Chapter 23

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Standing on the side of the building where he'd recently been held captive, Tatsu felt a massive spike of chakra then an immediate drop following the disappearance of Hōki's chakra. He didn't know what it was about the kid, but his chakra felt familiar. Sure he was aware of his future birth, but he was aware of a lot of things that haven't happened yet, that doesn't mean that he can recognize the chakra signatures of those involved. 

After deciding not to dwell on the mysteries surrounding the boy, the brunette scanned the area with his Byakugan, trying to find at least some sense of direction or familiarity. After catching the slightest glimpse of familiar chakra, he immediately started stealthily making his way towards his potential beacon of light. 

Standing on top of one of the less guarded buildings, the man peered down at the building he'd been taken into. His team appeared to still be within the base of the building oblivious to what had taken place. 

Abandoning all of his previous stealth protocols, the male dropped down in front of the building for all to see, opening the doors to the building immediately gaining his subordinates' attention with his pissed demeanor. 

"Nii-chan, what's wrong?" Itachi questioned rushing over to his brother's side. 

"Let's just get herb and go, this time we're not asking." The man responded, his eyes narrowed at the secretary who was ready to call for help. 

"Do you know where it is?"

"I saw it on my way here, I'll open up the roof and we'll send Shisui in to get it. You two come on." Tatsu explained to his younger brother before calling over the rest of their team. 

Moving swiftly along the rooftops, Tatsu kept his Byakugan activated, there was no telling what the intentions of the Kumo-nin were. 

"Okay, Shisui when I do this, you're going to have to get in and out as fast as you can we don't have much time," Tatsu explained as they stopped on their target building. 

For the sake of showing off, Tatsu moved into a stance to perform a back handspring, successfully pulling off the act while putting extra force into his hands to land himself away from the roof's cave in. Shisui moved in swiftly, not even giving the dust time to settle. After obtaining the herb, the team moved for a quick escape back to the leaf or at least neutral land. 

Making their way out of the mountain range village, the team found themselves within a nearby forest with a platoon of soldiers on their tail. 

"Hold on, there's one, two, three, thirty Kumo-nin after us, plus the Raikage," Tatsu stated calmly his Byakugan deactivating as he sat down on the branch he stood on. 

"The Raikage, we can't possibly take him on, it'd be idiotic, to say the least." Itachi thought aloud. 

"Tatsu, what do you want to do, you're in charge?" Kakashi questioned. 

"Focus on the platoon, leave the Raikage to me." The brunette answered his head hanging as he continued to monitor the movements of the shinobi through the tree's connection to the earth. 

"Are you insane?! Tatsu I will not allow you to do something so idiotic!" Shisui near yelled breaking his calm facade. 

"Shisui, I am perfectly sane and I do not need your allowance to give out orders. What I gave you was an order and as the captain of the mission, you are to follow my orders until you are instructed otherwise. Now get going, do not use lethal force unless it's absolutely your last option, I'd hate to have a war on our hands."

With that the three disappeared into the trees, the sound of metal clanking rang throughout the forest as Tatsu continued to track the Raikage. Though Tatsu's eyes were trained to keep up with fast opponents, the man's speed still somewhat caught him off guard as he stopped at the bottom of the tree Tatsu sat in. 

"Come down, Tatsu-kun, you're coming with us," Ay said placing his hand on the tree. 

Tatsu didn't say anything, he just dropped down off of the tree his eyes on the group. 

"So you know how to follow orders, after all, come on we're going back."

"I don't think that's what's going to happen here. You see-" Tatsu spoke before being caught within the man's iron grip. 

"You should've accepted the offer and came quietly." The powerhouse informed as he pinned Tatsu to a tree. 

"I'm not exchanging my life for so-called peace." 

"Well, peace is no longer on the table-"

The man was cut off as Tatsu activated his Byakugan again a wave of chakra rushing through the Raikage causing him to lose consciousness.

"And I thought I liked the rough ones, well I'm going to go now, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone what happened, but you probably won't do that for the sake of your pride. The Famed Raikage was taken down in one blow by a Konoha medic-nin. Goodbye Ay, I hope the next time we meet it's on more civil terms," Tatsu whispered into the man's ear, Ay's body reacted letting him know that his message was received. 

As the man moved away from the Raikage's body to find his teammates he muttered a quick "Thank you Ura-kun" as he continued leaping through the trees. 


A/N: I wrote this on a Thursday, but I'm not going to post it until either Friday or Saturday because I'm petty and I feel that people need time to process what you gave them already before you give them anything new. Anyway tell me what you think and give me suggestions, you know the usual. 

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