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"I've found it!" Quirrell heard his boyfriend from above him. Voldemort really did climb up a tree, because he saw a piece of paper up there. It could've been anything, but Voldemort was completely sure that it was the next clue, so he climbed up the tree, quite high actually, to grab that piece of paper.

Bounce. Voldemort landed next to Quirrell, on his feet. "I got it!" He said proudly, then unfolded the piece of paper to read it. He frowned. Quirrell gave him a questioning glance. "It just says return home" Voldemort read out, clearly confused. "Well, I suppose we're gonna do that then" Quirrell said, grabbed his boyfriends hand and started to walk back home.

A few minutes later, they arrived at their house. It had begun to snow in the meantime, and it was also getting dark. Both of them couldn't wait to get inside, and eat dinner. But when Quirrell reached for the key to the front-door in his pocket, he couldn't find it. He looked into his other pocket. No key. He checked every single one of his pockets but in none of them, was the key.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Quirrell ranted. "What's wrong?" his boyfriend asked. "I must've left the key inside, or worse, lost it on our walk!" Voldemort's eyes widened. "There's no chance to find it now! It's already dark and it's snowing!" "But how are we supposed to get inside now?" Quirrell asked. "I mean, we always could break a window..." Voldemort suggested. Quirrell shook his head. "Then we're going to be cold all night" "Well, it's certainly better than staying out here all night" Voldemort said. He had a point.

Quirrell sighed. "Ok, that's our plan B, but let me think first!" He started to nervously walk back and forth on their yard. Voldemort first watched him, but decided to sit down in front of the door, after a few minutes, so he at least had a seat. When Quirrell didn't have an idea after another five minutes, he sat down next to his boyfriend.

Shit. He thought. I planned to have an amazing Christmas with him, it's his first good one after Hogwarts. But it seems like I'm not even able to get this right. He sighed despondent. He felt Voldemort's head, leaning onto his shoulder. At least he doesn't seem to be mad at me. He thought, and leaned his head onto his boyfriend's.

A Wonderful Christmas Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