Chp 6

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Previously on Our Enemies...

"Man you know what I'm done! I can't do this anymore!" Cookie yelled through tears. She packed up a few of her things and pulled off in her car. She was crying so much until she had to pull over. It's like the only thing she could think of is why? Why her? Why her relationship? She and him use to be so happy but now it's nothing but arguing and them accusing each other of cheating.

The present..
After pulling over just to cry for about 5 minutes she wiped her tears and got back on the road. But still, her tears wouldn't stop falling. While she was driving she constantly kept wiping her tears. Her eyes was very red til you can tell she's been crying.

Could this really be the end of their relationship? After all these years can it actually be it?

She made it to her hotel that she decided she will be staying at. She went in, payed for her room, got in the shower and just cried cried and cried. Just the thought of ending her relationship with Lucious broke her heart. She never imagined breaking up with him neither did she imagine being with another man.

She always saw her and Lucious together forever, having kids, making money and living in a big house. They already made two of those dreams which is making a lot of money and living in a big house but seems like that's about to be over. They didn't even enjoy living one of their dreams for a whole month.

Lucious on the other hand was hurt and pissed off at the same time. He was pissed off because it's like he has wasted all this time with somebody that didn't do anything but cheat on him and he was hurt because it's like after all we done been through this is what she do? Really? Cheat on me with another nigga? AND you gone kiss and hug all on the nigga? really????? Are you serious?

It just hurts. It hurts him, pisses him off and disgusting him of the thought of her hugging another man, kissing another man, having sex with another man or anything else with another man. He thought that he would be the only man in her life but I guess he was wrong.

Kevin had a feeling that something wasn't right so he decided to drive over Cookie and Lucious house to see what the hell is going on. Along with Mike.

After arriving to Cookie and Lucious's house, Mike and Kevin both hoped out of their vehicles and knocked on the door. "WHO IS IT!?" Lucious yelled. "IT'S US MAN!" Kevin yelled back. "ION KNOW WHO THE HELL A US IS" Lucious yelled. " IT'S KEV & MIKE!" Kevin yelled, getting irritated. You know black people hate saying their name at the door. "ALRIGHT COME IN" Lucious allowed. Kevin and Mike opened the door, entering the house.

Seeing their friend, Which looks like he's very angry and frustrated. They noticed the glass on the floor. "What the hell" said Mike after seeing the glass on the floor. "Yo u good?" Mike questioned. "I just can't believe it man.. like after all we done been through she'll really do some shit like that to me?" Lucious said trying to fight back the tears. "Man it's ok, she'll regret it when you move on and not worried about her no more trust me" Mike encouraged.

"Nah man, Ian taking sides or anything but that don't sound like Cook, ion think Cooks would do anything like that to you bruh. Did you at least let her explain and try to figure out whether it sounds like she's lying or not? Or did you just come in the house accusing her?" Kevin asked. "So you calling my brother a liar now?" Mike offended. "First of all I never called your brother a liar. Secondly, a hit dog will holler so if you ask me you getting all offended like that's what he might be" Kevin told him.

"Aye man, y'all can take that bullshit own somewhere else. I already got my own drama that I'm dealing with right now and ion need no mo" said Lucious. "I feel ya bruh" said Kev.

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