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Quirrell looked outside the window. He noticed, smiling, that it was snowing. Voldemort was still in bed, he was awake though. Quirrell was already in the kitchen, he had decided to surprise his boyfriend, so he already prepared everything for making Christmas cookies together. All the ingredients already stood on the pantry. He only had to put on some Christmas music, then he could get to the bedroom to tell Voldemort.

Who suddenly already opened the door. He yawned. "What's happening in here?" he asked. Quirrell smiled. "Well, I thought we could bake some Christmas cookies together, today. I already chose a recipe and got all the ingredients on the pantry over there" he pointed on the ingredients. "Oh,uh, sure" his boyfriend replied. "But can I first go to the bathroom and eat some breakfast?" Quirrell laughed. "Sure"

After both of them were done with breakfast, they started with the Christmas cookies. "I've actually never done these" Voldemort admitted. "That's okay, these are pretty simple to do" Quirrell said. "And I made them already like a hundred times, since they are my favorite Christmas cookies!" It was a lot of fun making those cookies, even when Voldemort decided, that kneading the pastry wasn't his cup of tea. Quirrell released his boyfriend from it and did the rest of the kneading. "Thanks, Squirrel" Voldemort whispered.

But when Quirrell wasn't done with kneading after another five minutes, Voldemort seemed to have decided, it was time for a break. He turned Quirrell around and began to kiss him. Quirrell chuckled. "The pastry isn't going to knead itself, you know?" his boyfriend didn't seem to care about that fact.

But when Quirrell came close to his hair with his hand full of pastry, Voldemort drew back. "Are you nuts? I don't want pastry in my hair!" Quirrell laughed. "Why not? I bet it would look totally awesome!" "Well if you are so sure about that, why don't you get some pastry in your hair?" Voldemort grabbed a small piece of the pastry and chased Quirrell with it through the kitchen. "Stop it! I take it back! I take it back!" Quirrell laughed. "But please don't waist our pastry, I want as many of these cookies as possible!" his boyfriend raised one eyebrow, but then put the piece of pastry back to the rest.

Quirrell continued kneading it. Then, Voldemort suddenly seemed to have an idea. "Uhhh, Squirrel?" he asked carefully. "Yeah?" "Uh...I don't really want to bring up that messed up cinema day, but uh... did you find any kind of clue?" Quirrell was in a too good mood, to ruin it now, so he just nodded. "It's in the pocket of my jacket" he said. "Wait a second, I'll check if that's okay with you" "Yup, do that, but hurry" "Will do"

Several seconds later, Voldemort came back into the kitchen. "What do you think about going sledding tomorrow?" he grinned. Quirrell raised one eyebrow, but then he smiled. "Yeah, we can definitely do that!" But for now, we gotta roll out that pastry so we can get those cookies done!"

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