Chapter 9

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Apparently, Shisui's idea of going out with Tatsu meant catering to his every want and desire. Tatsu didn't mind of course because it felt nice to be taken care of, as a medic-nin and an older brother of two, he rarely ever had time to be calm and pampered.

The two teenagers went to all kinds of places; the market place where Tatsu found many new items that he'd add to his growing collection, Ramen Ichiraku, the shared favorite of Tatsu and a certain blonde, an empty park so Tatsu could reminisce about his childhood, and the top of the Hokage mountain where they currently lay watching the clouds go by.

"Tatsu?" Shisui called out rolling onto his side.

"Yeah?" Tatsu answered shifting his eyes to the older male.

"When do you resume your duties?"

"I do not know the exact day, but I'm not going back this week."

"So you're free for the rest of the week?"

"No, I promised Sasuke I'd teach him something I learned while I was away. He's always eager to catch up, I wish he'd slow down, but I guess it's in your blood."

"Call it Uchiha pride, if you're not the best you're the worst."

"Oh, so is that why Itachi made me finish the academy early?"

"Shouldn't you know, you are his nii-chan after all?" Shisui inquired putting extra emphasis on nii-chan.

"Shut up." That was all Tatsu muttered as he went back to watching the clouds.

They stayed up on that monument for a while, so long Tatsu had slipped into a light nap. Shisui laid there, subconsciously pulling the younger male closer to himself, keeping a steady eye on him as if he'd vanish into thin air. After a couple of minutes of watching Tatsu rest Itachi appeared in front of the two.

"I see my plan worked." The younger male spoke in a low voice careful not to wake his older brother.

"It did indeed, thank you." The older male replied, his eyes not leaving the sleeping form in his arms.

"Remember, my friend, I did not do this for you, this was all for my nii-chan's happiness. Be careful with his heart, he doesn't react kindly to those that hurt him, and neither do I." That was all Itachi said as he vanished from the scene.

Shisui knew his calm friend would break that demeanor if it ever involved his brothers, that's why he was cautious when he first presented his liking towards Tatsu. He felt the threat was a little unnecessary given that not only has Tatsu displayed his fury multiple times before his training, he also displayed his newfound strength on the day of his return.

He could've contemplated more reasons why he'd never break the heart of the form below him, but the form below quickly moved away from him at the sound of the academy's dismissal. Tatsu's sudden movements surprising the one known for his transportation technique.

"Tatsu, why are you running to the schoolyard?" Shisui questioned as he moved to keep up with the long-haired male.

"I'm going to see Sasuke of course, I missed three years Shisui," Tatsu answered as he landed outside of the academy limits.

As the students started to exit, a certain raven could be seen trying to hide embarrassment.

"Nii-chan, what are you doing here?" Sasuke asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm here to see you, is that not okay?" Tatsu inquired.

"It's alright, but why'd you bring him?"

"Shisui and I were on a..." Tatsu trailed motioning for Shisui to finish the statement. He didn't.

"A date?" Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah if that's what you want to call it." He said motioning for his younger brother to follow him.

As they were about to walk away, a voice called out to the group.

"You there!" The voice called causing Tatsu to turn his head towards the boy known as Neji.

"Yes?" Tatsu answered looking down at the child.

"You have the Byakugan, but I've never seen you around the Hyuga compound, how?"

"One, it's a long story that you'd have to ask my tou-san about. Two, I'm offended that you don't remember me Neji, but then again you were quite young back then."

"Why would I remember you?"

"Because I used to come to your home, a lot, and I trained with your father. I also used to babysit you sometimes, but that's irrelevant."

"It can't be."

"Oh, it is be."


"In the flesh." With that, they left the kid there, mesmerized at the fact that his first friend was still alive.

Neji had assumed Tatsu died since he stopped coming over sometime before his father's passing. The boy thought nothing of it when he passed the older male the other day. The child felt relieved at that, knowing that his former babysitter was still alive and well.

While on route home, Tatsu picked up some Dango for himself and Itachi and some fresh tomatoes for his duckling. Parting ways with Shisui due to him having to rest for an upcoming mission. Spending the rest of the day with Sasuke.

Later that night, when Itachi arrived home, as the tired male walked into his room he noticed something was off. He checked everything and everywhere, but he couldn't find the flaw. As he began to walk towards his door, something compelled him to look upwards. Doing so he saw Tatsu staring down at him dropping on top of him shortly after being noticed.

"Do not meddle in my relationships otouto, it will not end well for you if it happens again," Tatsu stated as he unpinned Itachi and walked out of his bedroom.


A/N: Doing it because I can, again. Let me know if you see where I messed up, after 50 revisions I still wouldn't find it even with my glasses on.

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