Chapter 30

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Along the way towards where the Infinite Tsukuyomi would be cast, Tatsu vanished while Madara's head was turned. 

"I guess some things never change." The Uchiha sighed at the realization. 

Though he knew he couldn't stay with the older man once they reached the battlefield, the brunette didn't leave the collection of chakra of his own accord. Rather he'd been pulled from the armor without being alerted beforehand. 

He'd reappeared on what seemed to be like a vibrant planet, keyword planet because this place was certainly not on Earth. It was almost identical to the field he was in when he was within his mindscape. 

"Hello, dreamer."

"It's you again, am I asleep?" The brunette questioned as rolled his eyes and laid on his back. 

"No, we're actually here this time, to be honest, I was surprised that your mind mirrored this place. It makes me wonder, are my memories in there and they're being kept from you, or are you not allowing them in?"

"Trust me, if they were in here I'd let them in." 

"Maybe you want them, but the part of you that's seen them doesn't?"

"Look I don't need this right now, there's a war going on."

"I know, I'm the reason you know that."

"Smartass," Tatsu mumbled under his breath. 

They sat there for a while, Tatsu just stared up at the beautiful night sky. To be fair, it was far more exciting to watch rather than the one on Earth, it was fuller. The stars shined brighter, it was as if there were either a lot closer or they were a lot brighter. The three moons decorated the scene beautifully, each one was a little different from the others. 

"You know, this planet was supposed to be drained for a Shinju, but I didn't use this planet. I found it 'too beautiful to kill.' It's stupid I know." The man said as he closed his eyes and smiled softly. 

"Wait, say that again." Tatsu requested as he rose up at the familiar words. 

"What, too beautiful to kill?"

"Yeah, it's something about that, it's a memory I just can't reach it. It's like it's just outside of my reach."

"Well, the only one who's ever said that to me was Urashiki, before I left that is."


"He was a dear friend of mine, but the relationship he wanted with me wasn't what I wanted with him."

"So you left your home and your life because you didn't want to be with someone."

"Well, short answer yes, but I only left because tou-san was going to force me. I don't do well with people trying to force me into doing something."

"So I got that from you?"

"You got a lot from me, somethings should've been reserved for the original, but it was refreshing to know people love me no matter where I go or what time period I'm in."

"What do those pills do? You gave me two of them, but you never explained what they do."

"Let's just say they give you the one ability you couldn't get when you were 'born'."


"You know, technique, capability, look in all honesty, you're a lot weaker than the others."


"Not because you're defective or anything, you're perfectly normal, but I think either you're unconsciously limiting yourself or someone is limiting you. I wouldn't put it past Hatsuki to do that to you thinking that it was for your own good."

"Hatsuki is the one before me, correct?"

"Yes, the black sheep of all of the Tatsu's. You know he was the only one who didn't take on the name Tatsu at some point in his life."

"What happened to him?"

"He lived a quiet life within a remote, cut off, village, and then one day they found out who his eyes reminded them of. The Hyuga if you were wondering, after that they were going to kill him and he let it happen, not before sending you to Fugaku Uchiha, which he wasn't supposed to do."

"What do you mean by that."

"I wasn't a part of history on Earth, so by you being back there, it could've caused a lot of problems for the fabric of things. I wanted to play it safe so I left a set of rules for every clone to follow, you don't have those rules but he did. Rule #1: Never get directly involved with major parts or people within history. Rule #2: Do not place the next Tatsu in direct contact with any major figures of history. Rule #3: Do not alter major events, whether it be indirect or direct. Rule #4: Do not attempt to extend your life or gain more power by eating the Shinju."

"What happens if a clone eats from the Shinju?"

The man didn't say anything, he just imitated an explosion then laughed because it'd happened before. 

"Well, dreamer, our time is up. It's time for you to go back." The original said as he stood up from the field.

"What is the war over?" Tatsu questioned standing up with him. 

"I mean it only lasts two days, and your brothers are looking for you."

"Itachi and Sasuke."

"Oh, word of advice, next time you decide to you know with you know who, take the pill either before or right after. It works better when you take it before."


That was all he could manage as the man pushed him lightly and he realized he was in the middle of the battlefield in front of the Sage of Six Paths.

"It's a pleasure to see you again ojisan." The elder said as he disappeared from existence. 


A/N: I won, again, but that's beside the point. Tell me what you think and give me suggestions. You know the drill. 

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