Chapter 14

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The second part of the exams finished as scheduled, team 7 finishing earlier than most thanks to their lost scroll being returned by a certain medic-nin. Due to too many genins passing the second exam, they were holding preliminaries before the finals, but that wasn't starting for a couple more days.

Currently, Tatsu along with Kakashi and Itachi were walking through the village, nagging the long-haired man to finally rest.

"Nii-chan this isn't good for you, you've been working constantly, and you're rarely home." The long-haired Uchiha stated as he was following his big brother.

"Tatsu you should listen to him, you're putting your health at risk and it concerns me." The gray-haired cyclopes said agreeing with his former subordinate.

"I'm fine, really, besides Itachi, you're gone all day so how would you know when I'm home and Kakashi I can assure you there is nothing to be worried abo-" Tatsu suddenly collapsed cutting himself off, his body shutting itself down despite its owner wishes.

"There's nothing to be worried about?" Kakashi asked as he caught the younger male before he hit the ground.

Itachi was ready to take his brother off of his former senpai's hands, but he backed off when he heard a brief 'I got it' from the older male. There were no other words exchanged between them as the oldest of the three carried the unconscious male back to his home.

Once reaching his house Kakashi laid the long-haired male down in his bed, unintentionally waking the younger of the two.

"What's going on Kakashi?" Tatsu questioned, his eyelids heavy due to lack of sleep.

"You're gonna get some rest alright?" Kakashi answered, his tone soft yet sort of commanding.

"I can't sleep yet Kaka... too many people... Oro- Oro... Ura-"

Though the man's last words were slurred and incomplete, Kakashi was pretty sure that the younger male was trying to say Orochimaru twice and a mysterious new name after. It kept Kakashi wondering, he understood why he'd say Orochimaru, Tatsu along with other shinobi reported an encounter with the snake, but who was the other person he was talking about?

Hours went by, twelve to be exact, Itachi had stopped by to check on his brother multiple times, but ultimately accepted that no matter how many times he stops by his brother won't wake up until he was ready. When the brown-haired male finally woke up, he was both lost and confused, the event of what happened the day before slipping from his mind.

"Kakashi?" The man called out after realizing whose house he was in.

"Hmm?" Kakashi answered as he walked into the room shirtless, obviously in the middle of getting prepared for the day.

"What happened, like did I say anything specific?"

"Nothing too specific, you were saying something about Orochimaru and an Ura?"

The man's eyes went blank, he was fear-stricken, whoever this Ura was terrified him.

"Tatsu, who is Ura?"

"No one you'll meet anytime soon."

"I don't need to meet them, I want to know who they are."

"Kakashi, do you trust me?"


"Then you'll trust me when I say you won't be meeting him anytime soon."

The older man didn't press the matter further, he just left the room to finish getting prepared. After sitting there, contemplating what to do next, Tatsu removed himself from the bed thanking Kakashi for his hospitality as he left to go home.

As he walked into the home he was greeted with the sight of his father preparing to leave for his daily duties.

"Tatsu, Itachi told me about what happened yesterday and I heard about what you did during the second round. I'm proud of you for rushing in like that against Orochimaru, but you have to remember the importance of keeping yourself healthy and rested."

"Tou-san, I understand that, but-"

"No excuses, you're a medic, you're the most vital part of a team, and you're a sensory type. How do you expect to be able to save lives and detect enemies when you kept even keep your eyes open?" The man questioned cutting off his son.

"I know, it's just I've been dealing with a lot-"

"Raise your head Tatsu and speak up, you're showing weakness."

"I- I'm-"

"Spit it out Tatsu, I did not raise you to be afraid to speak your mind."

"I'm scared tou-san. I've been dealing with a lot lately, my mind has been betraying me, my body has been resisting me, and the only thing I can count on right now is my own abilities."

"And what of your comrades and your family, can you not count on us?"

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?" The man questioned further, his voice rising slightly.

"Tou-san, nii-chan?" Sasuke questioned stepping into the hallway.

"Fugaku, calm down, whatever it is cannot be worth raising your voice like this," Mikoto stated as she stepped in front of Sasuke.

"Tou-san, there is someone I am afraid of, no matter what I do, I probably won't be able to stop him, but what scares me isn't that I'll have to face him one day, but the fact that I don't know when that day will be," Tatsu said, his voice low, his eyes closed to hide his dismay.


A/N: Yes, but with a hint of no. Seven on a Tuesday and Saturday on a Wednesday. Okay confusion aside, correct me where I'm wrong again and give me suggestions. Oh, and I didn't write this at 4 am for once.

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