Will you tell them?

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-5 years have passed so now Jack is in his last year of high school and nobody has heard from Rozi since she left for college 4 years ago.-

Hotch's POV:I'm sitting in the office staring at the clock waiting to see if we can leave yet. Jack graduates in two days and the team wants to hold a party for him. Spencer has been trying to contact Rozi for a while but there hasn't been a word since she left for college. She hasn't even come to visit us and at first we understood because it's college but now it's jut worrying. The day of Jack's graduation we're having inters come in and try for a position on the team because Morgan left to spend time with his wife Savanna and his son. Jack's graduation is in the middle of the day so all of us are just working in the morning that day. Soon the time comes I get up and leave to find Spencer reading a book. He hasn't cut in a long time and it's lightened his mode a ton since we started a group therapy. It's helped everyone keep their heads up and makes them feel better. *Hun it's time to go home.* I say to Spencer and he looks up at me and puts his book down. He stands up and we wave goodbye to everyone before heading out. We stop by the store to pick some things up for dinner. We get what we need and head home before Jack got back and made him dinner. When he got home he sets him bag down and has a big grin on his face. *Hey buddy. What's got you so smiley?" I ask and he pulls out a letter from his bag. *I got accepted!* We stop what we were doing and hug him. He's been trying to get Yale since he started his junior year and started working on his college classes to help him get in. *I had a feeling so when your dad wasn't looking I put some of your favorite drinks and candy in the cart.* Spencer says and I roll my eyes. *Is this why the over all cost was $85 instead of the original $54?* I ask and he nods. *Father you didn't have to do that you know. I'm happy with you being apart of my dad and I's life.* Jack says and then we all pull away from the hug and sit down to eat dinner.

After dinner

Jack's POV:I do the dishes and wish my dad's goodnight. I walk to my room and open up my computer to talk with Henry who attended a different high school to see if we can get together over the summer sometime. I go to write him an email first but see one from an email address I don't recognize. I had Garcia set up her own virus protection software so if it's a virus I'm fine. I open it and read the email and tears start to form in my eyes and I have a smile on my face.

Hey Jack. I know you don't recognize this email address and I should have probably used my old email but I was to lazy to do that. I heard that you got accepted into Yale so I wanted to congratulate you on that. I miss you, dad, father, and the others and I know I haven't reached out so I wanted to let you know that I was still alive and okay. I do want to warn you though that my name isn't the same. Nor is my gender, so now I'm your older brother Robert. I wish you the best of luck in your journey through college and I wish you a happy graduation. I hope I can see you guy's soon but it depends on my schedule. Also don't mention me to them yet I plan to surprise them with emails like I did you. Also here's my number *(***)***-**** . Hopefully talk to you again soon bud.
Sincerely Robert

I put Robert's number in my phone and then go back to email Henry before getting ready for bed.

The next day

I get up and check my phone to see an text about the electricity in the school being out so they won't have come in until it's fixed. I sigh and try to get back to sleep but can't do I get up and make breakfast for us all. I make some waffles and get the coffee ready. Father is the first one up and though he's a bit shorter then I am he still ruffles my hair like he did to me when I was a kid. We sit and talk for a while before dad gets up and joins us for breakfast. We continue talking and then they get a text and we all know that it means they have a case. They check their phones and have a confused look. *What's wrong?* I ask and they just stare at their phones confused. *Everyone including Morgan got an email from someone by the name of Robert. We even got one but we don't know anyone by the name of Robert.* Dad says and I'm tempted to tell them who it is but keep quiet as I think of a lie. *It could just be someone who typed the wrong email address in or something. Or it may be one of Rozi's old contacts trying to get ahold of her.* I say and they nod taking that as a reasonable response. I clean everything up and get ready for the day before waiting to see if the school text telling us that we can come. We all stay at home and watch movies until it gets close to lunch time and I get up and get ready to leave. *Guys I'm going to drive to Henry's school and meet him for lunch.* I say and they turn to look at me and say *Alright son just be careful on the road and let us know if you're going to school after lunch.* I nod and grab my keys before walking out of the house and out to my car.

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