Far Away From Here - Star-Lord/Peter Quill - Guardians of the Galaxy - Request

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You stepped back, hands on your hips as you looked over the intricate wires and mechanisms of the ship that the panel typically kept hidden, your head slowly shaking as you let out a low whistle and turned to face the distraught looking traveller.

"So? What's the damage?" He asked, looking adorably confused and desperate.

"Nothing good, I'm afraid, you're going to need some new parts and let me tell you...they are going to cost a doozy."

"A doozy? I can't afford a doozy."

You shrugged, your hands leaving your hips to spread wide into the air on either side of you.

"Then I don't know what to tell you. It's fried, you're going nowhere without those parts."

He sighed, running his hands through his hair as he paced about a couple of times before rapidly turning back to you, dropping his arms.

"Do you have the parts here?"

With another shrug, you leaned against their decommissioned ship while wiping your hands down with a rag that was well past its need to be replaced.

"I do."

You see the lightbulb go off in his head, the way his eyes spark with a new life and the smile that comes to his face as if he were being both coy and excitable.

"Soooo...maybe we could strike a deal?"

Your eyebrow rose and you just barely managed to hold in the laugh of disbelief that wanted to bark out.

"A deal?"

"Yeah, you know, I scratch your back and you scratch mind kind of thing."

You clicked your tongue and shook your head, having to avert your eyes to suppress a rage that would have built if you continued to stare at his stupid handsome face.

"Do you think I'm stupid? That I haven't been tricked with promises like that by other conmen?"

He stepped back to accentuate his shock, mouth agape and eyes widened as he put a hand to his chest.

"Me? A conman?"

"Yes," you said with an eye-roll. "And it's always the handsome ones too."

You saw the beginning of a grin starting to pull at his mouth and acted quickly in giving him a sharp point of your finger.

"Do not take that to heart either," you continued with gritted teeth.

"Sooo....you don't think I'm handsome."

You stared at him, mouth slightly agape as he continued to smile at you until you finally rolled your eyes and turned away to slam closed the compartment that you had been inspecting.

"No doozy, no deal, no leaving this place," you turned back to him, throwing your arms out in an exaggerated shrug. "You better find a new ship, buddy, or you and your team are stuck here."

You went to step around him, only to find that he was quick to jump in front of you, hands held out.

"Whoa! Wait...I mean it, we really need these parts, are you sure there's nothing we can do?"

With a look of exasperation, you put a hand on a cocked hip and slowly looked him over, pulling your mouth to one side.

The pleading look he was giving you made your heart squeeze a little, no matter how much you wanted to hate him and brush him off.

Peter Quill, the well know Star-Lord himself, really did stand up to pretty much everything anyone had ever said about him.

A smary smart-ass with too much confidence and a boyish charm that you couldn't help but be pulled into.

It made your stomach churn as his charm won you over, which mixed horribly with the jealousy that sat heavily in your gut.

Jealousy at his freedom, how he got to freely roam and see so many wondrous sights while you get stuck in the same place, experiencing near enough the same thing day in and day out.

You had never left this small planet and sometimes it boiled your blood to see others coming and going so freely, only coming to you if they needed a repair before they were off gallivanting about again, leaving you forgotten and waiting for the next customer to pay for your next meal.

Eyeing the man before you, a sudden spark jolted you awake, your eyes widening as you stood up straighter.

"Actually, maybe you can do something for me."

His eyebrows rose and he beamed at you, nodding quickly.

"Yeah, sure, anything."

"Take me with you."

He paused and leaned back, looking at you in bemusement.


"When you leave, take me with you."

You couldn't even give a description to the face he made, somewhere between shock, confusion and utter conflict.


"I want to get off this planet, it doesn't even have to be for long, I just need to leave."

He stared at you, mouth floundering up and down as attempts at words sputtered out of his mouth.

Eventually, he found that he could only nod and shrug.

"Uh...yeah, yeah sure, you can tag along for a little while."


You were practically bouncing on the balls of your feet, grinning widely as you tried to contain at least a little bit of your excitement.

"Totally," he nodded, his voice raising an octave, "I'm sure the guys won't mind you tagging along."


"Yes," he repeated, sounding almost panicked. "Will you stop saying really? It's really real, I really mean it."

"Thank you so much!"

You lunged forward, wrapping him in the tightest hug that you could muster before pulling away and bounding back up to their ship.

"I'll fix this up," you called over your shoulder, still grinning so wide that your cheeks hurt, "you round up your group, we're going on an adventure!"

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