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It was snowing slowly, as Quirrell and Voldemort left their house to go for a walk around the small lake which was pretty near. Voldemort did mention something about a clue around the lake before, but honestly, Quirrell wasn't really in the mood to be bothered by that right now. He rather enjoyed the walk with his boyfriend.

„Any ideas what we should cook at Christmas?" he asked. „Uhhh.... well I was hoping nothing too difficult, you know I suck at cooking everything that's more difficult than spaghetti" Voldemort said. Quirrell laughed. "Okay, that is hard to deny, you're right. But uh, what do you think of making a pancake soup first, then some baked potatoes and for dessert chocolate mousse?" his boyfriend stared at him. "I talked about something simple and then you just suggest a whole menu?" Quirrell chuckled. "It's Christmas after all! And I'll help you if there are any problems, okay?" Voldemort sighed. "Okay, we'll cook that super complicated menu" "Awesome!"

They just arrived at the lake and Voldemort already gazed at it, searching for something. He pretty quickly found it, there was a piece of paper on the frozen lake. Voldemort made an attempt to walk over there, but Quirrell stopped him. "Are you nuts?! You don't even know how thick the ice is!" "But the clue is there, I have to go and get it!" "What makes you so sure that this is even a clue and not just a random piece of paper?" "I just know it!"

He broke away from Quirrell and carefully stepped on the ice. Quirrell watched worried, how his boyfriend got over to the piece of paper, step by step, very carefully. When he finally got there, he picked it up and headed back to the shore, as carefully as before. But when he was only about three steps away from the shore, the ice cracked. Quirrell could see a crack beneath the foot of his boyfriend.

Without hesitation, he ran over to him and got on the ice. He pulled Voldemort over to the shore, but then lost the balance himself. He heard a loud crack, and then everything was extremely cold.

Voldemort pulled his boyfriend out of the freezing cold water and brought him back to the shore. Quirrell was coughing up water, he dithered. "Are you okay?" Voldemort asked him. The only thing Quirrell said was: "cold. Damn cold" Voldemort first gave his boyfriend his jacket and his hat, then he picked him up and carried him home on his arms. He was quite heavy, but that was probably increased by his wer clothes.

"I'm so incredibly sorry" Voldemort said. "I was careless and now you fell into the lake because of me" Quirrell didn't answer. Voldemort sighed. He could only hope his boyfriend was only too tired or exhausted to answer, and not mad at him.

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