You miss me?

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A month later

Jack's POV:I meet up with Garcia, Rossi, and Robert for lunch. So far only we know who Robert actually is and we plan on telling Morgan and his family today. *So when do you guys want to go over to his house? Savanna wants to know so she has knows if she needs to make more for dinner.* I say and and Rossi says *Why don't we go in an hour. I have to get something from the post office soon anyway.* We all agree on this and eat lunch.

After lunch

Garcia and Robert stay with me as we wait for Rossi to get his thing from the post office. We decide to walk to a bookstore and wait. When we walk in I stay by the front door and wait. When they come back over to me we have 10 minutes left to get to the car and get to Morgan's house.

At Morgan's house

Morgan's POV:I open the door and see, Garcia, Rossi, Jack, and new face. I let them inside but keep my eye on the new person. I heard that he's the guy who took my place. I get the feeling I know him but I don't remember ever seeing this guy. Savanna walks into the room and I don't see my son so I guess he won't be joining us for the conversation. The new guy holds his handout to me. *My names Robert. I have a bit of explaining to do as to who you might remember me as.* I shake his hand and we all walk over to the couch. I sit down and put my arm around Savanna. *Morgan do you remember where you ended up taking Jack and another person after Jack graduated from middle school?* Robert asks me. I do remember where I took Jack that day. I also took Rozi with us so she got to spend some time with us before she left for college. *I do but what do you have to do with any of that?* I ask and Robert gives me a look of disappointment. *I may look different but the way I act hasn't changed.* He says and I continue to look at him until it clicks. *Oh my god. You're so different. It's good to see you again kid.* I ruffle his hair. And Savanna finally meets who is now Robert and they end up talking for a while. I get a text and see that it's from Aaron.

H:Do you know where Jack is at? He left his phone at home and he's not here. We just want to know where he is

M:You're fine. Jack is here with us

H:Alright thank you

M:No problem

I put my phone back in my pocket and I see them all surrounding Garcia. *What's going on over here?* I ask and Savanna pulls me over and whispers in my ear *We're helping Robert come up with a way to tell JJ, Emily, Spencer, and Aaron.* I nod and see that JJ and Emily are FaceTiming with Garcia so I carefully listen to what everyone is saying and see that Robert is just carefully listening for something. I'm guessing it's some sort of cue to say something. The conversation goes on for a little while long before Rossi says *Hey Robert you think it's time you say something?* Robert walks over and places and arm around Jack's shoulders. *Ya. Why is it that you profilers can't remember who I am? I mean seriously Jack's my little brother so if you haven't noticed I did show up to his graduation that I wouldn't have gone to unless I knew him. Plus Jack normally tells you all about people he's met. The fact that I was never mentioned should have been a big indicator.* He says and JJ turns to Emily and holds out her hand and says *You own me $20 Emily.* Emily hands over the money to JJ and mumbles something.

An hour later

Jack's POV:We all leave and go to our respective cars. Garcia rode with Rossi earlier so she goes to his car and I walk over to mine. Robert walks to his car and waves before leaving. I drive home and when I get there Henry and Michael are sitting outside on the porch. *Hey guys.* I say when I get out of the car. They look up at me and wave. I walk over and see Michael playing with spider. Henry is sitting next to him but keeping a good distance between himself and the spider. I roll my eyes at Henry and place a spider that's behind him on his shoulder without him noticing. I wait and walk inside as he still hasn't noticed. I grab a cup of water and then hear Henry scream and run into the house. Father runs out of library and looks at Henry. Michael walks inside laughing and holding two spiders now and Henry runs into my room to hide. Dad walks out of his office and looks at Michael and I for an explanation. I just point at the spiders in Michael's hands and dad nods in understanding.

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