Chp 20

100 10 6

*im gonna write this chapter in my old writing style (the people that been here from the beginning knows what I am talking about but if you're new you'll find out) but I'm gonna write it that way since it's so much*

Btw, if you watch couples court you probably will have an better experience with this chapter. But just in case you never watched it here's some videos.

You can watch more by subscribing to the YouTube channel @couplescourt AND before we get into this chapter Lucious is going to have Omar as a witness and Cookie is going to have Novi and Mignon as a witness. Anyways, let's get into it! 😁❤️
Mr Cutler: this is a case of Lyon Vs Lyon. You all have been together for 12 years and married for 3. You have 3 kids together but allegations of cheating is ruining this marriage. What happens today is gonna determine whether you work this thing out or divorce is that correct?
Cookie & Lucious: yes your honor
Mrs. Cutler: and this is like the 2nd time where this has happened on this show where both partners accuse each other of cheating so before we get into everything tell me the nature of you guy's relationship

Cookie: our relationship was just beautiful. We met in pre-k and to pre-k own up to 6th grade kids always teased us about liking each other and you know back then we did but just didn't say anything so in 7th grade we decided to start talking and I guess you can say that it was puppy love because we was on and off and we were immature. I would talk to other boys to make him jealous and he would talk to other girls to make me jealous. But when we got in 8th grade that's when we recognized that we really loved each other and that we were done with the on and off stuff and we started taking each other serious and started a relationship every since then

Mrs Culter: wow, so Mr. Lyon tell me the nature of your relationship from your point of view
Lucious: well just like she said your honor we did meet in pre-K and kids teased us about liking each other and we did like each other but hid it. In 7th grade we were just playing games and in 8th grade we started taking each other seriously. Now we are married, we both are working our dream job and 6 months ago we just welcomed three beautiful triplets into this world

