Chapter 15

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The brief intermission was over, the preliminaries were over, all that was left was the last few days of final training before the actual finals. At the current moment, Tatsu, along with Kakashi, was sitting within the Hokage tower taking care of some paperwork for their sensei. 

"You sure you don't want to actually help, I mean we could be done a lot faster if you did?" The brown-haired male questioned. 

"I am helping, I'm staying out of your way." Kakashi retorted. 

"You'll do anything to avoid doing what you don't have to."

"Well, I think I'm taking a well-deserved break, Sasuke is training with Fugaku-sama."

"Thanks to me."

"And Naruto is training with Minato-sensei."

"Also because of me."

"Not everything is because of you."

"Your nosebleed from last night was."

"I asked if it was safe to enter and you didn't answer."

"Exactly why you should've asked again instead of entering without permission."

"Now I'll have to watch out for both of your brothers."

"What was that Kakashi-sensei?" Itachi questioned from behind Kakashi. 

The sudden appearance of the male causing the cyclops to quickly hide his precious book. His nerves tensing then relaxing once he realized it was actually a clone Tatsu had created, pulling out his book once more. 

"I warned you about reading that book in front of my nii-chan Kakashi." The previously cloned Uchiha stated. 

"Haha, very funny Tatsu." The gray-haired male spoke in a sarcastic tone. 

"Umm, Kakashi, that's not me." The medic-nin said, poking his head out from behind his brother. 

It was then Kakashi realized that his roommate was not lying, his one eye slowly raising to meet the blaring Sharingan of Itachi Uchiha. Slowly, he placed the pornographic book down beside him, raising his hands as a sign of surrender.

"Hmm, sucks to be you Kakashi, you should've listened when I said- wait Itachi what have I told you about using your Sharingan like that." Tatsu scolded as he moved in front of his little brother. 

"It's not safe nii-chan, I know." The pureblood Uchiha recited lowering his head and deactivating his dōjutsu.

"And it can cause you to go blind, don't use those eyes unless it's absolutely necessary."

"You never scold tou-san or Sasuke."

"Even I'm not bold enough to do that unless kaa-san is there, and don't bring up Sasuke, he's still unlocking his tomoes. When he gains his third tomoe I'll scold him about his Sharingan usage too, now finish up with Kakashi, he's coming with me for a picnic."

"You're going on a picnic with Kakashi?"

"I didn't whisper or stutter did I? Yes it's us and the other jōnin commanders, some of the genins too, but as you know some of them are training for the finals. Oh, I almost forgot, have you talked to Sasuke today?"

"Not since I left this morning."

"Go talk to Sasuke."

With that, the man left. 

"I saved you this time Kakashi, don't slip up again," Tatsu said opening the window.

"You're always saving me, when will it be your turn to be the damsel?" Kakashi questioned following the Byakugan user out of the window. 

While sitting in the field of grass, Tatsu noticed many things. The questioning look directed at him from Sakura, a bummed out expression from Ino, the worried look on Gai's face, the quick glances Kakashi gave him, and the caring aura surrounding Kurenai and Asuma. Sickening. 

"Ino?" Tatsu questioned gaining the blonde's attention. 

"Yes, Tatsu-senpai?" The girl answered. 

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just bummed out that Sasuke isn't here."

"You're not a good liar, tell me, what's really the issue?"

"I feel bad about what happened during my battle against Sakura."

"You feel bad for her or about the fact that you had to fight her?"

"Why would I feel bad for her?"

"You held back, whether you're not adept in close combat, you know you could've easily taken her down. My theory is that you didn't want to hurt her, you wanted to spare her from both the humiliation of losing and the massive blow to her pride that it would've been if she lost to you."

"What are you a mind reader or something, you're too good at this?!" She exclaimed letting the old male know that he'd hit the nail on the head. 

"I didn't know, but now I do. All I did was analyze the situation and the way you were fighting."

"What about you huh, you've been spending a lot of time with Kakashi-sensei, and I know you've seen the way he looks at you?'

"I can assure you, my relationship with Kakashi is nothing like Kurenai and Asuma's, and I spend a lot of time with Kakashi because he's my best friend, also he's my roommate."

"Kakashi-sensei is your best friend?"

"Yes, and he's the only person who could ever possibly that I'm their best friend, even if his best friend is a bowl cut green jumpsuit wearing weirdo."

"How come he's your best friend?"

"When we were younger, we lost someone dear to us, and we helped each other with it. That's also the same person who gave Kakashi the Sharingan. But when Kakashi lost someone else dear to him, I didn't really like her, but still, when he lost her it hit him harder than Obi's death. He never did tell me what happened to her, but I was there for him, I still am."


"Well, that's enough about me, Kakashi I'm going to take a nap."

Kakashi didn't say anything, just patted the place beside him so he could watch over Tatsu and read his book easier. The two laid there in silence, Kakashi reading his book and listening to the conversations around him, and Tatsu fast asleep next to him. 


A/N: So like Wattpad has been playing with my emotions and I haven't been able to thoroughly go through and check my grammar and spelling and things like that. So with that said be sure to correct me where I'm wrong and give me some suggestions if there is anything specific you want. Written in the middle of the afternoon so yeah. 

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