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"How long are you planning on staying in the kitchen, preparing snacks?" Quirrell complained. His boyfriend said he was only going to prepare a little something for the movie, and now he was in the kitchen for ten minutes at least. In the meantime, Quirrell had prepared the couch with a lot of pillows and blankets, and had put in the DVD. And still his boyfriend wasn't there yet.

"Only a second, I'm almost done!" "You said that already five minutes ago" "Okay, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Voldemort entered the living room, both his arms full with a LOT of snacks. Quirrell's eyes widened. "What the hell?! We literally just ate dinner!" Voldemort grinned. "There are never enough snacks for a movie night! Quirrell sighed. "If you have to vomit later, it's not my fault" his boyfriend grinned. "Wanna bet? At the end of the movie, these will be gone!" "Oh no don't you dare!" Quirrell warned. "You're gonna get sick of that and then I have to nurse you"

His boyfriend just kept grinning. "Well, I wouldn't complain about that" he put the tons of snacks on the small glass table and sat down on the couch. Quirrell sighed, but then sat down next to his boyfriend, who immediately pulled him close to cuddle while watching the movie. Quirrell couldn't help but smile. Voldemort could be quite annoying sometimes, but he still loved him more than anything else in the world. He felt his boyfriend's head leaning against his shoulder. He sighed happily and leaned his head against Voldemort's. Then he pressed play.

Voldemort fell asleep right before the end, but Quirrell didn't want to wake him. He carried his boyfriend to bed, drank a glass of water and then got to bed himself. Half asleep, Voldemort put his arms around Quirrell, cuddling up to him. Quirrell sighed happily, as a warm fuzzy tingling ran through his whole body.

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