stand. She hasn't been eating or drinking. If she did drink anything it was coffee. She's awake right now but that's only because she's resisting sleep.* He pauses before asking *Is Jack awake still?* Emily looks at Jack who is still asleep on the couch. *No Rossi he's asleep.* She says while brushing a piece of hair out of his face. *Ok. I don't want him to hear this but and Reid this is going to bring up some memories.* Rossi says and then sighs again *She has old scars and new ones all over her wrists.* We all sit in silence and I feel like I have stopped breathing. Aaron squeezes my hand just a bit and I lean into him. Rossi must be able to sense the uneasiness in the room through the phone because he says *I think it'll be best if I keep an eye on her for now. Also when they let her leave I'll be watching her for a bit.* This was more said to me then anyone else in the room. *I resist the urge to cry and say *Ok Rossi and thanks for letting us know how she's doing.* *Yea. An Aaron this time keep an eye on the kid. We don't need them both in here.* He says. And we can all practically see the smile on his face while he says that. He then hangs up the phone after that. Right now we really should be more careful but our thoughts are to clouded so we just let them have their suspicions.

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