Chapter 8

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The next morning when Tatsu woke from his slumber, Itachi came by as he said he would, and checked to see if Tatsu could walk. He could, so they just assumed yesterday to be a side-effect of Inoichi's prying.

After performing every aspect of his morning routine, Tatsu left the house with his youngest brother so he could walk the duck butt to school.

"Nii-chan, why are you walking me to school?" Sasuke asked looking towards his older brother.

"Sasuke, are you only asking that because you're afraid of what the other kids will say?" The older male questioned.

"Don't answer my question with a question, and I'm not afraid of anything."

"Oh really, you're aren't afraid of me?"

"No, I'm sure Itachi-nii would take you down with ease."

"Yeah yeah, you should see what I can do now that I'm back."

"You mean fix my cuts and bruises."

"You're going to have more than cuts and bruises when I'm done with you." The older male said as he swooped up his younger brother, hanging him by his legs so he looked like a war cape.

"Nii-chan, let me down!" The younger male exclaimed.

"Say that you're sorry."

"No, if you don't let me down I'm going to start calling you nii-san."

Those words cause the older of the two to gasp.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Sure I would, nii-san."

That name infuriated Tatsu, Itachi was always nii-san to Sasuke and now he's nii-san too. What's next he starts calling Itachi nii-chan in his place. He couldn't take it, so instead of letting his younger brother down, he ran all the way to the academy with Sasuke hanging off of his shoulders. Making sure he gathered the attention of all of his brother's classmates.

"Nii-chan, why'd you do that, now everyone's going to talk about us?" The younger male pointed out showing his embarrassment.

"Sasuke, I'm going to say this one time so make sure you listen. Stop caring about what others are saying, you had fun didn't you and that's all that matters. Now get in there, do your best, make me proud, and make 'em cry." Tatsu said pushing his little brother towards the entrance.

"Okay, goodbye nii-chan."

"Bye Sasuke, I love you."

Tatsu sat there for a minute, watching as the other students arrived at the academy, and reminisced about his brief time there with his other little brother. The moment was short-lived seeing as not long after his brother disappeared from his field of vision that he left to meet with the Yondaime.

As soon as he arrived at the location he noticed that he wasn't alone and he wasn't sensing the current Hokage.

"Show yourselves, you know I can sense you." He called out to the figures hidden within the trees.

"You truly are an incredible sensory type, it's a shame you won't be needing those abilities where you're going." An Anbu-nin stated.

As the nin began to move closer, Tatsu began to realize that not only was he surrounded, but he was surrounded by Anbu.

"I am no fool and I know when I am outmatched," Tatsu stated as he lifted his hands as a sign of surrender, "but I also have enough sense to not be captured."

With those words, Tatsu quickly lowered his hands down to the ground beneath them and shattered it with the strength that would make Tsunade fear him. Seeing that those around him were distracted by his display of strength, he made an escape back to the village.

With the Anbu right on his tail, he steered his course towards the Hokage tower, hoping these Anbu weren't sent by the Hokage himself.

"Minato-sensei!" Tatsu yelled as he crashed through the office window, interrupting a meeting.

As Tatsu broke free of his daze he quickly realized that he'd interrupted a meeting between the Yondaime, Danzo Shiruma, and those two elders he never bothered to learn the names of.

"Which one of you sent Anbu after me?" He questioned in an accusing tone.

"Tatsu Uchiha," Minato exclaimed earning a brief ew from Tatsu, "what is the meaning of this, you've interrupted a very important meeting?!"

"Okay, so last night I had Inoichi give me back the memories that were locked away, and then I sent you a message, that was clearly intercepted, to meet me at our spot so we could talk about it and so you could give me some advice about everything and then I was ambushed by some Anbu and now I'm here."

"You were ambushed by Anbu and you decided to come where I am?"

"Yes sensei, I know it sounds idiotic, but I know you'd never send Anbu after me, you have no reason to."

There was a moment of silence, causing the air around them to become tense.

"Okay, you guys handle your political affairs, just come by when you're ready to talk," Tatsu said as he moved towards the window he crashed through.

Once reaching the confines of the Uchiha compound, he sighed a sigh of relief. He wasn't followed by the looks of it and there was nothing off about his surroundings so he just began to walk around.

"Tatsu, I've been looking for you," Shisui called out from behind Tatsu, startling the younger male, "would you like to go out together?"

"Shisui the teleporter, you really do live up to your name," Tatsu stated trying to regain his composure, "I'd love to."


A/N: I did this because I can. Correct me where I'm wrong and help me out, same old same old, new A/N required.

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