Chapter 26

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"Oh, Tatsu-sama, oh, sir I don't it'd be wise for me to repeat that." A smaller Katsuyu clone said as she rested on Minato's shoulder while listening to her summoner's vulgar words. 

"That's definitely Tatsu." Minato deadpanned. 

"Tatsu-sama would like to know why you didn't tell him about you resealing half of the Kyuubi within Naruto."

"As the Hokage, I am not obligated to share that kind of information."

"He said he doesn't care, sir."

"Just tell him to keep up the jutsu, I'll figure something out."

As heard those words repeated, he let out a loud groan. The jutsu was already straining his body, it'd be really bad for him if he had to keep it going longer than usually permitted. 

Meanwhile, the majority of the Uchiha Police Force was keeping watch over the civilians, making sure they were receiving the proper care from Tatsu and Katsuyu. The Leaf's guardian angel of a medic was keeping tabs on them, making sure his family was safe from the ongoing battle as he watched Naruto undergo the Bijuu transformation. 

His position was distorting his view of Naruto, if he felt that he had to he would subdue his brother's friend, but until then he'd simply monitor. Activating his Byakugan, in order to increase his field of view, he quickly counted the number of tails deactivating it again before he'd used too much chakra. 

"Seven tails, he's at seven tails, tell Fugaku-san it's time to demonstrate some true Uchiha power," Tatsu said as he closed his eyes in an attempt to center himself. 

"Right away."

He'd given his order, but it was taking too long for it to be executed. His chakra was running low and some of the jutsu was starting to fail, through his heavy lids, he could see the eighth tail form then soon after Naruto's form stopped. Slowly, the appearance of the Kyuubi faded and all that was left was a blonde blob and a black dot next to him. 

A gentle smile made its way onto the brunette's face before ultimately, he and the jutsu collapsed. 

"Welcome back Tatsu, long time no see." A voice spoke to him as he fell deeper within his mindscape. 

The voice was his own, but his words weren't those of his thoughts. It was Tatsu, but it wasn't him. 

"How've you been dreamer, did you miss us?"


His eyes snapped open, his body rising swiftly as he gasped for air. Looking around with analyzing eyes, he'd noticed that he wasn't in the hospital he was used to, then again the one he was used to was destroyed the last time he was conscious. 

"You're awake!?" Someone asked in utter shock.

Turning his head he could see that the voice had come from Kurenai, her in her pregnant figure standing shocked in the doorway. 

"Kurenai, where am I?" The man questioned as he continued scanning the room. 

"You're in the hospital, the new one, you've been in a coma for-"

"Don't tell me how long, just tell me what I missed."

"Well Madara Uchiha declared the Fourth Great Ninja War, and Naruto defeated Pain."

"Where is everyone?"

"Probably fighting right now, from what I've heard Yondaime-sama and Kushina-sama are within the headquarters in Kumogakure. But you shouldn't..." The woman trailed on as she realized that the long-haired man was already gone. 

As soon as he'd cast his jutsu, the brunette had appeared within the war's headquarters. Instantly all weapons were aimed at him, kunai were ready to be throw, jutsu were ready to be released, everyone was ready to end him the moment he moved. 

"I'd rather not do this right now, please lower your weapons and stop infusing chakra, I just woke up from a coma and this is not the way I wanted to be greeted when I made my appearance," Tatsu said as he walked away from the Hokage's chair. 

"Why are you walking around Tatsu, it's not good for you to be doing that yet?" Minato questioned as he offered his chair to the medic. 

"We're at war and you're worried about my well-being, nevermind that sensei, just catch me up so I can help."

The man sat there in his teacher's place as he listened intently to the words of the war advisors. Both the Kazekage and the Tsuchikage were on the field and they appeared to be near each other. 

"Sensei, did you mark them?"

"The Tsuchikage, yes."

Walking over to the war map, Tatsu pointed towards one of the three companies within the desert area. 

"Inform the Tsuchikage and the Kazekage to move over to the location of this company, we also will need to get there, where's the Mizukage?"

"She's moving with the feudal lords."

"She needs to be there too, I have a feeling that something big is going to happen at the location of this company."

"I'm sorry, no offense, but we can't just put all of our kage in one area because someone had a feeling that something would happen."

"Maybe you didn't know this due to my absence, but I'll be sure to make it known to all it may concern. You do not become the student of the Hokage and two of the Sannin, by being an idiot or some random. You have to have skill and intellect, I have both. Every hunch or feeling I've ever had about something like this has been correct. So take my word when I say I have a feeling something will happen there."

"Wake up dreamer."


A/N: I'm playing with my own emotions at this point, I swear next time I'll calm down. I lied, but hey you stuck around this long, why leave now. 

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