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Garcia's house

Garcia's POV:We sit inside my house waiting for them to get back home. Jack has since fallen asleep on my couch. Rozi has a book in her hands while she sits on the floor with a notebook next to her. I look at the clock to see what time it is before getting up and getting myself a glass of water. When I come back into the living room Jack is awake and sitting next to Rozi reading what's in her notebook. Just then there is a knock on my door and I get up to go and open it. *Hi Garcia.* Spencer says when I open the door. *Hi boy genius.* I say and Jack gets up and runs to Spencer and hugs him. Spencer hugs him back and then walks in the door. Spencer gives me a hug after Jack runs off to grab his things. After he pulls away from the hug I can see the sadness in his eyes. We talk for a bit and by the time we finish talking Rozi and Jack are ready to go. *Alright well I'll see you soon Pen.* Rozi says as she gives me a pat in the back. Jack gives me a hug and then stands by the door. Rozi walks out the door with Jack and gives me a wave before walking out. Spencer gives me another hug before walking out.

Reid's POV: I follow the kids out to the car to find Aaron reclining in the passenger seat asleep. They get into the car quietly and I drive us home.

At home

When I park the car Jack get out of the car and runs up to the front door. Rozi starts to get out of the car and looks at Aaron. Sadness spreads onto her face for a moment and then she covers it back up with her wall that blocks out emotions. She sighs and then gets out of the car and opens the house door. I try nudging Aaron awake but to no avail. I give him a kiss and he wakes up. He grins into the kiss and then we eventually get out of the car. I lock the car and then we walk inside. Jack is sitting at the kitchen island and Rozi is making smoothies. Aaron walks into the kitchen and leans against the counter. I sit at the island with Jack and am then handed a smoothie along with everyone else. *The smoothie has some natural herbs that will help Night get over what happened even quicker than normal.* Rozi says and then starts cleaning the dishes. Jack starts gulping down his smoothie and Aaron looks at her confused. *Night? Why exactly is that my nickname? I like it but I'm confused.* Aaron says and then takes a sip of his smoothie and smiles behind his cup. *Your hair reminds me of the sky at night so I decided to call you Night. Reid if you want to know your nickname it's Space because of your love for science and you can put yourself in a calm state of mind when your working and your seem to go off in your own world when you need to. Jack yours is beach because your hair reminds me of a sandy beach.* Rozi says as she finishes the dishes. She yawns and grabs her notebook before walking to the couch. I look up at Aaron and he just shrugs. We turn to Jack and he stares at us confused. *What?* He asks us and then gets the hint. *Oh. You want to know what's in the notebook. Well it's mostly just research and codes. I don't understand most of it though.* I nod and clean up our drink glasses.

Three hours later

Hotch's POV:There's a knock at our door and I take a look at the clock. It's fairly late at night and the knocking doesn't stop. I get up from the couch and Spencer grabs my hand as I get up. *I'll be fine. If it makes you feel better I'll take my gun up with me.* I say and Spencer nods. I grab my gun and walk up to the door. Just as I get to the door Rozi runs at me and pushes me out of the way. I get ready to say something but she hush's me and slips a note under the door that looks like a bunch of numbers, letters, and symbols. After a few moments the note comes back under the door and she takes a look at it. Another note is sent under the door by her and then it's returned. Her face is twisted in fear and then in anger. She slips another note under the door and gets a response before running to her room and getting her jacket, a bag, and a helmet. *Where are you going!* I yell and she throws a note at me in normal English so I can understand it as she runs out the door and meets up with whoever is on the other side of the door. I take a quick look at the note and then hear the sound of two motorcycles start up and take off. Spencer and Jack run to the window and see that Rozi is one of the riders. We all run out of the house and look down the road to see more people on motorcycles meet up with Rozi and the person she was communicating with. We get in my car and follow them to the other side of town. When they stop I stop the car a good distance away from them and we all get out and follow them. They all start dead sprinting to this unknown location. As we follow them they break off into groups.  We follow the group that Rozi is in and they start scaling up a wall. I help Spencer up and then he helps Jack up. I hop up and follow them. We keep going and then we meet up with everyone else again. I hear shouting up a head and pull Spencer and Jack with me as I get a better view of what's happening. I see Rozi kick some guy in the face and push him into steal pipe that is part of the building. The guy falls and almost falls off the building. Another person catches him and shoves him on his face. The guy gets up and walks off for a bit and comes back with a small kid and pushes the kid into Rozi and try's to run off but a guy shoves him into another person and then they drag him off to an unknown place. The guy that came to our house yells at everyone to get home and they all run back the way they came. Rozi, this kid, and the guy that came to our house walk back to us. I look at the kid that they walk up to us with and the kid is the most recent missing kid. The guy that came to our house takes off his helmet at it turns out to be Jake. One of the kids I meet when they came to the BAU to study. When Jake takes off his helmet he has a bruise on his left eye and a cut under his right eye.  He grins and hands the kid to Spencer. We fortunately know the parents of the kids who was missing. Jake he walks off and yells back at us and says *I'll see you all later*. We all nod and head back home to return the kid to his parents. When we got home Rozi walked in the house and ran to her room and shut her door. Jack went to his room and slept. I lock the door and Spencer hugs me. I hug him back and give him a confused look. *Spence are you ok?* I ask and he just stays there silently. I look down at him and give him a kiss on the head. *Aaron?* He asks me and looks up. *Yes Spence? Are you ok?* I ask and don't try to hid the worry in my voice. *I'm fine I just worry about how your doing since you just got out of the hospital. Also I want to go to bed but my legs feel like jelly.* He says and I laugh a bit before picking him up and carrying him to bed. *Spencer I'm fine and I have you to help if I need it.* I lay him down gently on the bad and shut off the light. I walk out of our room and go check on Jack to see that he's asleep. I walk into his room and take off his shoes and then pull the covers over him. I walk out of his room and turn off the light before walking to Rozi's room to check on her. I knock on her door for a bit and get no response so I walk in to find her at her desk with headphones on and resting her head on the desk that is covered in notebooks, pencils, pens, books, lights, and metal parts. I tap her shoulder and she jumps slightly and then falls back asleep slightly. I take off her headphones and place her on her bed. I take off her shoes off and turn off her lights before shutting her door and walking back to my room. I walk in and find Spencer sitting on the bed in one of my jackets. *Spencer are you cold?* I ask and he looks up at me. *Yes.* He says and makes little grabby hands at me until I climb into bed. When I get into bed he curls up by me and wraps me in a hug. *I love you.* I say and he mumbles *I love you too.* I give him a kiss on the head and hug him back. I feel myself falling asleep and Spencer snuggles into me more and then drift off to sleep.

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