Chapter 1

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On a dark night, somewhere near the borders of the Konohagakure, a darkened skin male limped his way through the forest. He had a mission, one of the utmost importance, to deliver the child to the Hidden Leaf so he can live a safe life. 

Using what little chakra he had left he used his Byakugan to search for anyone who could finish the mission he could no longer continue. After his continuous searching, he spotted a team of four just barely inside of his Byakugan's range. He cautiously made his way over to their location, having to deactivate his kekkei genkai and travel essentially blind. 

Upon his arrival into the vicinity of the small group, his unfamiliar chakra sent them into a defensive state.

"Show yourself." A deep and gruff voice commanded. 

He complied, limping away from the tree he was behind baby in hand. 

"Please take him." He begged, his voice weakened hardly any power left within it.

The man before the group bore the skin of most others from Kumogakure, short and curly dark brown hair. The baby he held bore a similar visage. 

"My little brother, take him, please." He said motioning for one of the shinobi to take the baby he held, cradled in his arms. 

"Grab the child." The same gruff voice from before commanded, our traveler could now see that this was the Fugaku Uchiha he'd heard about from his former comrades. 

The Uchiha held an ever-skeptical look as he watched his teammate take the child from the weakened man's arms. His black irises focused on the man's movements taking note of all his behaviors, searching for any signs of ill intent, yet he found none. 

Once his temporary teammate was back with the rest of the leaf nin present, he took a quick glance at the child in the kunoichi's arms immediately noticing the lavender eyes of the Hyuga. Snapping his eyes back at the man before him, finally noticing the same lavender eyes the child bore. 

"They're of the Hyuga clan." The kunoichi stated, her eyes fixated on the child in her arms. 

"Bastard children from the looks of it." One of the male shinobi on the team pointed out. 

"Bastards indeed, protect my little brother for me." The man said, wearing a weak smile on his face as he backed away and dissipated into a puff of smoke.

"Kage Bunshin," Fugaku muttered turning away from where the man once was, "get some rest, we're not making any stops tomorrow."

"What about the child." The kunoichi asked.

"Check him and keep him safe, it was part of the man's dying wish."

No words were said after that, the kunoichi checked the child for injuries and any source of information on him and where he was from, the only thing she found was a scroll containing his name, his bastard status, and that one of his parents were from Kumogakure. Not much information. 

The following morning the four-man cell, along with the addition of the three-month-old infant, made their way back to the Hidden Leaf, taking a safer route for the sake of the child. Upon arrival, they were given skeptical looks, entirely because of the addition of the child coming along with the squad, but nonetheless, they were allowed entrance.

While entering the Hokage residence, the looks of curiosity continued to arise as the team, more specifically Fugaku made his way to the Hokage's office. 

After placing three knocks on the office door the team could hear a simple "Enter" from the Sandaime. Once fully inside they handed in their mission reports and stood there waiting for him to speak about the child their squad leader held. 

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage, lifted his eyes from his towering paperwork and looked upon the team, his eyes both gentle and questioning as he stared at the child.

"You've brought a child from an enemy land, during a time of war, into this village. My only wonder is why?" He asked while resting his chin on his propped up hands. 

"A clone of his older brother brought him to us, it was his dying wish for him to be brought here and kept safe. They appeared to be the offspring of a member of the Hyuga clan and a resident within Kumogakure." Fugaku reported.

"Anything else?"

"I found a scroll on the child, it contained his name and the mission that his older brother was assigned to complete, even if the mission was a self-assigned mission, it was his mission nonetheless." The kunoichi explained. 

"What is the name of the child?"

"Tatsu, it was written in the old language to mean dragon."

"That is an odd name to give a male," the Sandaime muttered under his breath, "You're dismissed, except you Fugaku."

The other three members of the temporary team left the room, leaving only Fugaku, the Hokage, and the sleeping child. 

"Fugaku," Hiruzen spoke, "You are to watch over this child."

"Hokage-sama, with all due respect-" He stopped at the sight of the Hokage's raised hand.

"You agreed to bring a child from the enemy territory into this village, he's your responsibility. I'm sure our orphanage nor would any of our citizens be too happy about a child from the enemy being within their presence, these are times of war and people are untrusting of the unknown." He explained.

"But my wife-"

"Is with child, I am well aware, but this situation is created of your own doing. Respect the dying wish of the man you met, protect that child and that's an order. You are dismissed."

"Hai Hokage-sama," Fugaku said, bowing his head before exiting the tower. 

Now he had to go home to his wife and explain how their firstborn is going to have an older brother. 


A/N: This is my first fanfic ever so if I messed up or used a word incorrectly please correct me. It'll help both of us.  

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