Mrs. Cutler: wow so this really seems like a wonderful relationship
Cookie: yes your honor it was
Mrs. Cutler: so tell me how it got to allegations of cheating and we're going to go back in forth like you tell me one reason and then he tells me one reason
Cookie: ok your honor so my 1st reason to think he is cheating is him flipping his phone over. You know when someone flips their phone over to the point where you can only see the back of their phone and if any notifications pop up you can't see because the phone is turnt over?
*Mrs. Cutler nodded*
Cookie: that's what he does
Mr. Cutler: well Mr. Lyon why do you flip your phone over?
Lucious: Well your honor first of all I don't know why she finds that a sign of cheating because I been doing that before we even got in a relationship and all of a sudden it's a problem like what?
Mr. Cutler: well Mrs. Lyon is this a new thing or an old thing he's been doing?
Cookie: old your honor but it's just that women intention you know? You know they say when a woman feels that something is not right she's correct something is not right
Mrs. Cutler: I get what you're saying but don't you think it might be a  possibility that you're overthinking?
Cookie: I mean it could be but it just seems suspicious
Mr. Cutler: well a person flipping their phone over can be a sign that their hiding something so Mr. Lyon are you hiding anything from your wife?
Lucious: no sir
Mr. Cutler: any text messages from another woman gonna pop up that you don't want her to see?
Lucious: no your honor I love her and I have absolutely nothing to hide. Me cheating on her is something I would never do or think of
Mrs. Cutler: alright, so Mr. Lyon tell me one reason why you think that she's cheating
Lucious: well to me it kind of didn't sit right that I been flipping my phone over and she's just now finding it suspicious so I'm thinking is that your guilt causing you to think that I am cheating?
Cookie: I don't have any guilt I'm just not stupid
Lucious: we'll see when the test comes out
Mr. Cutler: Mrs. Lyon do you have any guilt?
Cookie: no I never cheated on him I love him too much for that
Mr. Cutler: ok Mrs. Lyon back to you give me another reason why you think that your husband is cheating
Cookie: well I have two more reasons why but that is for my witnesses
Mrs. Cutler: ok well Mrs. Lyon you did bring two witnesses today please stand
*Mignon and Novi stands*
Mr. Cutler: please state your name for the court
Mignon: Mignon Von
Novi: Novi Brown
Mrs. Cutler: and you two are?
Mignon: I'm her friend
Novi: and I am her sister
Mrs. Cutler: got you. So tell me some reasons why you think that Mr. Lyon is cheating on Mrs. Lyon
Novi: well first of all, me and Mignon would see Mr. Lyon looking at his phone and he would be smiling like he looking at other girls
Mrs. Cutler: Mr. Lyon are you looking at other women on your phone?
Lucious: no your honor
Mr. Cutler: then what are you smiling at?
Lucious: sometimes you might just see something funny on your phone
Mignon: if it's something funny then why not laugh?
* audience clap*
Mr. Cutler: what's another reason?
Novi: well um, actually Mr Lyon tried coming on to me
Audience: ouuuu
Lucious: that's a lie
Novi: then what happened?
Lucious: you know what happened. You came on to me
Mr. Cutler: well did you two do anything?
Lucious: no like I said before I will never cheat on my wife especially not with her sister
Novi: no we didn't do anything your honor but he wanted to
Lucious: Novi why you lying? You know damn well you came on to me and I told you no
Mr Cutler: Mr Lyon I get that you're upset but you're gonna have to use respectful language
Lucious: sorry your honor
Novi: so if you didn't want to do anything why did you get aroused?
*Audience in shock*
Lucious: you drugged me
Novi: really? That's the best lie you can come up with
Lucious: you did I don't want you, I wasn't looking at your sexually neither was we talking about anything sexually so how else do I get aroused? You had to put viagra in my drink or something
Novi: you told me that you had this condition growing up where your D just randomly gets hard stop lying
Lucious: yeah I did say that but I lied because at the time I was confused on why I felt horny so I just lied to you because I didn't want you thinking that I wanted you when that's no where near the truth but when you left I put the pieces together and found out why I felt horny
Mrs. Cutler: so you're testimony is that she put something in your drink?
Lucious: yes your honor
Mrs. Cutler: alright do you ladies have anything else ?
Mignon & Novi: no
Mrs. Cutler: ok you may have a seat
Mr. Cutler: Mr. Lyon whats another reason why you think your wife is cheating
Lucious: my witness
Mr. Cutler: ok sir please stand
*Omar stands*
Mrs. Cutler: state your name for the court
Omar: Omar Epps
Mr. Cutler: and you are?
Omar: Mr. Lyon's friend
Mrs. Cutler: and what did you see or hear
Omar: well while Lucious was out to the bar I ride by his house and I see another dude car parked there and I saw Cookie kissing him and Cookie tried to come on to me also
Mrs. Cutler: oh..
*Audience in shock*
Mr. Cutler: Mrs Lyon were you kissing another guy?
