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Rienna opened the door of her daughter's bedroom and she found Cheska  lying on her bed with her head tucked tightly under her pillow.

"Honey... it's dinner time. Honey... are you okay?"

Cheska frantically turned to her mom and stared angrily, "Do I look okay mom?! Mom, I can't stand High School. It's absolutely the worst!" she bursted, tears streaming down her eyes.

Rienna slowly approached her daughter and sat by her bedside.

"Okay honey, calm down... Tell me exactly what happened today." she says soothingly, rubbing her daughter's back motherly.

Cheska took a few inhales and exhales before getting control of her crying voice, then she told her mom how she felt, "It's the bullies, mom."


She nodded, "Yeah... there's these popular girls in my class. Four of them. Their queen bee is this Micaela Vandom, and she's perfect mom!!"

"Perfect... hmm..."

"Yeah Ma! She has long flowing red hair, the right amount of freckles in her high cheekbones, pretty green eyes, and... and... She's perfect!" Cheska ranted, "And...and she knows I like Jason, and she likes him too! Now, not only does she endlessly flirt with him everyday but she and her friends keeps on telling me to back off and such. It sucks mom! Sucks like hell!" she ended her rant and was contented with just letting her mom give her a hug.

Rienna sighed as she rubbed her daughter's back.

"Aw sweetie..." she sighs again and then pulled away to look at her daughter straight in the eye, "Having long flowing hair, green eyes, and the right amount of freckles don't make anyone perfect... you just think so because you're young and infatuated with a boy you don't really know too well."

Cheska glared at her mom, "Mom, is this the best way you know to cheer me up or is there a button that makes you sound more encouraging? If there is, what button do I press?!"

Rienna smirks, "Honey, I'm serious. You're feeling all these insecurities because... you're still in a cocoon."

"A cocoon? Really mom, really? What does THAT mean?!"

"Do you know the story of the Butterfly's wings?"

Cheska groaned and got out of the bed, "Oh Mom! Not another story! Please, I had enough with false hopes and fairytales!" she complained, about to head out of the room.

"Oh well, if you don't want to hear it, you'll never know the secret of how to ALWAYS win in the end..."

Cheska stopped in her heels, ""

"Uh-huh... it's almost foolproof honey, and the best part it, only you can do something about it. Not bullies, not cute boys, not even me, sweetie. Just you."

Cheska stopped for a while and then sighed, returning to her mom. "Okay, I'll bite mom. This better be good." she says, crossing her arms.

Rienna ran a hand through her daughter's auburn brown hair and stare at her chocolate brown eyes, thinking to herself "She looks in the mirror everyday and she doesn't find herself perfect?"

"The story is about a man who was persistently waiting for this cocoon to open. He was probably curious to see what a butterfly looks like when it first gets out of the cocoon. Curious to see its beautiful wings to perhaps." Rienna began.

Cheska waited, arms still crossed.

"He waited and waited...and just when he was about to get impatient and leave, the cocoon started shaking... It started moving. He leaned in closer to get a better look. Finally, it opened slightly to reveal the butterfly, struggling to get both its body and its wings out of the concealment."

Rienna sighed for effect, "The man waited for it to finally get out but it was taking a while. The butterfly couldn't get its wings out no matter how much or how hard it struggled."

"So... did he help?" Cheska asked.

Rienna nodded sadly, "Unfortunately, he did."

"Unfortunately? Isn't helping a good thing mom?" Cheska pointed out surely. "I mean.. it would help me a lot if my classamates would step in and help whenever Micaela and her friends bully me."

Rienna tucked a loose strand of her daugher's hair behind her ear, "Honey, the man helped the butterfly by cutting slightly the cocoon's shell so that the opening was big enough for all its wings to get out. Good news, well, the little butterfly fell and was finally free from it's prison."

"What's the bad news?" Cheska asked expectantly.

Rienna smiled at her daughter, hoping that the bad news would really teach her the virtue of hope.


*Writer's Note: Most of you might be familiar with this story, if so, don't comment about it so that those who do not know won't be spoiled.

The Point of views in this Part Two is different from Part One. If you noticed, in Part one, After three pov's of each of the character, the next one starts. But this time, in part two, anyone of the characters could come next depending on the flow of the events.


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