Court case

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/Hey guys. I'm back for now and I'm going to keep this all short so I can give you the story as quickly as possible. I just got up from being passed out for a while and I feel that while I'm still in my healing process I should give you all the next chapter. So here you all go./

Hotch's POV:When we get back home Spencer falls onto the couch and lays there with his head in one of the pillows. The kids have gone to Rossi's house while we sort all of these things out for JJ's sake. *Spencer are you alright?* I ask and he grumbles into the pillow. I sigh and walk over to him and pick him up an take his spot on the couch before setting him in my lap. *Love you have to talk to me about what's bothering you. Is it something I can help you with?* I ask and this time Spencer responds. *I'm pissed about everything that Will and his lawyer said about you! I mean how could he say something like that when he......* I cut him off with a kiss knowing that if I let this go on he would end up reading all night and be grumpy in the morning. *I know but we have legal documents to prove that the wedding wasn't faked and we have countless reports that we can prove on him about what he did.* I say and he seems to calm down a bit. We get up to get something for dinner and turn on a movie. I wasn't really paying attention to it though because my attention was in Spencer as he fidgeted with his shirt sleeves. *You have the urge to cut again don't you?* I ask him and he gives me a sad nod. He's been doing better about talking to Rossi or I about it but he still bottles every up from time to time. He hasn't cut in three months and to other that don't know anyone who self harms or to those who don't self harm you have no idea how good that can be. Self harm starts off as a way to relieve stress but it can develop into an addiction. Eventually it becomes their way out of every bad situation or stressful situation because it's what they did to help them before. Self harm is like a drug because while harming you get a sense of calm and it's like a high that you can't stop. It sucks but when you start and get hooked it's insanely hard to stop. To see Spencer falling back into this is hard but I'm with him every step of the healing process. *Aaron why do you choose to help me with my problem if it breaks you inside?* He asks and I'm a bit taken back by the question. *Spencer I love you and that will never change. I help you because I want to see you get better and beat your demons.* I say and he turn to look at me with tears in his eyes. *But why? I'm hurting you and everyone else by by doing this and yet you still choose to help me through it. One day I could go to far and die and it would tear you apart. I'm just hurting you by doing this to myself.* He says and I just pull him to me and hug him. He buries his head into my shoulder and stays there. *I'm sorry. I know you just want to help me get over this. I love you for that and I love that you stay by me during this all.* He says and I kiss him on his cheek. *I know love I know. You have no need to apologize.* I say and eventually I pick him up and we go to bed. In the morning we have to meet with my dad to go over everything he has to prove Will's accusation is just that an accusation with no actual proof or fact to it.

In the morning

I wake up to find Spencer gone. I sit up quickly and run to the kitchen to find him with a cup of coffee in his hands. He's ready for the day and I look over at the clock and see that I have 20 minutes to get ready and eat before we have to leave and meet up with my dad. I rush to get ready and then run out to eat a bit of breakfast before Spencer and I leave. *Hey Aaron are you okay? You look tired.* Spencer says and takes my right hand and holds it. *I'm fine Spence. I just want to end this so JJ can live her life how she wants to live it.* I say and I see Spencer nod. We get to Spencer's place and talk with my father. *Hey dad.* I say as I walk into the living room and Spencer follows behind me. We sit and talk for a while about what we need and then we get a call from Dave.

D:Aaron, Spencer explain to your daughter why she should let me take her to the hospital

H:Hold on why should we say that

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