The way things should be

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Hotch's POV:After walking into the house and setting our bags down I walk into the kitchen to get dinner ready. Only maybe 20 minutes or so have passed and I here Jack laughing in the living room just like he did when Haley was still around. I set the bread and knife down on the counter and walk in the living room to see that Reid was sitting there on the couch and tickling Jack. "So that explains all the laughing I'm here over here." I said as Spencer and Jack both look at me with sly grins on their faces. "And you would be correct Hotch."Spencer said before he decided to stand up from the couch so I could sit down. "Please Spencer call me Aaron. We're not working so there's no need to be so formal. And you can sit back down I just came over to see what was going on. Oh and Jack have you finished your homework from today?" I ask as he starts to turn on the TV

Jack:"Ya I finished it at Aunt Jessica's house after school"

"Jack do I need to look over it and make sure you actually got it done and you did it correctly?" I ask with a hint of skepticism in my voice. "Hey Jack if you want I can look over it."Spencer said with a smile knowing that if either of us were going up see Jack's home work it would be him

Jack:"Alright just let me get it from my bag"

Jack then walk back to his room to get his homework and I turn to look at Spencer. "How is it that he lets you see his homework but not me?" I ask and he just laughs. God why dose his laugh have to be so damn cute.

Reid's POV: I tried to get Aaron's attention after I stopped laughing but I think he was daydreaming. I then heard the oven go off so I went and got the lasagna out of the oven and dished up so we could eat. When I turn around I see that Jack is back with his homework and trying to get his dad's attention. He then just looks at me with the most confused face I've even seen a child give and all I can do is laugh. That seems to wake Aaron from his trance because he looks around for a moment confused as to where I went and all I can do is keep laughing. Jack then starts laughing with me as Aaron is trying to find out what's so funny because to him we seem like a bunch of laughing idiots. We both eventually stop laughing and I set down plates of lasagna on the table. I then proceeded to go back to the kitchen and finish cutting the bread before Aaron asked us what was so funny that we couldn't stop laughing for a good 3 minutes. Jack explains what happened when he came out of his room with his homework but then I had to explain to him why Jack was so confused when he came back out to the kitchen. I would say that Aaron was at a loss for words and was extremely red.

After eating dinner

Jack's POV:After we had finished eating my dad too the dishes to the sink and started to wash them while Spencer came and sat down by me to look over my homework. "Hey Spencer." I asked as he started to look over my homework for a second time to make sure he didn't miss anything even though we both know he didn't. "What is it Jack?" He said as he looked up from my homework with a satisfied but questioning look to his face. I then got ready to ask him what I've been wanting to ask someone for a few years now, but before I can even say anything before Spencer pulls me in for a hug. "Jack one day he won't be as sad and that will be the day someone you always know will make him and you as happy or maybe even happier than before. When that day comes around you will know before they even tell you alright buddy. You just have to wait out time. I know that it seems like it will never change but it will. Will you believe that Jack?" He said as he held me in a tight but gentle hug. And I hugged him back and nod my head to agree

Hotch's POV: When I got done washing the dishes I turned around to see that Spencer was hugging Jack and Jack was hugging him back. All I could do was smile knowing that if things worked out Spencer would make them both feel less glum and start to see good in the world again. Spencer then looked at me with a sly smile and mouth that we had to tell him first if we were going to try and make it work. I just nodded in agreement but mouthed that we should wait and see how things go for the first two weeks. He smiled at me to show that that's what we were go to do and then he and Jack stopped hugging. When Jack stopped hugging Spencer he looked at us both and the asked "Dad, Spencer could we watch a movie before bed?" I was about to object but then Spencer said "If it's alright with your dad." He looked at me before continuing. "It is a Friday night after so that dose mean you don't have school tomorrow." Jack looked at me with that look of his that begged please without him having to say anything. I eventually gave in and went to turn on the TV as he ran to go put his homework up and get ready for bed. After I got the TV turned on we were just waiting on Jack to see what movie he wanted to watch. Spencer than sat down next to me on the couch and just leaned into me while we waited. I blushed slightly but then quickly tried to hide it as soon as I heard Jack coming into the living room. When he got on the couch he laid down on next to Spencer while resting his head on Spencer's lap. He decided to have us watch Star Wars The Force Awakens. We weren't even half way through the movie before I looked down to see that Spencer had one arm around Jack while moving hair out of his face while he slept. Maybe 30 or 40 minutes has gone by now and the movie is almost over so I turn my head just a bit to see that Spencer is asleep on my shoulder, so I turn my head just a bit more so I can give him a kiss on his forehead and Whisper to Jack "Good night." Just before I fall asleep myself thinking that this is how I want to spend the rest of my life.

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