Chp 18

55 6 1

The same day..
Lucious POV
Lucious debated back and forth whether to tell Cookie now or later. He didn't like to keep secrets from her so he figured that he needed to tell her now because a situation like that is serious. He called her phone, no answer. He called her again, no answer. He then started to worry.

He then decided to text her. About 5 minutes later she seen his text that read "Cooks I know you're mad at me but I really do need to talk to you about something.."

She decided to call him since they do have kids together.

Cookie: hello
Lucious: hey I need to tell you something
Cookie: if it's not about the kids I don't want to hear it Lucious!
Lucious: listen, I know that you are mad at me but you really need to know this
Cookie: what? Know how much you love me? Man please
Lucious: no it's not about that it's about something else
Cookie: I'm gonna ask you one more time and I'm gonna ask you nicely... IS IT ABOUT OUR KIDS?! IF NOT I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT !
Lucious: no it's not about the kids....
Cookie: ok then so I don't want to hear it

By that voice, Lucious could tell that she was about to hang up.

Lucious: no it's actually about your- *beep

Lucious heard the beep noise.
Lucious: Hello? Cookie?

He took the phone from off his ear and seen that she had hung up. He sighed.

Cookie POV
I've already told Lucious that if it's not about the kids then I don't want to hear it but he just can't seem to get that. I then got a text from my sister Novi.
Novi: hey girl
Cookie: hey
Novi: I heard that you and Lucious had broken up. Where you at?
Cookie: the hotel but I'm about to start looking for me somewhere to stay
Novi: oh dang... I got to talk to you about something so when are you free tomorrow?
Cookie: I'm free all day
Novi: well what would be a time that you'll like to meet up?
Cookie: well since this hotel has breakfast you can meet me here at 10 and we'll have breakfast together
Novi: ok sure, no problem. Send me the location
Cookie: I will

The next day...
It's actually 10:30 AM and Novi and Cookie just started eating breakfast. "So what do you have to tell me?" Cookie wondered. "Well... I went over your house looking for you and Lucious answered the door" "so I had asked him you know where were you and he told me that y'all got in a big argument and that you should be back" "mhm" said Cookie listening to everything.

"So he talked me into coming in and at first I wasn't with it and he was like I need relationship advice so I came in and he started telling me about your problems and all of a sudden he just.... came on to me"

"Came on to you?" Said Cookie in shock. Even though in her head he had cheated but one thing she thought he would never do is try her sister. "Yeah" Novi stated."when you say, come on to you. What type of come on to you do you mean?" Said Cookie, still amazed trying to get a full understanding.

"I mean that he was flirting with me and trying to get in the bed with me. He started saying I look real sexy and he wonder how I look without clothes on" Novi lied. Cookie just stared into space, pissed the fuck off. "You ok?" Novi questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine" Said Cookie. Knowing in the inside she was not. She was angry, hurt and in disbelief.

"Listen I know that you're hurt but I tried to tell you... and you didn't listen but now you see that lil sis was right" stated Novi. "Yeah you was right" Cookie admitted wiping a tear. "And I should've listened but it was like I was so in love with him and I still am but it was like I was just too blind to see the signs. Sorry for ignoring you" Cookie apologized.

"It's all good girl. Believe it or not, everybody in this world some been a fool or looked dumb for somebody. And if they haven't, it's gonna happen to them one day. That's just life. But you are a strong woman so you don't need him" she encouraged, Cookie nodded. "But you know what's crazy?" "What?" "He called me today, saying he needed to tell me something. I don't know what it is but I don't care because he said that what he had to tell me wasn't about the kids" Cookie spoke.

"Well speaking of that, I forgot to mention to you about when I told him no, he got mad and I told him that I was gonna tell you but he said if I do he's gonna make sure to tell you that I came on to him first and that we didn't do anything" Novi continuously lied. "Wow. I can't believe him" said Cookie in disbelief. "I know sis"

4 months later....
Cookie now has her own place. Lucious finally told her about the situation two months ago but since her sister has already "informed" her about the situation she wasn't bothered with what he was talking about.

She is now 9 months pregnant. She is so mad at Lucious that she hasn't allowed him to participate in any of the appointments. She know it's wrong to act like that because those are his kids too but it's like she just can't stand to look at him anymore.

She has been stressing a lot and the doctor told her to stop so she's been working on that. Lucious on the other hand decided to go to her grandma's house. Yes, Cookie's Grandma house. Lucious and Cookie's Grandma always had a close bound and one thing about her is that she will always keep it real no matter what.

He pulled up in her yard and knocked. She opened the door. "Oh, hey Lucious.. nice to see you. Where is my granddaughter?" She greeted. "Hey Mrs. Kathy. Haven't seen you in a while and me and your granddaughter has been having some problems so I just figured that I come hear to get advice from you" Lucious spoke. "Well why isn't she here with you?" Asked Mrs. Kathy. "We have broken up and she has got her own house..... she still works as a lawyer but we don't work on the same cases anymore and our offices are separate and about the divorce thing... she hasn't made it final yet" Lucious explained.

Cookie's POV
I am headed over to Lucious house with the divorce so we can make this thing final. It has taken me along time because after what he did I just can't stand to look at him. But for some reason, something is telling me to go over my grandmother's house. I haven't seen her in a while so why not. As i pulled up in the yard, it looked like a familiar car. Lucious car to be exact. But maybe I'm just tripping. I knocked on the door and my grandmother answered.

"Hey baby how you doing?" She greeted. "I'm doing good grandma. Who's car is that?" I said pointing to the car that was in her yard. "Oh, well... that's your husband's car. He's telling me that y'all are getting an divorce. And I want to know why. So sit down and let me hear both sides of the story" said Grandma.

To be continued..

Grandma ready to give out advice 👀

By the way, she's not an enemy she's just trying to help ❤️

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