Chp 8

113 10 1

(Writing this chapter a little differently)
1 week later...
It's been one week since Cookie & Lucious have spoken to each other. To be honest, Lucious misses Cookie and Cookie misses Lucious. Lucious misses Cookie and he wants to call her but he's afraid she might not answer.

And Cookie misses Lucious but she feels that he's wrong and she's not about to sit up there and apologize to him when she did nothing wrong especially when a man can't even control his fucking temper and keep saying sorry but still does the same thing.

At Cookie & Lucious house...
Lucious: who is it?
Kevin: it's Kevin
*Lucious gets up and opens the door*
*Kevin comes inside*
Kevin: I haven't heard from you in a week man so what's going on?
*Lucious sighs*
Kevin: what?
Lucious: it didn't go so well...
Kevin: well tell me what happened?
Lucious: well I called her and told her that I was wrong and everything and I tried to give her a chance to explain herself but she didn't even explain. She just acted like I was delusional or something so it really got to me because she has accused me of cheating before too so I brought that up and to make the long story short it just turnt into a big argument.
Kevin: damn, y'all sholl ain't good at communicating
Lucious: I mean we use to but now it's like communicating doesn't mean anything
Kevin: well communicating means a lot
Lucious: I know that
Kevin: so she's mad at you because you accuse her?
Lucious: yeah and because I keep yelling at her
Kevin: huh?
Lucious: because I keep yelling at her
*Kevin laughs*
Lucious: what's so funny?
Kevin: bro. A woman does not like it for a man to yell at them. They find it disrespectful
Lucious: I know that but you know me Kev. I got a short temper and I can't just tolerate somebody yelling at me without me yelling at them back
Kevin: let me ask you a question
Lucious: ok
Kevin: do you wanna keep Cookie and do you really wanna spend the rest of your life with her?
Lucious: of course I do
Kevin: then you got to learn how to be the bigger person
Lucious: ok but can't she do that sometimes?
Kevin: you know women man. Women are always right in their eyes so in order to make the relationship work you gotta be the bigger person and let it go
*Lucious sighs*
Lucious: but how hard is it for her to just be the bigger person?
Kevin: I can't answer that.
Lucious: I mean I want her back man. I really do. But what if she don't take me back?
*Kevin let's out a frustrated sigh*
Kevin: man at this point I really don't know what to say. It's like every since y'all moved here, things went downhill.
Lucious: yeah it did
Kevin: but I gotta tell you something
Lucious: ok
Kevin: Cookie's sister likes you
Lucious: what?
Kevin: you heard me. Cookie sister likes you man
Lucious: and how would you know that?
Kevin: because I can tell by the way she looks at you. That girl got a big ass crush on you and it's so obvious
Lucious: nah Novi ain't like that. She's loyal to her sister
Kevin: that's what you think
Lucious: you trippin
Kevin: nah I'm not trippin man! The motherfukers you hanging around are jealous asf of you!
Lucious: you act like you don't hang around them
Kevin: I do. But I sholl don't claim them as my friends. The only person I claim is you, Cookie, & Queen. Anybody else fuck em
Lucious: man who hurt you?
Kevin: ok, you making jokes but I am dead serious man! Mignon ain't loyal, Novi ain't loyal and neither is Mike or Omar!
Lucious: where you getting this information from?
Kevin: my brain that's where I'm getting it from. I know man. I just know all they asses fake
Lucious: mmm
Kevin: ok. Guess you'll learn the hard way. But if you and Cookie get back together ion wanna go no where with y'all if Mike nem there
Lucious: ok
Kevin: you joking man I'm dead serious
Lucious: and I can't take you serious
Kevin: you need to! Come on man it's obvious... everything fucking adds up! If you been flipping your phone over for years why would Cookie just now find it suspicious? If Omar "couldn't make it" to talk to you then why he passed by your house? If Mike really wanted the best for you then why the hell was he hyping your head up about breaking up with her? If Novi ain't crushing on you then why she always gotta stare at you and shit? If Mignon is happy for y'all why she always gotta do that lil fake ass smile or laugh? They spreading rumors to Cookie just like they're spreading rumors to you! They don't wanna see y'all together! So while you can't take me serious you need to because this whole situation is putting your relationship on the line dumbass!

Lucious let Kevin words sink in and everything he said really does make sense. It was just hard to believe that they're friends would spread some rumors like that.
Lucious: nah. Our friends wouldn't do that they love to see us together
Kevin: aight. Ima just leave
Lucious: ok
*Kevin opens the door and sees Cookie walking up to the door*
Kevin: and there goes your wife!
*Lucious eyes widened. What is she doing here? Not in a bad way because he was happy but he's just shocked*

Cookie: Hey Kevin
Kevin: hey
*Cookie finally made it inside the house while Kevin was getting in his car*
Cookie: look, I didn't come here to talk to you. I just need to get some more of my clothes
Lucious: but can you please talk to me? It's not gonna take long i promise
*Cookie sighs*
Cookie: what could you possibly wanna talk to me about
*Lucious walks up to her*
Lucious: I know I was wrong and-
Cookie: "I know I was wrong". That's all you say and still turn around and do the same thing. You think i want to be with a man that can't control his temper? That can't respect me?
Lucious: baby you know i always been like that. I could never control my temper
Cookie: if you can't control your temper and can't control to not yell at me, how I know that one day if we get in a bad argument you won't put your hands on me?
Lucious: baby-
Cookie: baby, my ass
Lucious: no Cookie. I might have a bad temper but I will never in my life put my hands on you
Cookie: yeah whatever
*she tries to get past him but he blocks her*
Lucious: but-
Cookie: but nothing man move!
Lucious: but, I would never put my hands on you. And I really wanna work things out with you and it's like you can't agree with me and I can't agree with you so let's just make this fair
*Cookie laughs*
Cookie: fair?
Lucious: yes, fair
Cookie: and how exactly are we going to make this fair?
Lucious: well.. let's make a bet
Cookie: you think I'm really about to make a bet? Man please
*she tries to get past him again but he blocks her*
Lucious: wait wait
*Lucious wanted to yell back at her but he held it in*
Lucious: look, we're gonna make a bet ok? With basketball. You and me 1v1 and if you win then you get to break up with me or whatever and if I win, you take me back so I can show you that I can do better
Cookie: first of all you talking about "fair" and I don't even know how to play basketball so how is that fair?
Lucious: you can shoot. That's fair. If you couldn't shoot that would be unfair. And I'm not even that good at basketball anyways
Cookie: ok but I don't know how to handle it when a person guards me
Lucious: you can handle it
Cookie: no I can't
Lucious: ok well, whoever makes the most shots wins. And to make it even more easier for you, you get to get closer to the goal
*Cookie rolls her eyes*
Cookie: I told you I can't deal with a person all up on me
Lucious: we ain't guarding we just shooting
Cookie: still not fair because when I shoot then I gotta give the ball back to you what's the purpose of that?
*Lucious laughs*
Lucious: No cooks... not like that. If you have the ball and you make it, it's still gonna be your ball. The only time it's my ball is when you miss. And the same rules goes for me
Cookie: oh
Lucious: so deal?
Cookie: deal
*shake each other's hand*
Lucious: come on let's go to the court
Cookie: no I don't feel like it. Maybe tomorrow
Lucious: ok what time?
Cookie: like around 12
Lucious: ok and what you wanna go to?
Cookie: what you mean?
Lucious: like how many points
Cookie: 21 is fine
Lucious: alright bet
Cookie: bet

Who you think gonna win the bet? 🤔 💭

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