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Reid's POV:I wake up the next morning to find that Jack is still asleep on my lap and that I had fallen asleep on Hotch's shoulder. I slowly move Jack so that he's now asleep by his dad as I get up from the couch. I then walk to the bathroom in the guest bedroom and lock the door. After locking the door I reach into my pocket and grab a small blade that I had hid long before I was in the hospital. I know that the rest of the team knows what I did but they think that I've gotten better and have moved on . As I take out the blade I only twirl in in my fingers for a moment before I roll up my sleeves and soon I can see all the old scars that are spread around my wrists. I then start cutting like I had so many times before but I not start to feel myself loosing consciousness as I continue cutting. Then I start to black out but not before I see what looks like to be the silhouette of Hotch hurriedly applying pressure to my wrist while it sounds like he's yelling for Jack to call JJ. I want to object but I can't. I also want to sleep but Hotch keeps a firm hold on my wrists until he gets his Jacket sleeves tied on tight as he yells at me with worry in his voice for me to keep my eyes open.

Hotch's POV:*10 minutes before.* I wake up because I feel a lot colder now and don't seem to know why. As I start to sit up I feel Jack shift in his sleep. I don't remember him laying by me but then I realize I don't know where Reid is. I slowly get up from the couch and place a blanket on Jack so he doesn't get cold before I get up to look for Reid. I first check in the kitchen but he's not there and all of the coffee I made the night before hasn't been touched. Worry starts to settle in as I frantically rush around the house looking for him. "Spencer.....Spencer come on answer me" I yell as I still can't seem to find him. Jack gets up and asks me "Dad why are you yelling and where is Spencer" I look at him when I tell him that I don't know where Reid could be and he seems to become fully awake after hearing that. I don't know if it was the worry in my voice or in my eyes. Maybe it was both but then we both start looking and calling out his name only to be greeted with the voice of the other calling for him. We both meet up in the guest bedroom looking for him. Jack walks over to the bathroom and tries to open it but it's locked. I kick in the door to find him laying on the floor and loosing consciousness. I look at his wrists and see that they were cut deeply with the razor blade that's in his right hand.

Reid's POV:*What's actually happening.* I walk out of the kitchen to find that Jack is now away. He more than likely woke up to me getting up from the couch but then I look at him and see that he's standing by the couch and looking Aaron with worry. I walk back into the living room to see why Jack looks so worried. I turn to Aaron and see that he's crying in his sleep, as kneel down next to him and gently place my hand on his back to calm him down. He opens his eyes quickly and breathing quickens. Jack looks at us with even more worry so I pull him closer to me and give him a hug so that he calms down a bit. 15 minutes pass and Aaron has started to calm down enough that Hack isn't as worried about him as before. When he sits up and looks down at the floor instead of at Jack to ease his worry I can tell something is wrong. Jack then let's go of me to go and give his dad a hug. I'm great full to see that he hugs Jack back but I can tell his mind is somewhere else. When they stop hugging Aaron says "Jack you need to go get ready so that Aunt Jessica gets here you guys can leave immediately. You don't want to be late for the movie." And with that Jack ran upstairs to get ready for the day, while I got up and sat on the couch next to Aaron. I pull him close as he rest his head on my shoulder. He mumbled something but I couldn't hear him so I asked "Aaron what did you say". He says a bit louder "I don't know why but in my dream I saw from your perspective as you cut so deep that you started to slowly bleed out and die." I look at him and kiss him on the forehead. "Tell me what happened" I said while I rub his back to keep him calm.

Hotch's POV:After I explained everything to Spencer he just sat there with me in silence got a moment before Jack came running down the stairs to eat breakfast while we wait for Jessica. After he's had breakfast and brushed his teeth he looks at me and asks "Dad are you ok? Why were you crying?" I look at him and tell him that I'm fine. I can't come up with a good lie to explain why I was crying but he seems to have forgotten that part of his question. When Spencer comes back in he's holding something behind his back out of Jack and I's view. When he stands behind the couch so we still can't see he leans down to whisper in my ear. He tells me "Aaron it will make more sense when I give it to him but this is how he can keep in touch with us and the rest of the team. I already let them know what's happened and who this is." I look at him confused before he comes around so Jack and I can see what he has. I looked at Spencer before he hands Jack a phone. Jack then looks at me wondering if I knew about this but I just shake my head. He then looks back at Spencer before setting the phone on the table and giving him a hug while he beams with excitement. Spencer then shows him how to use it and who's number is who's. When he gets the hang of it Spencer then pulls out a case with all of his favorite superhero's on it from under the table and helps him put it on his phone. Jack gives him another hug and holds his phone bu the pop socket. Spencer also explains that he already put on a screen protector that's waterproof. When I hear a knock on the door I get up to get it because I know it's Jessica. When Jessica comes in to get Jack he runs upstairs to get his jacket before coming back down to hug us both, grab his new phone, his night bag with his charger in the front pocket, and a book before he heads out with Jessica.

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