Chapter 11: Hope Again? (Part One)

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I woke up the next morning, and although it seems like any other morning I had ever since I started living in this condo unit, today... well, it seems pretty special. Like... something good's going to happen today. Why do I think so?

Well, for one thing... I smiled as soon as I opened my eyes. Why did I smile?

Well... I had an amazing dream. About what?

[You ask too many questions, but since I'm in a pleasant mood, I'll tell you.]

It was about Harvey. 

The setting was on a JS Prom, which is weird because we were never in the same high school. At first, the dream started out as annoying because everyone was dancing except for me. I see Kelly, the Cheer Leading captain, dancing with the school's famous musician, Todd. My best friend, Thea was dancing with her long-time sweetheart, Bryan. Even the Einstein of the class was dancing with the student body president. Me? Sitting alone in the corner, glaring at the floor in front of me.

But then, I saw black shoes in front of me and then I slowly looked up. It was Harvey, and in the dream, I smiled immediately. The kind of smile a girl does when their big major crush finally takes notice of them. I didn't hesitate to take his hand and then he pulled me to the dancefloor.

And the we danced like every Disney Princess dance... just like Cinderella with Prince Charming, Aurora with Prince Philip, Belle with the Beast...

It seemed so real I wish I never had to wake up.

But even though I did, the smile was still on my face the whole morning, even when I was having breakfast. The man who brought up the meal for room service must've noticed my blissful mood because he looked at me weirdly and asked if I was okay. Usually, I didn't greet him or smile at him, but this morning I did.

I never felt this way before. It was different. A good kind of different. I felt like a little girl again, believing again that dreams can still come true. My head was literally in the clouds right now.

But then, there was still that small little reminder that tried to bring me back down to earth.

Harvey was a student in Professional Acting... I'm a student in Business and Management... We were as different as sun and rain. I can't even imagine what my dad would say about him or if he would even approve of my choice of men.

But still... Harvey was bring back to life that little girl I in me that I missed terribly. He puts up with my cold stares and icy remarks and still talks to me like I was his friend. And more importantly, when I saw him acting and the passion in his eyes, it reminded me of the same passion I had once before.

And maybe... I can still do something to be able to pursue that long forgotten dream.

Maybe it's not too late.

And maybe... just maybe... Harvey's the one who could help me get started... help me start again...

Who could... Help me hope again.

[End of Chapter 11]

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