Chapter 31

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It was late in the afternoon, the sun was giving off its last rays of light before the night would take over. Tatsu sat on top of the Hokage Monument, watching the sunset in the distance. A gentle breeze blew past his face, it was cool, not chilling but refreshing. 

"Kaa-chan?" A voice called out from behind him. 

Calmly, the man turned his head to see his firstborn son behind him, he was just like he looked in the dream he'd been shown so many years ago, aside from the fact he was an adult now. 

"Tou-san has been looking for you, Hōki is scheduled to return home today." The younger man explained. 

"Oh, that's right, we should probably get going then," Tatsu said as he stood up from the ground. 

Walking through the village, they'd been greeted by many people, Tatsu was a famous person in the village. He was known as both the Slug Prince, a title earned after Pain's invasion, and the one who stole the Copy-nin's heart. That and he'd done the impossible, but no one really knows about that part. 

"Kaa-chan, you're quieter than usual."

"What, are you trying to say I can't be quiet?"

"What no it's just-"

"Tenji, calm down, I'm only kidding. Notice how I haven't hit you."

"Oh, thank Kami." The silver-haired male sighed out in relief. 

The relief was brief as his mother punched his shoulder "lightly". 

"That's for not realizing, no son of mine is going to walk around not knowing the key parts of my personality. Hōki would've known right away." The brunette said as he kept walking as if nothing happened. 

In his mind, it was nothing out of the ordinary, he'd even been nice enough not to use any of his actual strength. Though, he wouldn't have hit his son with full force even if he were to be upset. 

Upon their arrival home, Tatsu didn't sense the presence of his youngest son, but he did sense the presence of his husband. Walking into the home, he swiftly made his way into their shared bedroom. Kakashi was lying down on the bed reading his book, wordlessly, Tatsu moved in between the man's legs and laid his back on the man's chest. Kakashi simply placed his chin on top of the brunette's head and continued reading. 

Without even realizing it, the two had fallen asleep in that position. They were woken up by a brown-haired pre-teen calling for his mother. 

"Hōki, welcome home." Tatsu greeted as he opened his eyes, the man behind him didn't budge, he just wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and snuggled his face into the brunette's back. 

"Kaa-san, can you check my eyes, they've been irritating me lately?" The boy requested. 

"I don't see why I wouldn't, Kakashi I need you to let go."

The silver-haired man complied allowing the long Tatsu to sit up and move towards the edge of the bed. Sitting on the edge of the bed with the pre-teen in front of him he placed his palms on both sides of the boy's head. A soft green hue emitted from them as he scanned the boy's eyes. 

"Hōki, funnel chakra into your eyes." The man instructed. 

The boy complied, not long after the boy's eyes went red. The sight was surprising enough that it'd not only shocked Tatsu but Kakashi also. 

"Kaa-chan, what's wrong?" The boy asked as he began to panic. 

"Hōki, you're fine, I'll take you to see your ojīsan, he'll know more about this than me," Tatsu said in reassurance. 

Noticing that his words did nothing for the boy, he simply moved his hands from the boy's face and down to his shoulders as he kissing his son's forehead and pulled him into a hug. 

"It's nothing bad Hōki if anything it's a good thing. Now, go get some rest, I'm sure you're tired."

At that, the boy left the room, leaving Tatsu alone with his husband once again.

"Is it really a good thing? Him having the Sharingan that is." Kakashi questioned as he opened his arms for his lover. 

"I don't actually know, it could be good for him to have it in some instances, but my question is how. He didn't get it from you because your Sharingan wasn't really yours, to begin with. And I'd heard that the Byakugan and the Sharingan were related, but it doesn't make any sense for him to have it especially when Tenji doesn't." 

"Tatsu, do not stress yourself out tonight, do I have to relieve some of that stress?"

"Kakashi Hatake, you are a dirty man."

"Tatsu Hatake, allow me to taint you once more." The silver-haired man whispered softly as he began planting small kisses on his lover's neck. 

And just like that, the night was swept away from the two. Their blissful life shielding them from the outside world. In all honesty, it's a truly fitting end. 


A/N: If you didn't catch the drift, this is the end. Who knows maybe I'll write another one, or maybe I'll just leave this here and never come back. I'll be back of course, but let's enjoy this for now. Anyway, tell me what you think and yeah, suggestions are always accepted. 

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