Cookie: no I don't even talk to any dudes unless they're my family members and I'm not about to kiss my family members. I didn't even have anybody over there that day so I don't know where Omar gets that from
Mrs. Cutler: well did you try coming on to Omar
Cookie: no he came on to me and we didn't do anything
Mr. Cutler: well is it any more reasons that anybody got before we take the test
Cookie: I have one more
Mrs. Cutler: ok
Cookie: a girl DM'd me and said that she was pregnant with his baby
Mrs. Cutler: uh, Mr. Lyon did you get another woman pregnant?
Lucious: no I haven't even had intercourse with another woman, oral, kissed another woman none of that
Mr. Cutler: well before we take this Lie detector test does anyone have anything they want to say? It's better to admit it then to have the test admit it for you
Everyone: no
Mrs: ok today we have brought in license Polygraph Examiner Kendall Shull to determine is he or she cheating
*Audience clap*
Few seconds later..
Mr. Cutler: so Mr. Cutler we're gonna do your lie detector test first
Lucious: ok
Mr: Cutler: the first questioned we asked Mr. Lyon is... do you flip your phone over because you're hiding something. Mr Shull what was the answer to that question?
Mr. Shull: he said no
Mr. Cutler: what did the lie detector determine?
Mr. Shull: the lie detector determined... that he was being... truthful
*Audience clap*
Mr. Cutler: we asked Mr. Lyon, did you ever try coming on to your wife's sister and/or did you get aroused because you're sexually attracted to her? Mr Shull what was the answer to that question
Mr. Shull: he said no
Mrs. Cutler: what did the lie detector determine?
Mr. Shull: the lie detector determined that he was being.... truthful your honor
*Audience claps*
* Cookie lowkey happy*
Novi: what? That's a lie
Mrs. Cutler: moving on to the next question, we asked Mr. Lyon, when you're smiling at your phone is it because you are looking at other women. Mr. Shull, what was the answer to that question?
Mr. Shull: he stated, no.
Mrs. Cutler: what did the lie detector determine?
Mr. Shull: the lie detector determined that he was being...... truthful your honor
*Audience clap*
Mr. Cutler: next we asked him is it a possibility that you could've gotten the woman pregnant that DM'd your wife what was the answer to that question.
Mr. Shull: he said no
Mr. Cutler: what did the lie detector determine?
Mr. Shull: the lie detector determined.... that he was being..... truthful
Mr. Cutler: last question, we asked Mr. Lyon, have you had sexual intercourse or sexual contact in any kind with any other woman what was the answer to that question
Mr. Shull: no
Mr. Cutler: what does the lie detector determine
Mr. Shull: the lie detector determined... that he was also being truthful your honor
*Cookie and Lucious hug each other*
Mrs. Cutler: ok we gave Mrs Lyon a lie detector test and the first question we asked her is.. did you ever get caught kissing another guy. What was the answer to that question
Mr. Shull: she stated no.
Mrs. Cutler: what did the lie detector test determine
Mr. Shull the lie detector determined that she was being.... truthful your honor
*audience clap*
Mrs. Cutler: the next question is, did you try to sleep with Omar. What was the answer to that question?
Mr. Shull: she said no
Mrs. Cutler: what did the lie detector determine
Mr. Shull: the lie detector determined that she was being truthful
*audience clap*
Lucious: so you been lying?
Omar: what? No bro I'm telling the truth I would never lie to you
Lucious: then why the lie detector test say she was telling the truth then?
Omar: that's because they probably need to give me one
Mr. Cutler: I mean giving Mr. Lyon and Mrs. Lyon the lie detector test about what Mr. Epps, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Von accused them of and then passing is like giving y'all a lie detector test so turning around and actually giving y'all a lie detector test wouldn't make any sense
Somebody in the audience: right
Mrs. Cutler: last question, we asked Mrs. Lyon have you ever had sexual intercourse or sexual contact in any kind with any other man. Mr Shull what was the answer to that question
Mr. Shull: she said no
Mrs. Cutler: what did the lie detector determine
Mr: Shull: the lie detector determined..... that she was being............. Truthful
*Cookie and Lucious hugged each other and kissed*
Lucious: I'm so sorry baby
Cookie: so am I
Lucious: as for all y'all, y'all can get the hell out of our lives because we see now that y'all envy us
Omar: wow so it's like that ? I thought we was 4l
Lucious: we was 4L but you messed that up
Mr. Cutler: one thing I noticed is that every time you two would accuse each other of something it's always because of what such in such said. I think both of y'all only had like 1 allegation that actually came from you and tbh that's bad.
Mrs. Cutler: I think you two need counseling and here's a little advice, everyone around you isn't going to be happy about your relationship. When someone sees that your in a happy relationship they don't like it so there far you can't always listen to people when they tell you something about your partner.
Mr. Cutler: and as we say in this courtroom, do not cheat yourself out of a happy, healthy, trustful relationship. Court is adjourned

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