Chapter 13

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It was now the second day of the contestants being within the Forest of Death. The rookie nine had been put through the wringer, leaving a hidden sensory type both worried and intrigued. He'd been monitoring non-stop, declining opportunities for rest, he didn't want to miss anything. He couldn't afford it, if his intel held up then today was supposed to be the day, but that doesn't mean that he should let his guard down.

Currently, a silver-haired cyclops sat with his colleagues, awaiting the arrival of his former subordinate.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival, do you think your genin are going to make it out in time?" Gai questioned.

"I'm not worried about them, Tatsu is what concerns me right now." The silver-haired male explained.

"You're worried about Tatsu, who are you, and what have you done with Kakashi?" Kurenai joked.

"Yeah, I never took you for the type to be worried about anyone." Asuma butted in.

As the male continued to be bombarded by the other Jōnin, he slipped back into his mind, his thoughts on his soon-to-be roommate and his well being, also whether he wanted to finish his book today or tomorrow. Unconsciously pulling out the book in order to distract himself from his worries, earning various looks from those around him.

"Kakashi." A voice called out to him gaining his attention.

As he looked up he saw an eighteen-year-old Itachi standing in front of him.

"Let's make this quick shall we, Tatsu is not one to be ignored, he needs to be watched and taken care of, by taking him into your home you are accepting those responsibilities. Do not ever upset him after a mission, and for your own sake don't read that book in his presence, he can see through walls after all." And as quick as he came, the Anbu left, leaving no room for question.

Several hours passed, the young sensory type sitting within the trees idly watching over his brother's team, the tiredness starting to finally get to him. His eyes closed for what seemed like a second, but when they opened the scene was already set as he foresaw. Sasuke stood parallel to Orochimaru, the snake-like man preparing to extend his neck so he could mark Sasuke.

As the snake's neck started to extend, Sasuke stood there petrified at the realization that he was outmatched. Before the rapidly approaching head could reach the young Uchiha, his elder brother came down with a powerful ax-kick slamming the snake in the ground, quickly moving away from him afterward.

Tatsu might have been a powerful shinobi, but he knew when he had to play things safe. As he moved away from the currently stunned man, the brown-haired male quickly rushed his brother and his team to safety away from the man, signaling for the other shinobi on standby to move in.

"Do any of you require medical attention, if not then I'll have to leave you to finish before this part is called off?" Tatsu inquired, his Byakugan activated so he could watch out for the snake.

"Nii-chan do you know him?" Sasuke questioned.

"Not really, but under no circumstances are you to try to take him on, now do any of you need medical attention?" The older male questioned again his tone a lot more commanding than his brother was used to.

The younger Uchiha said nothing, his teammates shaking their heads as a sign of 'no' before leaving to try to finish their exam. As the long-haired male watched the genin leave his Byakugan's range, he also began moving towards where the snake once was.

Once arriving at the scene again, he could see several shinobi wounded, some minor, some potentially fatal. While tending to the shinobi, sending the minorly wounded to the team of medics on standby, he could sense a presence watching him.

"I am not one to be snuck up on little shinobi, mind yourselves and leave." The medic said not even looking in their direction, a comrade's life was on the line right now.

Noticing that the children hadn't left, he activated his Byakugan to see who was there without losing his focus on his patient. He didn't recognize the children so they must've been foreign. Once finishing his treatment enough that the man could get to the medical team with his assistance.

"What're you doing, you're going to have me move like this?" The leaf nin questioned, no doubt overwhelmed by the pain.

"Would you rather I perform the surgery here without anesthesia and pain medication?" Tatsu asked even though he already knew the answer.

Helping the man up, continuing to ignore the watching genin, Tatsu began to steadily move the man.

"Make a move on either of our lives and I will not hesitate to remove your hands."

That was all that was said as the two disappeared into the trees, on their way to the hospital.

"Maybe they weren't as dumb as I thought."


A/N: I said we were getting juicy, but I'm not ready to take on fight scenes so you guys are going to have to wait for that. Written at 4 am again because I'm built different and my mind says writing is best right now. Corrections and things of that sort, but like suggestions are cool too.

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