A Little Bit of Mint - AU Sam Winchester - Male Reader

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Trippy would be an understatement to the current situation, though still not the weirdest thing I had experienced during my time hunting and definitely not the weirdest with the Winchesters.

It went without saying that those two could keep anyone on their toes, whether willingly or not was a whole other issue.

However, no one had expected two posh, rich versions of the boys from another dimension to gate-crash the bunker with a flair that just screamed; "Daddy paid our paths through college."

Credit where it was due though, they did earn their keep in their world, it would be unfair to take away that credit.

Though that didn't deter from the fact that the situation was mind-bending and I wasn't entirely sure what to make of the whole thing.

I did, however, want to know more, especially about this alternate Sam.

My world's Sam was handsome enough with his flannel and brown jacket and fabulous hair, though he had been styling his hair in a way I didn't particularly find flattering to him as of late, but that was his business.

It didn't take away from my undeniable crush on the man.

Unfortunately, at least from what I could gather, he wasn't gay and if he was, then he definitely wasn't interested in me.

This new Sam, on the other hand, was sending up all the signals and damn if I was going to ignore them, damn if I even could.

My curiosity was peaked and I planned to make the best of the situation while Sam, Dean and the others were out doing their thing and I was left to babysit.

"Hey Sammy," I said, walking over to the table.

He looked up at me from his borrowed laptop, his expression a little pinched.

"It's Samuel or Sam," he corrected.

"Of course," I smiled, setting down two glasses and a decanter that I had carried in, "sorry, force of habit."

"No harm done," he nodded, returning the smile, though his was definitely tighter and more hesitant.

He watched as I pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the table and sat down, closing the laptop to show that I now had his undivided attention.

"Hope I didn't pull you away from any cute cat videos," I laughed, pulling the stopper off the decanter.

"Nothing that won't be there when I log back on," he replied, his smile looser and more genuine this time.

"True, I concede your point."

I picked up the decanter and started to pour myself a drink, sparing a quick glance at him.

"Would you like some? It's not much or fancy, just some scotch."

"Please, anything would be better than..." he gave the beer bottle an offended look that caused me to snicker and nod.

"I did notice how you are less than impressed with the beer."


"Speaking of different," I started, sliding glass I had been filling towards him carefully, "how are you liking it here?"

He picked up the glass and then set it back down again, as though uncertain what to do with it and deciding to simply drum on it with his long fingers.

"Funny you should ask, I was discussing that with Dean just a short while ago," he stopped and finally took a sip as I poured my own drink, "we like it here."

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