Not all things can remain happy or can they?

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The next day

Reid's POV:Why we all got up Rozi got Jack ready for school as Aaron and I got ready for work. As I'm brushing my teeth Aaron comes up behind me and holds me. *Good morning Spence.* Aaron says. I finish brushing my teeth before saying. *Good morning Aaron.* Just then our phones go off with a text from JJ saying that we all need to meet at the jet. We both sigh and gather the last of our things before dropping Jack and Rozi off at school. We make our way to the jet and to no one's surprise we got there before everyone else. About ten minutes later Emily and JJ get on the jet and sit across from us. We wait a bit more and the Rossi and Morgan show up. We start to go over the case as the jet takes off. Then Garcia pointed out the ring on my finger as she looked up from typing on one of her many computers. My face goes a deep red and Aaron laughs. After his laughing he smiles and pulls me close while Emily and Rossi exchanged a high-five. JJ, Garcia, and Morgan keep asking questions and congratulating us. Soon enough we get back to going over the case.

20 minutes later

Hotch's POV:*Alight everyone get some rest. We still have 3 hours left. During the last 35 minutes we'll go back over the case before landing. Am I clear?* I say. No one seems to object and they all move to more comfortable seating. Spencer then nudges me and I look at him confused. *Who's going to pick up Jack after he gets out of school? Jessica is with her dad, and we need Garcia at the office.*He says. I think about it for a bit but can't come up with any good way to get him. I get a few ideas but the odds aren't that good. *Option one is that I ask Anderson and have him bring Jack to the office. But I don't think the school will let Jack go with him. Option two we call the school office and have them take Jack to middle school/high school and wait their for Rozi to get done with school. And then let him join her while she dose the lights and set up the stage for the school play. Option three is that I call Cruz and ask him to get Jack and then have him or Garcia let in Rozi when she gets to the office.* I say. JJ then mumbles. *Just ask Cruz. He'll get Jack for you. You just need to be on the phone with him when he gets there so Jack can leave with him.* I look away from Spencer to look at JJ and thank her for helping solve our problem. I notice that she is half asleep in Emily's shoulder. I don't say anything out loud about it but I do get Spencer to take a picture of them so I can send this to Emily later and ask her about it. Spencer stands up to call Cruz and I lean back and fall asleep.

Hotch's dream/flashback
I wake up to my mom yelling at my dad because he's leaving for another business trip even though he got back just a week ago. I get out of bed and start to get ready for school before walking over to Emily's room and get her up for school as well. After we were both ready for school we decided that we would leave through the basement as to not get yelled at or worse this morning. Once we got outside I locked the door and we started walking to school. Just then my stomach growled and so did Emily's. She sigh and keeps walking. *Em hold on.* I say as I open my backpack. She turns around to look at me. Confused as to why I stopped. I pull out a granola bar and handed it to her. *I knew you'd be hungry so I was able to sneak a granola bar for you.* I say while handing it to her. *What about you? You need to eat as well.* She says and starts to break the granola bar in half. *No Em, I'm fine.* Just then our neighbor Mr. Wilkinson came out of his house and called us over. I picked up my bag and we careful crossed the street to get to his house. When we got there he walked back in his class for a moment and then came back out with some milk for us and two warm sausage, egg, and biscuit breakfast sandwiches. We thanked him and set down on his steps while he sat next to us. *They're fighting again aren't they?* Mr. Wilkinson asked and we nodded. Just then Em remembered that we had field trip papers that needed to be signed by today. Mr. Wilkinson walked back inside and grabbed a pen before walking back out and asked for the papers. We handed them to him and he signed them before handing them back to us. *Thank you Mr. Wilkinson.* Emily says as we put the papers back in our bags. *No problem kid's. Now get going so your not late to school.* He says and we give him a wave goodbye. When we got to school Emily stops dead in her tracks and I turn back to look at her. *Em? What's wrong?* I say and then I see them. Emily has been dealing with bullies at school and when her friends found out about the bullying and our condition at home they left her for a different group. It was painful to see the only people that Emily has opened up to outside of himself and Mr. Wilkinson. Turn away from her. But one of her bullies found out and now use that against her. The group consists of Troy, Max, and Stephen. My eyes go wide as Max lands a punch on her face, sending her backwards. I catch her and she throws off her backpack. I try to stop what's happening but I can't. Ten minutes later Emily was on the ground being kicked at. I can't get anyone to help me so I take matters into my own hands and I start beating them up just to get their attention on me and not Em.

HeidOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora