Chapter 28

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He stood there, gazing at the nearly decimated battleground. The five kage were obviously being pushed to their limits with this battle, even Minato had trouble taking on the real Madara Uchiha, but at the arrival of Tatsu, the battle seemed to have been put on hold. 

He didn't look at his sensei, he just stared up towards the pure-blood Uchiha, the Sharingan user doing the same. They held their staring contest for a while before a subtle green glow emitted from the brunette's hand, no signs were weaved just a green glow in his hand before he gently placed it on his sensei's shoulder. The man's wounds disappearing, before he took a couple of steps forward. 

Firmly placing his feet in a jumping position, Tatsu launched himself towards the blue titan-like figure with his chakra-laced feet. As he reached the head where the Uchiha was controlling the Susanoo, a part of the figure opened up allowing the younger man inside. 

The kage stood there perplexed at the actions of both parties, it was Madara Uchiha after all, he had no connection to Tatsu, yet they interacted as if they'd known each other for all of their lives. 

"You allowed me in." Tatsu pointed out as he stood in front of the man. 

"You're not a clone, you've piqued my interest," Madara said, his true intentions still unclear to the younger man. 

They stood there in awkward silence, neither one of them knew what to say next. 

"You've married an Uchiha, if only it was during our lifetime." The spiky-haired man said as he pointed towards the Uchiha crest on Tatsu's clothing. 

"No, but there was one who wanted my hand."

"How are you here, I watched you die and I was the one to recover your body."

"Madara-san, if you don't mind, could you tell me what happened? I don't exactly remember."

"You're just like him," The man whispered under his breath, "Long ago you were going to be mine, then you had a child. You never shared who the father was, all I know is the child looked exactly like you did when we were children. I refuse to believe Tobirama could help recreate such beauty, but then again you were always a mystery."

"What do you mean, I never shared who the father was, what happened?"

"Questions for another time, maybe you can be my hanayome within the Infinite Tsukuyomi."

"If that's the case, please put on a good show for the others, I want my question's answered."

At those words, he quickly wove the sign for Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu, unleashing the flames onto the man before charging at him. For Madara, it was like a trip down memory lane, bringing back memories from the times he'd spar with the Tatsu he once knew. Their quick and fast movements, along with the distance of the Susanoo gave off a very unclear visual of their "fight", but even with that, the kage didn't hesitate to join in. 

For the first time in a long time, Minato had actually used sage jutsu. Gamabunta's appearance took Madara by surprise, not much surprise, given that he'd gone toe to toe with Hashirama Senju multiple times. This act had gone on long enough, seeing as Madara had falsely incapacitated Tatsu, and moved away from the kage after rendering them utterly useless in battle, for the time being. 

Tatsu didn't know the full story, but maybe Madara would have some answers. Whatever connection Madara had to him obviously was strong enough that he'd spare their lives for him. 

"Tatsu, you're not the one I knew and you're obviously unaware of the past we shared, but you seem to be the same Tatsu Obito would mention during his training. He cared very deeply for you, it seems you tend to have that effect on people no matter what time you're in." The older man's baritone broke the silence. 

"I want to understand more of what I don't know, this whole lifetime of memories keeps calling me towards you, a part of me wants me here with you, but the rest of me sees no reason for me to be here other than to take you down. It's like my own mind is keeping secrets from me."

"I cannot help you with removing any other memories other than the ones we shared together, but you don't remember anything about me other than my name." 

"We learned about you in the academy and being the adopted son of the clan head helped me uncover a lot of the clan's history."

"So you know of the stone tablet."

"Know of it? I've studied it for years hoping to finally crack the code, but I lack the Sharingan so reading it is near impossible."

"That is true. We have time before we arrive at our destination, would you rather ask specific questions or have me just tell our story."

Without answering, Tatsu sat down and crossed his legs, his hands holding on to his ankles as he slightly leaned forward. He looked eager, it was as if he'd waited to hear this story his entire life. The Uchiha smirked at the familiar position and sat down in front of the younger male, attempting not to stare back at the lavender eyes boring into him.  


A/N: I'm just going to smile and nod as I keep going, I'm pretty sure we all know this doesn't end good for us. Anyway tell me what you think and give me suggestions if you have any. 

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