Chapter 24

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Walking out of the Hokage's office, Tatsu near passed out due to sheer exhaust. The technique he'd used was extremely useful and it worked on almost anyone, with or without chakra, but the repercussions of using it were extreme. Plus he hadn't had the chance to truly rest since leaving Kumogakure, fear of the Kumo-nin being on their trail was the cause. 

Stopping to lean on a nearby wall, Tatsu's eye became heavy, the lids barely holding themselves up. They'd closed for a brief second, the brunette felt his body start leaning forward before he could snap back into full consciousness. Luckily, before he could hit the ground, he'd felt a solid, but comfortable form under him. Lazily opening his eyes he'd realized that he was now on Kakashi's back. 

"No, it's fine," Kakashi said to him as he'd tried to remove himself. 

Seeing as he was lacking the energy to argue with him, the long-haired man just repositioned himself into a more suitable position for his carrier, resting his head into the crook of the older man's neck.

"Thank you." He whispered softly as he fell asleep. 

Kakashi had attempted to take the less populated route to their shared home, but even that wasn't enough to avoid the stares of the village. Tatsu was their best in-house medic, some would even argue he's a better medic than Tsunade, but he'd never accepted the praise. Though he'd been avoiding the population he'd still been seen by a certain Uchiha on patrol. 

"Oi Kakashi, what happened to my nii-chan?" The raven questioned as he walked up to his sensei. 

"He had a battle with the Raikage and it wore him out, I'm taking him home so he can rest." The cyclopes explained, his face showing his exhaust also. 

"Inform me if his condition worsens."

Upon their arrival at the house, Kakashi carried the man to his room along with him. He didn't know if he'd make it to his bedroom if he'd carried Tatsu all the way to his own, he figured they could just share his bed for the night since he was sure he'd wake up before Tatsu would find out. 

After stripping Tatsu of his extra layers he placed his sleeping form of the bed, leaving him in the standard shinobi pants and his black undershirt, Kakashi moved to remove his own clothing leaving himself within his black sweatpants only. As he climbed into the bed, he felt a firm grip grasp his wrist and pull him down under the younger male's body. Trapped in an awkward position, a blush rose to the man's face, though it was mostly hidden under his mask. 


Waking up the next morning, as Kakashi had predicted, he'd woken up first. The brunette resting on top of him, his head on the older's chest as his arm held firm around his torso. He could almost sense Tatsu's unconscious decision to hold the position. Unfortunately, it couldn't last forever, judging by the sun's rays attempting to peek in past the curtains and the shade of the light Kakashi could easily determine that it was most likely well through the day. 

Instead of leaving the man alone in his bed, the older decided it'd be best if he stayed there to watch over the sleeping beauty, creating a Kage Bunshin to make lunch for the two. 

As the clone left the room Kakashi's eyes, roamed the sleeping form under him. He'd been close with Tatsu ever since Obito's death, they helped each other through that and the younger male was also there for him when he lost Rin. Tatsu had mostly known their situation before the two's deaths so it made it easier for Kakashi to let him in, they were feeling the same pain. That and there was something nagging him within his mind telling him to be near the younger male. 

As they grew up together, they just naturally stuck together. Soon, the man found himself admiring the man below him, carefully assessing his features. He'd never understood how people could mistake the man for a woman, he had the build of the average male shinobi, his muscles were clearly visible, but a pretty face can distract from other qualities. 

When the smell of the cooking food became more prominent, Tatsu began to stir within his sleep. Slowly opening his eyes, a blush was clearly visible on his face as he stared at the mismatch eyes. 

"Kakashi?" Tatsu questioned as stared up at the man, his head still rested on his chest. 

The man didn't say anything, he just hummed in response. 

"Thank you."

"For what?" The man questioned. 

"For sticking by me and trusting me, not just during the mission, but in general. Thank you."

"Tatsu," Kakashi called out to him, the lavender eyes locking with the mismatch ones once again. 

With two fingers, the older man lifted the younger's head allowing him to gain a better view of the beauty below him. 

"I will always stick by you." 


A/N: I'm petty and angry, but hey I finished the chapter didn't I? To be honest, this took a lot longer than I thought it would, mostly because I kept getting interrupted. Anyway, comment and tell me what you think and give me suggestions, you know the usual. 

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