A case of nightmares

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/Please read the messages from me at the end of this story. Also a hint for another thing that will be on this account is in the first message if you need it./

On the jet

Reid's POV:Aaron has an almost glazed look to his eyes. He keeps looking at the case file and suddenly throws is it back into his bag. He puts head on the table and we all turn to look at him. *Aaron are you okay?* I hear Rossi ask as he comes back to his seat with a cup of coffee in his hands. He mumbles something that I don't quite catch but Rossi seems to and he grabs the file out of Aaron's bag and takes a look at it before looking back at Aaron and says *I think you're right but we need to see the crime scenes first before confirming anything.* Aaron nods and Rossi pats his back before putting the file down and walking back to his seat and drinking his coffee. We all glance around and see that they are both deep in though. Emily is the first one to pipe up and ask *Alright what the hell is going on here? You two know something about this case and I suggest you tell us what the hell was going on!* Rossi only looks over at Aaron for an answer. He looks up at us and gives a vague answer. *November 2nd 1998.* I look at him and connect the dots. *Oh my god. Aaron that was......* I stop and he looks over and mouths a sorry before resting his head back on the table. Emily looks at me for answers but I say nothing. I know what happened on that day.

Flashback from Hotch's POV

I was walking back to the car and felt my surroundings change a bit. The click of gun goes off behind me. I'm still a rookie at this time and in all honesty I wish Rossi was here with me. *Get in the car and drive. I'll tell you where to go.* Is all I hear before the gun is pressed to my head and pushes me into the car. I did as I was told and ended up at an abandoned building. I had left a message at the station for the team because I had called them before the whole thing happened. I had ended it when we got to the building. I hoped it would help them find me before I became the next victim. When we got inside he forced me down and started his ritual. When he had finished he handed me a selection of blades. What he had done to me brought up a ton of unpleasant memories from my past and I quickly grabbed a razor blade and a switchblade and start cutting. I stay away from my wrist knowing that that's the one place Rossi is going to check first. I cut near my ribs and waistline. This continues on for at least 2 days, maybe more. When they found me Rossi had seen me in mid cut but I had given up on hiding it and just attacked my wrists and arms with every bit of self hate that I had for myself throughout the year. Rossi came running up to me and took the blades away from me. I kept reaching for them and managed to get a few more cuts in before he picked them up and threw them across the room as the rest of the team came in. That day I had cried on his shoulder while they arrested the guy. They had to pull me up and drag me out to the ambulance. When I got to the hospital they ran a rape check and wrapped up my arms, my ribs, and my waistline. Since that day Rossi took extra watch of what I did and how I acted. Anytime for the first 4 years I couldn't do anything without him being right by my side. 12 weeks after the case we got a call explaining that he had escaped. I had just sat in my seat when the call had ended. I couldn't move, talk, or hardly even breathe. I ended up having an anxiety attack that day. It was something I hadn't had since I was a kid when I was being abused. Rossi snapped me out of it and the whole team had worried expressions on their faces. Eventually time went on and there was nothing about him. Days turned into weeks. Weeks tuned into months. An Months turned into years. All of that time went by without him being on anyone's radar.

End of flashback and back to Reid's POV

I can't stand to see him like this. When he told me about it he was close to breaking down right then and there. I walk over to him and lean down resting one of my hands on his back and the other on his knee. He looks up at me a bit and I smile softly in an attempt to bring him out of the mindset he's in at the moment. It works and I pull him into a hug so the others can't hear what I say to him. *Aaron it's going to be okay. He can't hurt you anymore and you know this. You know what your doing now. I get that it's a painful memory from the past but you have to keep your head in the game so this nightmare can end once and for all.* I say and he nods slightly. I can feel Emily's eyes on me the entire time. *Spencer.* Aaron whispers. *What is it Aaron?* I say and he looks at me before whispering *Get Dave over here. I want to let him know what I'm going to tell you.* I nod and look over at Rossi an wave him over. When he walks over Aaron and I get up and walk over to the coffee pot. When we're all there Aaron starts talking to us quietly. *We have to tell the team if this is the same guy. Only the three of us know what I'm referring to when I say that. As far as I know it was never put in the report. But if it's the same guy then when we tell the team make sure we have Garcia on the phone.* Aaron says and we both nod. I turn to Rossi and he has a look in his eyes that says that he has a feeling that this is the same guy. Rossi walks back to his seat and looks over the file again. I look at Aaron and he looks as if he was dreading having to tell the team about this. I give him a soft smile and walk back over to my seat with him following behind. When I sit down I text the kids to ask them about taking care of the boys and they agree. I then dig into my bag for the pair of earbuds that Morgan got me for Christmas. I didn't see a reason for them before but now I do. I hand them to Aaron. He looks at me confused. I sighed and took his phone to search for some calming music and connected the earbuds to his phone and hit play as he put the earbuds in. Everyone busied Rossi and Aaron looked at me confused. I ignored them and took out a book from my bag to read on the way there.

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