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As soon as it got dark outside, Voldemort grabbed his jacket and boots, ready to go to the Christmas market. Quirrell followed Voldemort outside and locked the door behind them. He had to smile. His boyfriend was so adorable when he was excited. After ten minutes of walking - Voldemort was talking about the possible clue the whole time - they arrived at their town's Christmas market.

For such a small town it was a huge market. There were incredibly many stalls with various products such as small gifts,decorations, clothing, scented candles... but also lots of food like fries, toffee apples, waffles or roasted almonds. They decided to first walk one round around the whole market and look for hints, but after they finished, they hadn't found anything.

Quirrell sighed. "Of course. I didn't expect it to be easy" Voldemort groaned annoyed. "But where the hell should we start with a detailed search? The market is huge, this could take forever!" Quirrell nodded thoughtful. Then he thought again. What if they weren't even supposed to search for that one clue, whatever it could be? "Maybe..." he said to Voldemort, "Maybe we shouldn't actively search for that clue" Voldemort gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I think we maybe should just enjoy our time here, check out all the stalls, maybe eat something... and perhaps we find our clue then by coincidence instead of long searching" he suggested. Voldemort first hesitated, but then nodded.

And so they just started to walk another round, but this time, they stopped at every stall that seemed interesting. After a while, Quirrell noticed, that Voldemort looked kind of cold. "Is everything okay? Do you need something warm?" he asked. "Well I forgot my scarf at home and it's kinda cold but I'll survive" he smiled slightly. "No, no, no, if you're cold, we definitely gotta buy you a new scarf plus something warm to drink!" determined Quirrell and started to look for a stall with winter clothing immediately.

He spotted one pretty quickly, it sold scarfs and gloves. "Come on, they sell scarfs and gloves over there!" he pulled his boyfriend towards the stall „Which one would you like?" he asked. „Quirrell you really don't have to-" "Come on, of course we'll get you a scarf, I don't want you to get a cold. So which one do you like the most?" Voldemort smiled slightly. "The red one" he answered. They bought the scarf and walked a few steps away, then Quirrell put it around Voldemort.

While doing this, he noticed a small piece of paper, which was hidden in the scarf. Could this-? He grabbed it, unfolded it and began to read it out: "Your home needs some Christmas spirit, how about decorating it? You'll find all the supplies, as well as your next clue here"  Voldemort raised one eyebrow. "So we're supposed to buy decorations?" Quirrell nodded. "It seems like that. But first, we're gonna get something warm to drink! You still look kinda cold"

His boyfriend blushed. "You're too sweet, I don't even deserve you" without a warning, Quirrell pulled Voldemort close and shut his mouth with a kiss. Then he looked in his boyfriend's eyes. "I don't want to hear such nonsense ever again, okay? You are incredibly unique and adorable, the best boyfriend I could ever imagine and to me, the most important and wonderful person in the world. So please, don't say such nonsense" Voldemort seemed very touched. "I-I'm so lucky to have you" he stammered, and before he could tear up, Quirrell softly kissed him again.

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