Chapter 27

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Tatsu's Perspective:

I woke up in a strange field, large and endless, the sky above was clear and blue, but there wasn't a sun to be seen. Just a clear sky similar to a summer afternoon. 

"Hello, dreamer." A voice called out startling me. 

Quickly turning around, I saw a man with an almost identical look to myself. 

"You?" I asked, the rest of my question being caught in my throat.

"You?!" He repeated, pretending to be scared. 

"What- what do you want with me?"



"I want nothing from you, I'm just here to help."


"You're in a coma, hence, I called you a dreamer and now I'm just gonna show you your dream. Who knows maybe it'll turn out to me a vision rather than a dream, or maybe I'm lying to you because I can."

Slowly, his hand started moving towards the pouch strapped to his thigh. Instinctively, I took a defensive position. He may look like me, but that doesn't mean he's an ally. 

"Calm down, this is your mindscape, I'm simply a visitor. You know yours is a lot cleaner than mine, or is there some hidden valley of bad that you keep hidden away? Anyway, take this pill, it'll show you everything you want to see." He said as he pulled out a small capsule with a little blue pill in it. 

He handed it to me, then waved a glass of water into existence. 


"Shut up and take the damn pill, why do you ask so many questions, it honestly doesn't make any sense to me?" He said cutting me off as he shoved the glass into my hand. 

I stood there, staring at the pill and the water wondering if I should listen to this stranger. I looked back up at him, his face was exactly how I imagined my face look's when I'm annoyed. Wearily, I put the little pill in my mouth allowing the water to carry it further into my body. 

For such a small pill, it surely worked fast, seeing as I started to lose feeling in my body as a whole. As I fell forward, he caught me before laying me back down in the grass of the field. My eyes and muscles betraying me as a whole.

"Until we meet again dreamer." The man said as my eyes closed. 


I woke up in Kakashi's bed, I didn't really pay attention to the details of it seeing as I've been in there countless times before. Though I didn't pay much attention to it, I did see some extra pictures around the room. Sitting down at the door in order to put on my sandals, I felt a warm body sit behind me and wrap its larger form around me in a similar fashion to a blanket. 

"Leaving already?" Kakashi questioned as he placed his head on my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I got to check out something," I answered. 

I heard a pair of smaller feet speedily make their way towards me and Kakashi. 

"Kaa-chan you can't leave yet, you promised to walk me to school!" A small child exclaimed as he crashed into the two of us. 

He looked to be about three or four, his hair was silver like Kakashi's, but its texture was more like mine and the shape looked more like Itachi's as a kid. It made sense that he'd be our kid, it was my dream after all, but how. He did say this could be a potential vision, but it doesn't make any sense now. 

"Hey dreamer, this is your cue."

Snapping back to this reality, I'd realized that I'd been sitting there for a while. Gently placing my hand on his head, I gave him a soft look, the same one kaa-san gave me when Itachi and tou-san left for the battlefield that day. 

"I'm sorry, I'd forgot, of course, I'll walk you to school. Go on get ready, we can all go together." I said turning my head back to Kakashi, his face was maskless and he was smiling. 

It didn't take long for him to get his things and put on his sandals, but as soon as I walked through the door I saw white. 

"Tatsu, Tatsu you're awake?!" Kaa-san questioned as I slowly began opening my eyes. 


"Oh thank goodness, I was so worried about you!" She exclaimed as she pulled me into a hug. 

It was then I'd realized there was something in my hand, another capsule, with two of the blue pills in it. 

"Make your dreams a reality, dreamer." The man's voice echoed through my mind. 


"Kaa-san, where is Minato-sensei?"

"Tatsu we're at war, there's no telling where he could be, but last I heard he was at the war headquarters."

"Thank you."

And just like that, I was gone, at my master's side. 


A/N: Here's where the whole anachronism thing starts to begin to make sense. Anyway, comment or whatever, tell me what you think, yadda yadda, I'll attempt to write again tomorrow, but I don't know if I will. 

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