Left Behind - Part Two

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The days passed quickly and you managed to find the perfect mix between practice and spending time exploring all that Asgard had to offer.

Everyone welcomed you with open arms and warm smiles and truthfully, you couldn't have felt more welcome. Your nerves having long disappeared and been proven very wrong.

It was Thor who had taken the most interest in you, when Loki wasn't available then he would be there in a split second to show you around all the best places while continuing to regale you with stories from their childhood.

In the days, you had taken bit of a shining to the eldest Odinson.

Not something that you would call a crush but there was a small bubble of giddiness when he showed up at your door, offering his company until duty called him away.

Loki's presence had been sparse since arrived, though not due to his own reasons. He simply had the misfortune of being called away more often than not, but he made up for it in the hours that you did get to spend together before one of you was too tired to continue talking.

You didn't begrudge him this, you had come to Asgard in the full knowledge that he would likely be busy with various bits and pieces of Asgardian life until the big event.

Thor was around to fill in the void of your best friend from time to time, though he was also understandably busy.

Still, he made sure to take time every now and then to come and keep you company.

You had let him sit in on a practice session once and the atmosphere of the session was enough to make your head spin.

Nothing had happened beyond him listening and some lingering looks that made your heart race, the expression in his eyes unreadable to you and yet, the moment felt more intimate than any other experience you'd had.

In the grand scheme of things, it was nothing and yet, it was everything.

You could push it aside as your own budding emotions, ones that were confused and looking too deeply into the smaller details to distract from your nerves of the upcoming performance. Ones that were projecting further meaning into things that weren't there.

An overactive imagination, that's all that you put it down to.

Until you started to notice a shift in the air when you, Loki and Thor were in the same room.

It started off as mutual fun.

Jokes were being shared, stories were told mutually through hang-outs and you each enjoyed one another's company equally.

Then on the third night, Thor made a minor move that turned everything on its axis.

It was small, just a lingered caught as you almost slipped over and a smile that made your heart flutter, but it was enough to make things change.

You noticed that something was off with Loki the next day.

The night before he had slinked off quietly, but you hadn't thought anything of it. That was just how Loki was, he liked his own company and would leave when he'd had enough.

However, when you greeted him the next morning and he merely looked away after giving you the faintest of smiles, you felt your stomach drop in dread.

You'd seen the look on his face before, one that tried to hide the hurt he was feeling behind a cordial appearance and, as his best friend, you saw straight through it.

The thought of being the cause made you feel bad, even if you didn't know what you had done to upset him.

It didn't get better as the day passed as he seemed to avoid you at any cost, sometimes actively leaving an area that you entered.

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