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A month later

JJ's POV:Gina, Anderson, C, Emily, and I have been here for a month and now Robert returns but has a tired smile on. He keeps the door open and we all finally leave. I walk out hand in hand with Emily and when Henry and Michael see us they start crying and rush to us. I hug them tightly and everyone slowly catches up and we talk. I leave the hug and walk over to Spencer as he stares at us with shock and tears in the corner of his eyes. I walk over and he hugs me quickly while I see Hotch walk over and hug Emily tightly.

A few months later

Hotch's POV:I hang up the phone after ending the call with Jack and walk to the couch. Spencer comes over and lays on me as we replay what happened to everyone recently. I kiss him on the top of his head and we lay there in each others company. We have a few weeks off of work still and haven't left each other's side much since we ended this most recent case we were on. *Aaron.* I hear Spencer mumble and I look down at him. *What is it love?* I ask and he looks up at me with tiredness apparent on his face. I kiss him and he smiles into the kiss a bit before saying *Can we just stay like this for the rest of the day? I don't want do anything today.* I chuckle a bit at his child like request but agree to it. I honestly don't want to leave him at all and I fear the if I do he will be gone from my life. *Sure love. But you should get some sleep as well. You look tired and I don't want you getting ill from not sleeping properly.* I say and I feel him nod against my chest before yawning. I smile and hold him close to me as I hear the sound of his breathing even out. I feel myself drifting off into sleep and hold onto Spencer tightly.

A few hour later

I wake up to find Spencer still asleep and clutching me tightly. I smile and rub his back as I fall back asleep again.


Jack's POV:I walk in the house to find dad and father asleep on the couch. I grab a blanket and gently place it over them before making sure the door is locked and going to bed for the night. I start to fall asleep but hear the front door open so I look out into the living room and see Robert locking the door. He sets down a few things on the table before walks to his room. We never changed it so it's all the same but he doesn't care. He gives me a small wave before shutting his door for the night. I shut my door as well and climb into bed. I'm so grateful for the family that I have and can't picture my life without them. I close my eyes and think of my family and everything we've been through.

The end

/Sorry the ending sucks but I will be writing more with these guys in the future. By guys./

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