Please no more

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Rossi's POV:I take the liberty of telling JJ's kids since Emily is currently asleep in Aaron's office due to the emotional drainage. I knock on there door and Michael opens it for me. I walk in and find Jack and Henry playing movies in the living room. I walk in and then turn when there is another knock at the door. I pull Michael away from the door and look out a window. They all give me a confused look before I open the door and let Spencer in. His eyes are red and his face is stained with tears. I shut the door again and lock it before placing a hand on his back and he gives a soft smile. I whisper to him and say *Kid you don't have to be here to say anything. I came to tell them. You should give yourself some time to let this all settle before becoming a support system for them.* He shakes his head and I sigh before I look at Jack and he pauses the movie. Spencer opens his arms for Michael to hug him and he does. *Michal, Henry I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you kids this but your mom what shot in the forehead this morning.* I say and Henry stay silent and looks at me with tears in his eyes. I hear quite sobs from Michael's direction and Spencer opens his arms again for Henry to come over. Henry stays frozen for a moment before joining the hug and they cry quietly into Spencer's arms. I turn to leave but stop and turn to Henry and Michael and say *Henry, Michael can you two go pack a few bags so you can stay at my house. I don't think you want to stay here in this house for a while.* They pull away from Spencer and go to pack a few things.

The next day

Emily's POV:Rossi told me he has the boys with him so I went to his house to be with them after I woke up yesterday. I'm currently sitting with my dad and Kaneki at the moment. And Aaron is on the phone explaining to them what happened and why I came to their apartment at 3:00 am crying. I don't know much about Kaneki but he's been helpful when it comes down to calming me down and keeping me away from breaking down again.

At the office

Garcia's POV:I was walking with more information on William when I notice Gina fall to the ground. I notice how empty the place is and rush over to her to find a bullet wound the same as JJ's. Hotch, Rossi, Spencer, and Robert must have noticed because they all come running over and Hotch ends his phone call before calling for people to come get her body. Anderson walks out of the elevator and then when he see Gina he runs over to her side and pulls her into his arms and cries. We had all known about his relationship with Gina but we never said anything about it since they never acted like they were married. I looked into their files and saw that they had married only a year before they were hired here. They never wore rings here and never acted like they were with the other until they thought people weren't around. Before they took her body away from Anderson he reached into her left pant pocket and pulled out her ring. He pulled his out of his pocket and held them and he cried. We were all slowly being targeted and it hurt to watch my family suffer like this. I help Anderson up and helped him to his car. He sat there for a while before driving home. I had a hard time trying to hold it together but when I made it back to the others and was pulled into a group hug I broke. They knew how hard this was on me and never told me to get over it. They cared and helped me through it. I went home after that and decided to stay with Morgan and them so I felt safer.

10:57 am

Rossi's POV:I stoped by my house to check on Henry and Michael. When I got there the house was trashed and there was a note from William.

If you want to keep them safe so badly then maybe you should stop looking for me. Agent Garcia is safe for now and the rest of you are as well but the kid's are with me. They will be returned if you stop looking for me. If not I will kill them and then the rest of you.

I leave the house and drive quickly to Aaron and Spencer's house to find Aaron knocked out in the kitchen. Spencer and Robert said that they were going to go check on Emily. I rush to Aaron's side and call for an ambulance. While I wait for them I file for three missing people and then call Spencer. When he answers I explain everything to him quickly and then hang up as I follow the ambulance to the hospital. They make me stay in the waiting room and I pace back and forth as I wait on the others to get here. When they do I stop and pull Spencer in for a hug as Amon catches Emily and Robert catches Garcia. Kaneki waits by the doors for an answer as we try and calm them down. Eventually they calm and we stay in silence for a while until a nurse walks in and says *Mr. Hotchner is currently out due to blunt force trauma to the head. He will be okay but it may be a few days before he wakes up.* We all let a collective sigh of relief. Emily stays here and goes back with the nurse to stay with Aaron as the rest of us go to the office to keep looking.

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